Happy St. Patrick's Day!
How about a wee stroll down memory lane? Thank you to everyone who messaged me about sharing this blast from the past again this year:) (yes, Maureen...I do read your emails too!) Even though it was originally posted in 2009, not too much has changed (says Dawn in her "I can't believe I have PMS every single year at this same time" happy (think Pharrell singing "Happy") voice. So grab a cup of Irish coffee, Jameson whiskey, Guinness or whatever suits your fancy on this fine St. Patrick's Day and let me share a tale of whimsy with you. (and may the luck of the Irish be with you if you come my way today! Don't say I didn't warn you!)

Oops! What's she doing here again? Wasn't she just here a month ago? UGH! The nerve! We had so much "fun" last time she was here, didn't we? 
Well, since I have a full day of Irish activities planned, I guess I better be gettin' my Irish on....hmm...let's see...maybe I'll go drink some breakfast.
(That's right, Mr. Bailey's Irish Cream Cup...It is delicious!) And while we're at it, a traditional Irish breakfast sounds just lovely! (what?? Chocolate cupcakes with green frosting isn't Irish enough for you??? Did you see the duck at the top of this post???)
Ok! Time to get dressed for the day! (she says, wiping crumbs and frosting from her mouth) What? Not appropriate attire for a mom?
Don't get your shamrocks in a wad...I'll probably really wear my yoga pants with this top....(Kim, I know you want one of these...)
Now that we're dressed, we can freshen up a bit with our mouth spray just for this occasion!
I guess ya'll are lucky it's Irish day and I may have a few quiet moments (unless that mouth spray really kicks in good...)
Time to get the kids and head out for some Irish fun
(Is it hot in here?...cause I'm thinking it's really hot in here...can someone turn on the *$%#! air conditioner?!)
Oh...sorry...hormones got carried away there for a second. Oopsy!! ...what I really mean is this...
A gorgeous British fellow stole my heart, you know...sorry Bono, gotta say good-bye this St. Patty's Day...my heart belongs to my British guy:) (insert bluebirds of happiness, romantic music and fluttering hearts here please)
Time to pack a lunch since we'll be travelin' to Irish dance performances and there's no time to drink eat before we leave!
(Don't worry....Nana's driving...)
Oh! Can't forget my gum! You know me...I stress chew when that stupid duck up there comes to visit...
Here's a little St. Patty's day sentiment from me to you...
And from the bottom of my wee drop of Irish heart, I really mean that! According to my dear Irish friend Pam, a "wee drop is all ya' need!" Here's to you, Pam! Happy St. Pats!
Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!
p.s. No, family members, I have not taken up drinking as a new hobby. (Family members know I don't drink...well, not very often anyway...hee hee hee..) Just having a little fun on St. Patty's Day...cause that dumb duck is about to ruin my next week....which may actually force me into taking up drinking...who the heck knows? Quite frankly, I'm surprised I haven't become a super lush after the week I've had! Love you all!
Have a great St. Patrick's Day!
Every year dh and I try to find a cleaver way to "trick" the kids on St pats day...we've done treasure hunts, maps, switching their comforters, and dressing their stuffed animals...
Well this year we switched the furniture in the family room...but all I kept hearing was..."we keep looking for our prize, it's got to be here somewhere".
Ungrateful twits...ugh...I soooo have failed as a parent...wheres my flask?
Happy St. Pat's! :o)
Happy St. Patricks Day!
Have a drink for me... Baby J and this little momma-to-be will not be gettin our Irish on.
Hope the PMS passes! Happy St Patty's day to ya now.
Happy St. Pat's day, my wonderful itty bit of Irish friend!
Bailey's Ice Cream ... YUMMMY!
LOVE it all! Man I'm off to the store to find that ice cream. Jeez girl!
I really think you struck genius with your combination of ice cream and Guiness for lunch. :)
Engagement Ring(s)will be shipped via a reliable India-owned courrier... or is that CURRYier?-- and save me a jig and some Jameson's...
I hope Cat got over her vomiting and all is well again.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Now I want cupcakes and ice cream!