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Dear So and So...Braid, Birds and BoobTube Edition

Dear So and So...

Dear Katniss Everdeen Diagonal Braid;

Wow!  You've just made my life easier!  Thank you for inspiring my daughter to actually let me brush her hair without a major freak out attack.  My Cat~niss has been wearing French braids, Dutch braids and Fishbone braids for days now all thanks to you.  Cat no longer runs and hides at the sight of a comb and brush.  She actually welcomes them with open arms.  Hopefully, my dear Katniss Braid, you can convince your friend, Irish Dance Curly Wig to do the same.  Maybe you can bring Curly Wig for a play-date soon?  That would be awesome!

Dear St. Patrick's Day Parade Mini Hat;

We did it!  We fooled EVERYONE at the parade! HAHA!  No one ever guessed that you were a glittery black soda can cozy and some sequin scrap!  And, by the luck of the Irish, you stayed firmly on Miss Cat's head throughout the entire parade with winds in excess of 100 mph!  ( maybe a few gusts of 20 mph winds, but it felt like 100 mph...)

I'm so wearing you in next year's parade,

Dear Ginormous Peregrine Falcons That Are Hanging Out In My Tree...

I appreciate your beauty and am in awe of your mighty talons that I know can rip my scalp off (or possibly carry off my daughter to unknown lands)...However, must you hiss at our family every time we pass under the tree?  Is it really necessary to swoop and screech at us every time we walk through our courtyard?  I realize we look like a tasty bunch and you are trying to figure out which delicious morsel you want to rip apart first.  That being said, your bird bullying needs to stop, or I will introduce you to our friends at the Game and Fish Department.  They will gladly remove you from our lovely home. (or you may remember those wacky bobcats that like to hang out on our roof?  They owe us a favor...just sayin....)

Holding Out the Olive Branch,

Dear Pinterest;

I LOVE YOU...enough said.

Dear Once Upon a Time, The River, Dance Moms and Big Bang Theory;

Thank you for bringing me back to the boob-tube. It no longer sits in the family room sad and lonely...begging for attention.  Thanks to you, I actually know what day of the week it is now.  (and how can anyone resist Mr. Gold???)

Nice to see you again, my friendly boob-tube...

Have a wonderful weekend, folks!  

ps...Cat's parade photo was taken by Mike Stirrat.  Thanks, Mike!


Fun post. I heart Pinterest too. Off to check out your photos. :D

Enjoy the weekend!
Jenners said…
OK … those falcons are really really scary! The Katniss braid is awesome .. .but those falcons might use it to lift your daughter up and away!

I heart Big Bang Theory too!
I wish I could braid my hair like that!!
Unknown said…
I LOVE Once Upon A Time!... and I RARELY like television. ;)
The Mrs. said…
OMG I die for pinterest. DIE!
Dear Dawn, I just heard your news from Beverly at the Buzz. I just want you to know I am very, very sorry for your loss. Prayers coming your way.

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