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I Turned Right...

This morning upon leaving my home to run errands, I turned right instead of left....At first I was mad at myself for going the wrong way, but sighed and continued on in the opposite direction of my original destination.  I've been on "overwhelm" lately and just figured my "old age" was kicking in and my internal GPS was off kilter.  Why does it even matter that I made a wrong turn?

If I would have turned left and made it to my destination at that time, I would have been in the parking lot of the Safeway store where Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and many Tucson citizens were shot this morning.  I had planned to go to Safeway to check out their cupcake selection for my daughter's upcoming 8th birthday party. Had I turned left like I'd intended instead of right onto Oracle Road, I would have been there when this tragedy took place.  This Safeway store is less than a mile from my home and one that I often frequent.  

I heard about the shooting when I was on my way back home from other errands.  I was completely in shock.  I'm devastated for the families of the victims, the injured and absolutely sickened that a child's life was taken in this senseless tragedy.

I immediately came in the house and grabbed my son tightly.  He'd tried to get a job at this very Safeway store a few weeks back.  I am so grateful that he didn't get this job.  He would have most likely been in the parking lot gathering carts or at the very least in the store when this occurred. 

I thank God for pointing me in a different direction.  My prayers are with the families involved in this horrible tragedy.


Kristina P. said…
I hadn't heard about the shooting. Very scary.

I had something similar happen to me when there was the Trolley Square shooting in SLC, several years ago. I was going to go and do a mystery shop there that night, but decided to go the next morning. It took me a while to come to grips with how lucky I was.
I am so thankful that you took a wrong turn this morning. God was guiding you, Dawn. I am saddened to hear of a senseless shooting. I will have to check the news to see if I can find out more.


Unknown said…
How scary. I'm glad you turned the other way. My Thoughts go out to the families of the victims in this awful shootings.
Tom said…
That shooting is a horrible tragedy, but I'm glad you were miraculously side tracked. It makes me wonder how many times an inconvenience or change in our routine that we were not planning on may be a blessing in disguise.
aurora said…
I am so glad that you and your family are okay! I am very saddened that some families are mourning their loved ones...
Cyndy Bush said…
This gave me chills. SO glad you took that "wrong" turn.
The shooting is such a tragic loss.
Anonymous said…
Ditto what Tom said! I'm so thankful you turned the wrong way Dawn. Such a tragedy. Hugs to you and we'll keep all of the families in our thoughts and prayers.

Jamie :)
Jess said…
oh my god. thank god you turned the right wrong way. I'm so glad you are ok! love you mama bee.
Ash said…
Holy cow Dawn. Holy cow.

Glad you and yours are safe. My heart breaks for the souls involved.
April Yedinak said…
I was covered in goosebumps when I read this. This kind of thing reminds me to go with the flow more, even when it seems like I screwed up, it might be for the best.
Annie said…
Some would say this was a random chance, but I simply cannot believe that. I think God saved your family from a terrible tragedy. I'm so thankful for you and yours!
Shan G said…
Thanks GOD you made that wrong turn. You and your family have angels watching over you.

I am still in shock over what that psycho did yesterday. And my Mother's heart is shattered over the murder of that 9 year old girl. What the hell did she ever do to anyone?

I hope the psych fries for what he did. I understand that he is obviously mentally ill, but the new reports say that this was all premeditated, Congresswoman Giffords was targeted, in part, because she is Jewish and that POS was a part of some Neo-Nazi, anti-government hate group.

It makes me ill that our First Amendment protects POS subversive idiot groups like that. Maybe they can make an exception for groups like that? I'd love to see the Aryan Nation, the KKK and the like obliterated.
Jenners said…
It is chilling to think what one small thing done differently might have resulted in. I'm thankful you took the wrong turn. I wish everyone involved had take a wrong turn.
Oh my goodness! I too, am so glad you turned right! Such a senseless tragedy, that I am glad you were not a part of (directly).
yonca said…
Holy cow!Glad you all are ok.Happy Monday!
Randi Troxell said…
God really does work in mysterious ways doesn't he...
thank goodness you turned the WRONG way.. and thank God your son didn't get that job too..
i have chills for you...
Amy Sullivan said…
So thankful for your wrong turn. Makes me think about all of the "wrong" steps we take. . .they may not seem so wrong after all.
Eve said…
What a blessing!
Devri said…
Whoa! Thank goodness He guided you a differnt path that day. Blessed and watched over! Glad you are safe, but sorrow for the little one who was lost with along the rest who went to early, or were injured!
WOW! Things do happen for a reason...

What a devastating situation for your community.

I'm thankful for your wrong turn!
Mrs4444 said…
Wow--That is totally freaky. I'm very glad you were not there. Such a sad story...
Mother Mayhem said…
Thank God for "wrong" turns.
Anonymous said…
Greetings from Southern California :-)

I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You, ~Ron
The Mrs. said…
Wow. Life can change in an instant. So glad you went the other way! God is good!

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