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My A-Muse-ing Month of April.....

All righty then!  So, as per usual, I've had to be away from the blogosphere due to circumstances beyond my control.  April has been one crazy month that started off with a bang!  Teen Caveboy and I went to see 30 Seconds to Mars and Muse in concert.  It was FABULOUS!  (If you ever have an opportunity to see these bands...GO! They are amazing!)  I completely embarrassed Teen Caveboy with my stalker-like papparazzi behavior of Jared Leto at the autograph!  I'm only 5'2 so I literally had to hold my camera over my head and just hope for the best...Here's what I got....

Oh, did I forget to mention that Mr. Leto is now sporting a pink mohawk??? 
 I still love ya, Jared...but I will always be partial to this look..those eyes...sigh.....
And may I say that he was super nice to his was impressive!  

We also saw Switchfoot, Five Finger Death Punch (yeah...I know...but they were super nice guys off-stage...) and Silver Sun Pickups.  It was a long day, but we had a great time.  Nothing like music to soothe a weary soul!

So, that's how we started April...mid-month we decided it was time to move to Tucson in order to be closer to Chilly's medical care.  Chilly is in Stage 4 Renal (kidney) Failure (there are only 5 stages...the fifth stage being death...Chilly likes to do things in a very dramatic fashion...He's still getting around and doing his thing, but it's taking it's toll on him.  Prayers are always welcome here:)  

Currently, we live about 45 minutes from the hospital and his doctors.  We've been house hunting, packing, etc.  We found a wonderful house and it's 10 minutes from all of Chilly's doctors and the hospital.  We are moving in June 1.  Nothing like putting your house on the market and then moving 30 days later to add some zest to your life!

Now I must be off to do some personal grooming....My son called me Wolverine the other day to which Chilly replied, "do you call her that because she has a uni-brow?"  WHAT?!  After Connor finished his fit of hysterical laughter, he explained that my nails were toooo long and I was inflicting injury upon the family.  So now, apparently I must go wax the brows and trim the nails or my kids are going to send me off to hang with Jacob in Forks.  Personally, I'd prefer Wolverine to come whisk me away...

Have a fabulous weekend!



Ashley said…
Sigh. My prayers are definitely with you and for your children. You are amazing and strong!
Tracy said…
I am with you on the Jared Leto lovin... His 'My So-called Life' days will always be near and dear to my heart!

Prayers and mushy feelings coming your way. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

Miss you!
Michelle-y said…
I'm always thinking of you guys and sending prayers your way!

I love Muse and would've loved that show. Glad to hear you guys can bond over music...too cute.

Keep your spirits up and laugher in your heart.

Anonymous said…
Definitely praying for your family!!

I hope your transition goes smoothly!!
Kristina P. said…
Always sending prayers your way.

And you are one cool mom!
Unknown said…
LOVE Jared Leto and 30 Seconds to Mars (have since his days on My So Called Life) and I am SO jealous that you were that close to him...OMG he's such a sexy thing.

Glad to hear that you found a house closer to the hospital and as always you and your family are in my prayers!
magpie said…
awesome live show!! i'm jealous :)

hugs to you and your family. big hugs.
Liz Mays said…
I'm praying for you! Good luck with the move!
So glad to hear from you!

I've been a Jared Leto fan since that show My So Called Life. Mmmm... He's Yummmy!

Tons and tons of prayers being sent your way.

Not sure how I'd react if my family refered to me as Wolverine... No matter WHAT the reason! LOL!!

Enjoy your weekend!! ♥♥
Swoon! Love Jared Leto!! I was a huge fan of My So Called Life. I LOVE going to concerts and that one sounds like it would have been awesome!

Good luck with the move.

Prayers and thoughts are with you. Hugs, melanie
Kelly said…
I have been thinking about you! Glad to see you still have your smile on. Good luck with the move.
Randi Troxell said…
Mmmm.. yea i would like me some wolverine too... you know, the hugh jackman kind.. lol

thinking of you always

have a good wkend!!!!
triles said…
Hey Dawn,

Sounds like it was a great show-I've heard good things about Silver Sun Pickups. I love Muse, bummed I missd it.
Dapoppins said…
They were nice? NICE? are you telling me you got to meet all these people (that I have never heard of, actually,) as in, Back Stage Passes?
Anonymous said…
SUPER big hugs my glad to see an update from you.

Good luck on the house move, and Chilly xoxoxo....

Wolverine...I'm in tears laughing (with you of course)!

I think I might have a new obsession are so right about those eyes...
Polka Dot Moon said…
Prayers always (and you can send me to Forks to be with Jacob ;) only 58 days til Eclipse!!!)
Unknown said…
Good luck with your move, 10 minutes is so much better!
Prayers always coming Chilly's way and to you and the kids too!
Unknown said…
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers...My uncle lives in Sierra Vista just outside of Tucson...beautiful place....unfortunate circumstances...I did giggle at the whole wolverine bit...I feel your pain...
Jenners said…
Wow on that mohawk. And I hope your son realizes that you are the coolest mom EVER!

With all you got going on, I can't imagine the stress of moving too. But I'm sure it will help make things less stressful in the long run.

As always, prayers for you and your family.
kado! said…
Good luck with your move, moving always sucks but I hope it is as easy as it can be. That will be nice to be closer to all the Dr. visits you have to travel to.

always thinking about you!
Mike said…
I am praying for your family! You really have an amazing spirit!
aurora said…
Sending hugs and love your way! I hope that all goes well with your move.

(I am so glad to find you again--my bloglines account froze me out...)

You are remarkable! Seriously, I'm giving you the Mother, Wife, Person of the year award! My prayers are going out daily for you and your family.
LadyStyx said…
Be thankful it was just a unibrow and long nails.... coulda been a super furry chest...
Eve said…
Oh dear... moving and growing too wolverine-ish - what a month! Hang in there and good luck with the move/house sale!! :)
The Blonde Duck said…
Hope everything is going well!
Mrs4444 said…
OMG-That's so funny! (the eyebrow thing) That had to hurt just a little. Mr.4444 said to me yesterday, "So, you shaved, huh?" (referring to my mustache) Seriously? When I start looking like Sonny, you gotta let me know!
Mrs4444 said…
Jeez. Sorry. I got distracted and forgot to reference Chilly's situation. I'm glad you're moving closer to his doctors. I'm keeping you in my prayers...
I will add you and your family to my prayer list right away! I am visiting via Mrs.4444's contest and I hope when you have a chance (You sound very busy and have a lot going on)I hope you will stop by and say hi! We are the same age!
LORI said…
The Mrs. said…
Good luck with the move! I want an update! xo

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