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Limbo and Leprechauns

I've really been a blogging slacker lately....It seems that my days just fly by so quickly with running Chilly all over the place, home~schooling the kiddos, and now it appears that Chilly has probably suffered a couple of mini~strokes. I've received tons of emails inquiring about my bloggy absence and Chilly's health. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind concern.  I'm overwhelmed by your kind thoughts and prayers!  Here's a quick update on the Chillmeister....

Even though he realizes he has suffered some form of stroke (or most probable...multiple mini~strokes) Chilly is being stubborn and refusing medical treatment.  He feels it won't stop the inevitable and may even make things worse. It is enormously frustrating.  It just feels like we are always in limbo...waiting for something to improve or decline.  In addition to all of this, my son's friend lost his mother to cancer last weekend. We attended her funeral this past week. Overall, it's been a difficult time for all of us.

Valentine's Day was difficult.  We tried to enjoy the day, but in the back of our minds we knew it was probably our last together.  He has lost consciousness on 3 occasions in the last week.  He is definitely dealing with new neurological impairments over the last couple of weeks. His speech is seemingly more affected, his voice is becoming very raspy (this is actually stroke related)....his mobility has taken a turn for the worse.  I cannot imagine what he must be feeling....his kidneys are so damaged...his eyesight is worsening...he's dealing with congestive heart failure...and now more stroke issues...His legs are so thin that I can't figure out how they continue to hold him upright. Every morning I wake up, I reach over to check his breathing.  So good....I have a newfound respect for caregivers, especially since becoming Chilly's caregiver.  It's an enormous job physically, mentally and emotionally.  This is diabetes at it's worst...I pray for a cure for this wretched disease every single day.

Enough with the pity party....Let's move on to brighter chit~chat....

St. Patrick's Day is around the corner!  That means lots of Irish dance performances and parades around here!  Last Tuesday, Irish Dancer Girl had a class with Michael Patrick Gallagher.  (world renowned Riverdance lead!)

It was an amazing experience for her!  He is simply the world's best Irish dancer, and our school is lucky to have him!  I'll try for some video when he returns in a few weeks!

I asked her today if she would like to have a Leprechaun Luncheon to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  She rolled her eyes and said, "Mom, don't you know that leprechauns are "burnin" legends?"  (I think she meant "urban" legends...hee hee hee...)  Now, I'm on a mission to make her believe in leprechauns!  

Thanks for your patience with me...I promise to be visiting your blogs over the next week.  I've just been in a vulnerable place lately as well as never seeming to have 5 free minutes to sit down! I miss every single one of you!



Beth said…
I've been thinking about you guys!

How cool that your daughter met the Riverdance dude. :)
Magdalena said…
Dawn, please just know we are all thinking of you and your sweet Chilly. My mom cares for my dad who had a stroke 10 years ago and it is a lot of work. Plus she doesn't have children to care for like you do.
God Bless all of you.
PS, wow that is exciting about Michael Partick Gallagher.
Liz Mays said…
Love you, Dawn! You're always in my thoughts and prayers and your strength is amazing! (((hugs)))
Anonymous said…
I can't imagine what you're going through or how you're feeling! I feel so badly for you and your family and wish that I could take it all away!!!!

Caitlin said…
"Burnin' legends" is probably the cutest thing I've ever heard!! I love that little girl!

Rest assured that I pray for your and your kids' comfort and Chilly's health whenever you happen to cross my mind. I'm so sorry things are going the way they are. I can't imagine having to check my husband's breathing in the are so strong, Dawn. Keep your chin up. We all love you so much!

Anonymous said…
You are in my thoughts and definately in my prayers.
Unknown said…
You'd be surprised how often you've crossed my mind over the past few weeks. I didn't comment because I didn't want to bother you. Guess it never occurred to me that you might find comfort in knowing others care and were thinking of and praying for you and your family. You are a strong woman and and inspiration (whether you want to be or not--cue Charles Barkley). Just remember you have lots of cyber friends who love and support you always.
Randi Troxell said…
that "burnin" cracked me up!

i continue to remember each and every one of you guys in my thoughts and prayers.. i could NOT imagine what you are going through.. but, i am thinking of you...
Tracy said…
huge hugs mamma bee!
lots and lots of love sent your way. i'm praying for you guys.
Cajoh said…
The strain on you must be overwhelming at times. Just know that there are a lot of people who are with you in their thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you the best of skill in going through this time.
Kristina P. said…
Dawn, I too have been thinking of you. You hang in there!
Annie said…
I know you've got your plate pretty darn full, but I have to ask, are you taking a little bit o' time for yourself? You need it. For your emotional and physical well being. Just do it girl!

If I were there, I'd stay at the house and let you get a cup of coffee or whatever. Or, I'd steal you away and make you relax (not exactly sure how....) Anyway, you get the point.

Thanks for the update and my prayers are with you all.
Mammatalk said…
Lots of warm thoughts to you.
~j said…
limboland sucks...

praying for your family...hang in there!
We are here for you...waiting Dawn, when you need us ;) I am still praying for Chili and your family too. Big hugs!

Jamie :)
Anonymous said…
I want you to know...I think of you often. I am sorry that I havn't been here to show you support...but you are in my heart.
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
hi sweetie!! i've been wondering how things have been going. i'm glad you all were able to spend time together on ♥ day. i wanted to tell you how much i admire your bravery and strength. i lost my dad in dec. of this past year and it has been hard to be strong at times:( sending you a great big hug!!

noelle ♥
The Blonde Duck said…
Poor Dawn. I hope things get better for you soon.
Kelly said…
Good luck with all you are going through. My heart goes out to you. I hope Chilly will reconsider treatment. Is he depressed? Who wouldn't be right? Maybe treating that would help him see the light about seeking medical treatment for the rest. Just a thought.

aurora said…
I think of you and your sweet family all of the time. Thank you for the update. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ♥
Jules AF said…
TIAs? Is that what's going on?
Jenners said…
I don't think you should ever feel like you have to apologize for not blogging or visiting blogs or what not. You need to focus on what is most important ... your family. I wish I could do something for you to make everything better. I really do. Limbo can almost be as bad as something happening either bad or good. Thinking of you. Hugs.
Eve said…
Burning legends? Hee-hee!
I just don't have the right words regarding Chilly - I can't begin to imagine what you're going through, but hang in there! Our prayers are with you and your family!
LORI said…
Mrs4444 said…
Here's to strength, peace, and love for you, my friend. Wish I could bring you a casserole or something.

Finally burned that CD for you. Can't find you address, though. Will you please email it to me again? Thanks. mrs4444 a t
Mrs4444 said…
Here's to strength, peace, and love for you, my friend. Wish I could bring you a casserole or something.

Finally burned that CD for you. Can't find you address, though. Will you please email it to me again? Thanks. mrs4444 a t
Donnetta said…
No apologies needed! Take care of Chilly and your family. Know we are thinking of you.
Haven't been over in a while and I am sorry about that. I am always thinking of you, though.

I have been a bad blogger lately, but know you are and your husband are always in my thoughts. We sure do miss you around here, but there are more important things. We love you and I am always here via email to chat.
LadyStyx said…
You take care of you and yours. Just always know we will be here with you in our thoughts...
Kristen Andrews said…
so sorry, thoughts and prayers coming your ways@
I can't imagine what you are going through!!

Leprechaun Luncheon...that sounds like fun! :)
kado! said…
Yeah for St. Patty's Day! Love me some green decos!

hope you guys are enjoying each other!!
Shan G said…
I'm so sorry, Dawn. I can't tell you it will get better, just to make the absolute most of what time you have left.

You and your family are in my prayers.

HUGS, hunny.
Mrs4444 said…
Thinking of you....

and still needing you to send me your address again...
joeandbridge said…
Hi there! I just popped in to follow your blog. I'd love it if you could come follow mine! Thanks and have a great day!

Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins

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