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Smith Family Festival of Trees!

We've been busy bees with our holiday preparations here at the Smith household!  We have 7 trees...yep, it's the "Festival of Trees" at our house!  (This drives Chilly absolutely bonkers!)  I'm sure Santa will be completely confused when he arrives!  He'll probably try to find a liquor cabinet from the stress of it all! (sorry liquor cabinet here!)

Here is the Smith Family Festival of Trees rundown...

The FAMILY TREE ~ covered in heirloom ornaments, family photos, hand~crafted ornies from the kiddos and crocheted snowflakes from my grandma, Gigi....

(taken while we were still in the process of decorating it...)

Irish Dancer Girl's Tree ~ a six foot white tree filled with fairy finery, fashionistas, princesses and pretty things...

Teen Caveboy's Tree ~ covered in his favorite cartoon characters and Nightmare Before Christmas pals with a big Jack Skellington sitting at the top...(I was forbidden to photograph it by TC...ugh...teenagers...)

S'mores Tree ~ we have a tree devoted entirely to S'mores...I have no idea why I let my kids drag me down this marshmallow road...(our S'mores kept getting washed out by my flash...these are imposters posing as our s'mores...)

The Kitchen Tree ~ filled with cookies and candies...


(apparently, zombies love this tree...they keep showing up here in groups...I know that dreadful moaning I heard coming from the kitchen must have been zombie caroling...they left this behind...)

Petite Pink Princess Tree with Tiara Topper ~ in Irish Dancer Girl's room....

Black Tree ~ in Teen Caveboy's bunker....covered in Coca Cola ornaments, red lights, and black & red plaid ribbon...I love this tree!

I even have a teeny tiny Charlie Brown tree on my desk...

So, there you have it!  We are tree decorating fools around here!  My goal is to find a vintage aluminum tree for next year!

And speaking of zombies...

Zombie, I tried to warn you...I'm sure being skewered by a unicorn and surrounded by jeering princesses is your idea of a fabulous time...(scroll down to the post below if you're confused...)

Wishing you all a very happy Tuesday!  


ps...for those who've inquired about Chilly...We received some difficult news this past Friday...Chilly's kidneys appear to be failing rapidly.  This is putting more stress on his already very damaged heart.  They are watching him very closely for another stroke as well.  His eyesight is starting to deteriorate again due to the extensive vascular damage in his body.  We are just grateful that he is home with us and that we can be together this Christmas. 

Your very kind words and prayers are deeply appreciated.  It really does make a difference in our lives knowing so many people send their love.  We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


LORI said…
I love the whole multiple tree thing! We only have two, the main one and a small one, but I'm seriously thinking of doing at least 2 full sized trees next year!
Watch out world...heh!
Our prayers are with Chilly!

Seven trees?? Now don't I feel stupid as I got a headache from watching my one tree get decorated. Next year on, we are going with "The Nightmare Before Christmas" theme decor. Halloween is our favorite holiday so we thought we should combine the spirit of both to get in the mood of things. I love your Irish dancer white tree.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Mike said…
While it is a lot of work to have that many trees, I am happy that you are able to celebrate like that, and I am happy that your husband is there with you. I am not a religious man, and I have not prayed since I was 6 years old, but I will say a prayer for you and your family this Christmas. Merry Christmas.
Anonymous said…
I got goosebumps when reading Chilly's condition. I hate to hear that his condition is getting worse but I'm so very thankful that he's home and that ya'll get to enjoy this Christmas with him. I wish I was there to give each of you a hug!! I've got tears in my eyes because I know how hard it is to witness someone you love get ready to leave this world and make the journey to Heaven. I'll be praying for yall - enjoy every minute!
Brian Miller said…
what a wonderful parade of wife was a ballet dancer for 18 years so dancers tree was cool...

sorry about chilly...prayers your way. i am glad you can be together at christmas...
Polka Dot Moon said…
How fun are you with your Festival of Trees! Love them all :)
Enjoy this time with your family! You all are in my prayers.
Peace & Love to you this Christmas.
Alyssa said…
You guys are definitely on top of things with the decorating! It' a project to find the motivation in this house to decorate ONE tree...we are lazy!

I'm so sorry to hear that Chilly is not doing well. I just don't understand why these things happen to such wonderful families. I'll be thinking about you all and hope that you have to best Christmas ever.
Caitlin said…
Your trees put my little baby tree to shame! I still love her, though! I'm loving the idea of trees for the kids to call their own for their own personalities! I might steal it in about 20 years when it will be relevant to my family (HA!).

Lots of prayers for your continued strength and Chilly's health. Love you bunches and bunches.

Kelly said…
My love to you all at this time of year! Love your decorations.... You are great.
Unknown said…
I LOVE the idea of 7 trees! That is one of the biggest reasons I want to move soon into a bigger house (I use the excuse that we have all of these kids and they need their space)!

I wish you all the most magical Christmas ever and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers!
Kristina P. said…
Dawn, I have been thinking of you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Merry Christmas!
Tracy said…
Big big hugs coming your way! I'm so sorry that this is happening to Chilly and your family. I'm so glad that he's home to enjoy Christmas with your children and that they can enjoy it with him. May God bless you and your family!!!

Merry Christmas Mamma Bee!!

By the way, your 7 trees puts my half arsed 1 tree to shame! ha!
Randi Troxell said…
oh i LOOOVE em' all....

i hope you and yours has a wonderful Christmas... i'm still thinking and praying for you guys....
Jenners said…
I love your festival of trees ... though I so want to see the forbidden black tree -- it sounds so cool.

I'm thinking of you guys ... I'm glad that Chilly gets to be home with you guys for Christmas. I'm praying for you all. Hugs.
kado! said…
ha! that is why I've always been a little scared of unicorns!

Love all the trees...I can't pick my favorite...they are all so pretty! Thinkin' I need a daughter I can get away with one of those beautiful white trees with girly deco's!!

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas!
Dapoppins said…
I hope that zombie thing isn't catching. Yesterday I had to protect baby Jesus from some marauding Lego men!

Your trees are gorgeous!

You are fabulous!

May joy and peace be your reward!
Santa Claus said…
Merry Christmas!! From me and my buddy Otin

If there was only some magic that I could do......
I wish I could come hang out with you..cook, (a little cleaning)and sip hot chocolate by one of the trees. :D

I am so very sorry for the bad news. It is wonderful that he is home with you...enjoy every minute together. Many prayers for you and your family.
You have a forest over there.

Give Chilly a hug for me.
The Blonde Duck said…
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I'm so sorry to hear about Chilly's health.
Fabulous trees!!

Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas.

I am very sorry to hear about Chilly's health.
Love all your trees! I'm sure you house looks festive. I'm a little late to wish you a Merry Christmas, but can say Happy New Year!
Unknown said…
Your trees sound just wonderful! I always wanted to do the Smores thing, but I don't dare get started.... And your blog looks great too! I hope you all had a good Christmas. We do think about you all the time, and say many prayers for you.
Take care sweet Mama Bee!!
Beth said…
The trees look and sound fantastic!

I've been thinking and praying for you and Chilly. And I'll keep doing so.
The Mrs. said…
Cannot believe you have seven trees. You are my hero! We had three, next year 5! I am on my way! LOL. I have been thinking and praying for Chilly. Please tell him that he is my hero. I'd put him right at the top of my tree if I could. You hang in there Chilly!
Eve said…
Oh my goodness gracious... that's a LOT of trees! It looks like some crazy Christmas fun at your house! :)
Mrs4444 said…
I can't stand putting the lights on ONE tree, so better you than me, but they all sound wonderful :)

I'm sorry for the bad news about Chilly. I'm praying for all of you....
LadyStyx said… I don't feel so bad not decorating because you did more than enough for the both of us!!
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
i'm a bit late but i hope you had a wonderful christmas!! i love all the trees you have showed in your home ♥

keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers... hugs♥
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Oh Chilly my thoughts and prayers are with you always and to you also Dawn. Much love always coming your way and my email and phone are always here if you need it!

I love all the trees you're just amazing my dear! I almosted died the boys call my grandma GiGi :). I knew we were soul sisters. Love ya

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