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Dear So and So...Right Down Santa Claus Lane

Dear So and So...

Happy Monday!

I will be bending the rules a bit and post my Friday's "Dear So and So" post today!  "Dear So and So" is brought to you by the lovely Kat over at 3 Bedroom Bungalow!

Let us begin...

Dear Zombie Who Showed Up at Cat's Gingerbread Cottage Last Night....

I can appreciate that you are "undead" and may still enjoy some holiday cheer. However, you may find that a six year old girl, who's gingerbread cottage has been defiled by the likes of you, can be a very dangerous enemy. It's probably best to drag your half eaten limbs and exposed brain off to the mall or some other favorite zombie haunt.  Seriously, you don't want to mess with Irish Dancer Girl.  She has moves that can put even the most fearsome zombie to shame. Last year, we had a monster with weird shoes show up and this is what happened....

That's right...a monster homicide…Irish Dancer Girl was busted in the back yard with a shovel and a fresh pile of dirt…you better watch out, Zombie….

Wishing You "Season's Eatings",

p.s. Zombie, don't think I don't know who you are working for...this has Teen Caveboy's prints all over it...Your hint for L4D2 is noted, Teen Caveboy.

Dear Cheeseballs, Chex Party Mix and Other Assorted Christmas Yummies,

I will miss you terribly this year since my mom will be in Ohio for the holidays and will not be slaving away in the kitchen to make you for my eating pleasure. Oh, I know...she gave me that fantastic binder with all of your delectable recipes in it so that I can make them myself....but it just isn't the same without my Mommy's love.

Hoping that Mom Reads This and Feels Horribly Guilty,

Dear Friends and Family in Blogland...

Your loving support, emails and awesome comments have really kept my family's spirits up.  I am so blessed to have you all in my life (cyber or otherwise!)  I promise to be visiting you all more often now that things are slowing down. You have truly changed my world, and I am forever grateful! 

With Much Love and Gratitude,


Kristina P. said…
Wow, that zombie messed with the wrong girl!
Liz Mays said…
The zombie's shoes really are weird!

Plus, Teen Cave Boy has a terrific sense of humor!
I love this post! I miss your charm and wit. Hope all is well!!!
Mike said…
Ahh, Zombies and Christmas time! lol

Check out this site, your daughter may be interested!
Brian Miller said…
ha, i totally love the zombie least he did not eat any right? lol.
Unknown said…
Dawn! Always nice when you pop in! So glad the comments and emails help! The zombie is just too funny, I can see my kids doing that in a few years!
Thanks for visiting me too!
Anonymous said…
I love your Dear so and so..,.

zombie in the gingerbread

We love you too...always!!
Eve said…
Haha... that zombie has some guts, appearing there at a freshly created Christmas house. Either that or he's really got his holidays confused! ;)

I feel the same way about krumkake - even though I make it myself each year now, it's just not the same as when my mom would spend that 'very rare' time in the kitchen, preparing it for all of us!
The first letter made me laugh out loud..literally!

I hope you have a GREAT week!
LadyStyx said…
Bad zombie. Bad bad bad Zombie! No brains in your stocking this year!
Irish Dancer Girl kicking a Zombie butt and the chalk outline, that is TOO dang funny. I can picture it too.
That's the way you guilt mom ;)
I'd guilt my mom to spend the holidays with us but she doesn't cook and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to be with us either, but that's a different story ; P
I keep hearing that "Love Actually" is a great holiday movie even though technically it's not meant to be one. Think i will rent it this weekend now.

Tracy said…
I've missed your posts! And yoU! So glad you'll be around... big hugs to the family!!

The Blonde Duck said…
LOL! A Zombie Christmas!
Unknown said…
we adore you as well!
wow a zombie on gingerbread lane
Mrs4444 said…
"changed my world" Wow, is that cool. I'm glad for you, Dawn. Isn't the blogiverse wonderful?
Randi Troxell said…
i really loved the zombie letter.. and i so hope that things have calmed down at least a tiny bit at your house.. thinking of all of ya'll!!!
Jenners said…
I am loving that zombie!! He seems filled with holiday spirit ... or brains!
The Mrs. said…
I just love you to pieces and love to read your blog! xo
It's just not the same if Mommy isn't making it.
Anonymous said…
Lol. Love the zombie!!!
I love love love this post!!

I'd like it if a zombie paid our gingerbread house a visit.

Uh, because that would mean that we actually DID HAVE one.

We don't
So no zombie will ever visit.

Bad mommma....
I remember when that backyard incident happened. Love you, Dawn!!
Oh Dawn you are so witty and funny, you always put a smile on my face. I think you are one of the most fascinating people!! I hope you can get that cheeseball and chex mix , I always crave those items on Christmas. They just remind me so much of my Grandma's homes when I was growing up and I still need them today in my mid 40's or it just doesn't seem like Christmas.
Take Care
eyeglasses said…
What a great Zombie (and ginger bread house!)... remind me not to mess with that little one (joking!)

Great post!
Kristen Andrews said…
the snowman cheeseball is too cute! Think of you guys often, btw Will now has around ugly dolls and is getting more for xmas
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mammatalk said…
Bad zombie. Send him right over. I'll give him the ol' one-two!

Ok, maybe don't send over...
HI Dawn, I know I already commented on this post but I just want to say I love your new header and looks great.
have a nice day
Dapoppins said…
Hey, hey sweetie...I am going to look for that post you wrote about your daughter sitting on Santas lap, and maybe swipe it...or just link it, or both...kay?

love and peace to you and yours! God Bless~
Dear Dawn, I just read this sweet lady's post. And came over to wish you well. You sound like a very strong lady. But it must become tiring, to remain so strong.

Wishing I could surround you with gentle hugs......

Aunt Amelia

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