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Musings on Monday...Begging & Pleading Edition

Greetings, my friends! It's a happy day here at the Bee and Rose! I have been blessed by Kristen over at La Dolce Vita as a Featured Reader this week!

La Dolce Vita

Many of you are familiar with Kristen, her blog and her FABULOUS Etsy shop! She is the amazing creator and designer of the most amazing hand-stamped jewelry! I'm always skulking around over there drooling all over the goodies....cyber worries!

Here are a few of my favorite pieces....

I went crazy silly when I saw her "I love you more" necklace! My kids and I have a sweet ritual where we say this to each other all day long. And the "Good Witch" necklace is absolutely perfect to wear to all of my Black Crow Boutique events! I purchased one of her "dog tags" for my son who wears it all the time! Very cool!

Because Kristen is a very generous soul, she is giving me an opportunity to win one of her amazing necklaces! Every time one of you, my sweet bloggy friends, visits the Featured Reader post (about me) on her blog and leaves a comment, I get a vote! Woo Hoo!

(ON MY KNEES....BEGGING...PLEADING....for realz....)

You can vote for me (by commenting on that post at her blog) once a day for up to 7 days from the time the interview is posted! I need a minimum of 10 votes over a weeks time to be included in the contest. (Even one teensy vote is perfect!)

I would LOVE to win anything from Kristen! (This is the part where I start begging and pleading with even greater desperation...I'm not proud....I can beg with the best of them!)

So what can I do to bribe ya'll out of some votes? You want some eye candy??? Maid service? A professional chef for a month? How about some porn?

(I've seen this over here before, but what can I tell ya? I love it when hot guys clean house!)

I really appreciate it!! If you haven't already become acquainted with Kristen, I hope you'll head on over! Her blog is fantastic! (and you might find a little treasure or two for yourself too!)

Wishing you the happiest of Mondays!


ps...As many of you know, Blogger kidnapped me and removed me from all of the blogs I followed recently. If I followed your blog, I still do...a blogger fail (some dumb code issue) won't all me to re-join via Friend Connect.) I still can comment and hope to be back to regular commenting this week. We are preparing for an Irish dance competition and I haven't much blogging time. I hope to resume normal commenting after today! Thank you all for understanding!


Unknown said…
I'm going over to vote for you now...and I hope bloggetr get's it's act together....
Ter said…
wellllll I dunnoooooo...

oh alright, you twisted my arm.... I'll go vote for you. :)
Kristina P. said…
I'll do it! And my husband and I say "I love you more" as well. Awwwwww.
Liz Mays said…
The I love you more is one of my very favorites! I will happily comment for you! Good luck!
Shannon said…
I've been a fan of Kristen's work for about a year now... she does fabulous work! I have several of her pieces and love every one. And Kristen herself is pretty darn fabulous, too!

On my way now to leave you some comment love on her blog...
The Blonde Duck said…
I love Kristen's stuff. Isn't she a doll?
Bobby G said…
I think the I LOVE YOU MORE necklace would be better if it was I LOVE YOU WHORE! Thatd be funny!
Tim Atkinson said…
Hmmm, I don't look bad when I'm doing the dusting, do I?
LadyStyx said…
Went and left a vote as requested. Good luck!
Mother Mayhem said…
You listen to Buble? TeeHee. Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Hope you win!
Anonymous said…
I love her jewelry and that book looks de-lish ;-) Congrats on featured reader to vote!

Jamie :)
theUngourmet said…
Those are all so stinkin' cute! I'll go and vote for you right now! :0)
Congrats on being featured! Those necklaces are so wonderful. My mom and step-dad have been saying "I love you more" to each other for over 11 years now, and seeing that instantly reminded me of them and their wonderful relationship.

Thank you deeply for your caring comment, honey. I hope you're having an excellent week.

♥ Jessica
LORI said…
Caitlin said…
I did it, I did it! I hope you win! You definitely deserve it!!!
Magdalena said…
thanks for stopping by the paris house ( I just adore Danielle!!) you have a great fun and upbeat blog!!! love the pic, my husband is a great vacumer, even better than me :)

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