I am looking for a Fairy Blogmother. Do you know where I might find one? As a newbie blogger (just a couple of months old), I find myself at a loss at times for technical support, bloggy etiquette and the like. I'm thinking a Fairy Blogmother can fly to my rescue, wave her mouse around and help a sister out! I even installed a special door for her near my laptop!
Fairy Blogmother, a lovely welcome reception area would be much appreciated. What about a lovely blog of your own with a few gentle tips on how to go about your journey through the land of Blog? You could share advice on how to interact with the natives, how to speak the language, etc. You could advise on the finer points of leaving a calling card (aka comment). Maybe you could share decorating ideas too! How about some blog improvement classes like "How to Grow into a 3 Column Blog" or "Create Your Own Header"?
Blog Etiquette classes would be most welcome too! When I was a newcomer to the land of Blog, I didn't know what "lurk" or "comment" meant. I was asked (and not so nicely, I might add,) by an "anonymous" blogger via email to stop visiting blogs if I was only going to lurk and not comment! Whoa nellie! It's not like I'm Joe Window Peeper! I had no idea what "lurk" or "comment" even meant! I just blundered along and "faked it till I made it" kinda thing! Oh, Fairy Blogmother, if only I could've known you back then...sigh...
To lurk or not to lurk, that is the question...
Here's my take on lurking, Fairy Blogmother...I am doing good to get a blog post up most days. I LOVE reading my fellow bloggers. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into creating a post. Sometimes, I just have a few spare moments to breeze around Blogland and flit in for a visit. Sometimes I can sprinkle comments all around. Sometimes my wee ones cry from the distance for my assistance and I have to return to my homeland without sprinkling a single comment. Darn it! There are amazing writers here in Blogland! If I had time to comment on every blog I read, I certainly would do so! I do know that for approx. every 10 comments a blogger receives, that blogger has received approx. 60-80 lurkers. (Stats from blogger...) If comments are showered upon me by visitors, I jump up and down while clapping my hands excitedly! I do love comments! I love lurkers just as much! If you are just strolling by and want to peep in the window, fine by me! So whether you're lurking or commenting, I am just happy that you're here!
Another murky area is blog following. It was recently brought to my attention that blogger only allows you to follow up to 200 blogs. Yikes! I'm almost there now! I have so many blogs I want to follow, but I don't want to lose my old pals either! I recently learned about the Google Reader. I am giving that a whirl now. I still want my bloggy buddies to know that I want to add myself as their follower, but I'm running out of room! Fairy Blogmother, you need to work your magic on blogger to change that stinky rule!
As kindly mentioned above, blog improvement classes would be so appreciated, Fairy Blogmother! "How to Create a 3 Column Blog" would be the first class I would attend! (Just a hint.. I'm a copy and paste kind of gal, so any code that I can copy and paste is right up my alley!) I know how to change the background. (Thanks Cutest Blog on the Block for that handy tip!) Also, I enjoy having a new look on occasion and can't always afford to have it designed for me. (plus I'm not patient...some of these designers have long wait times...rightfully so, their work is fabulous!) I have some digital scrapbooking skills and know some HTML code. I don't mind doing my own thing, Fairy Blogmother. I just want to go to a 3 column without spending 3 months trying to sort out how to do it! Again, copy and paste code...it's a beautiful thing.
A database of blog designers, "shops" for free blog decor, etc. would be so very helpful too! Think of the time bloggers would save if everything were in one space! Maybe you could have guests share their tips on how to decorate your little piece of blog heaven!
And while I have your attention, Fairy Blogmother...how do I make my own header? I can't seem to make the right size to fit! I know I can purchase headers, etc. Been there, done that. I would like to customize my own. Help me, Fairy Blogmother! Again, FB, I really love the copy and paste stuff!
So, are you out there, Fairy Blogmother? I am anxiously awaiting your call..blog...thump on the head...
Looking forward to a long and happy friendship, Fairy Blogmother!
p.s. I would like to give a shout out to Blog Stalkers Unite for the wonderful job it's doing spreading the love around the land of Blog! I felt warmly welcomed there! I am happy to be a part of the BSU community!
p.s.s. A course in Award etiquette would be welcome too! That can be very confusing for newbies!
I love my Reader so much. Except that for some reason, it's not updating blogs for weeks! It told me that a blog had 10 new posts, and when I went to look, she has been blogging this whole time.
As for layouts and such...I can be of some assistance.....just email me.
In the mean time:
-will instruct on how to turn your blog into a 3 column, or install cute backgrounds...etc
-has some pre-made 3 column templates that you copy and paste into your html.....
Html is a little intimidating..but very do-able!
I would be more than happy to help you! Just send me an email.
And I second the notion on google reader!
Did you read my post about Mandy who made my blog header, she does her services for a donation to the MS society.
Good luck!
ps. that 200 limit is ridiculous.
I scratched something once...
Oh...wait. That's not what you meant...
I've done some work for a couple of my blogger friends, and I have boatloads of free time.
E-mail me if you'd like.
I am working on my own professional blog, but it will have other things other than blogging how-to's in it. Once I get enough written I will let people know.
I need to get a reader. I think it would help.
And about the comments--I've seriously been falling behind b/c of crap going on at work. I wish I could do better at it.
http://tips-for-new-bloggers.blogspot.com/ hasn't been updated for ages, but it contains lots and lots of useful information.
There's also
for more general computer-related stuff.
I also found some cute layouts for you here http://www.giselejaquenod.com.ar/blog/blogger-templates/
And what happened to your Wordle yesterday? =(
so far, so good... you are doing fine!
I find the easiest way to do it is to take your blog background to minima.
As for headers... you can make a good cheap one on Scrapblog.com, then you can go to Picnik.com and upload it there and resize it. For most blog headers, you want it to be around 700x500 or smaller, but no smaller than 600 across.
ps I would be happy to help you out with a header or whatever you might be looking for. Just shoot me an email any time.
I'm like you, I've learned so much by just crashing around and trying to figure it out for myself. I still have a long way to go!
You are a good writer. Have a wonderful Friday !
I'm pretty new to the blog world too. I just joined SITS (button on my blog) and am hoping to have a following.
And as always... I love my mother hen comments. I love them if you leave them or not, I know you read :) That's all that matters... that someone out there is reading my rants and thinking I'm crazy. hahahahaa!!!
But I can usually find the answers I need!!
and the tips are on her left toolbar.
I also did another post with stuff I had found at various places. That post is here. The blog stuff can be found at the bottom.
As for awards, I almost never follow the rules and no one has complained yet. I make up my own rules about how to pass them on and such. My only rule is to make sure I publicly acknowledge the person who gave me the award. I also have a little slide show on my blog to show the awards. I think Sneaky Momma has stuff on that too.
I didn't know that about the lurkers ... cool! I think that whoever called you out is totally uncool. We all have busy lives -- anyone should be happy to be read, I think!
And I just started using Google Reader because it makes my blogging time more efficient -- so many blogs, so little time.
I hope this helps! : )