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The Glamorous...The Flouncy Flouncy

I fear my daughter is heading down this road...

Yesterday she came in my room telling me she was ready to go to Irish dance class. I did a double take because she was no longer wearing a shirt and leggings. She had changed into a long sleeve pink leotard and black boots. Oh, and she was wearing her black and white cat ears as a headband. Are ya feelin' me? No pants, skirt, skort, shorts...just the pink leotard, headband...and boots...these boots...with the skull, crown and heart charms...

Trying to stifle a scream bubbling up from my "why is my daughter dressing that way" place, I cheerfully say, "Where's your guitar and the Pussycats, Josie? Well, look at you! Aren't you delightful?" "Yes, I am!" she says twirling around. "I want to show everyone my black boots!" I choke back a giggle and say, "Oh, they'll see your boots all right! You'll get chilly in just a leotard! How about a shirt and leggings?" "Mom, I want to wear my boots!" she insists. to change her mind? I am just about to scoop her up and swing her around in a dastardly plan to disorient her. In her confusion, I will do a quick change of clothes and all will be well. Before I can begin, she says, "FINE!" and storms off to change. She returns wearing a t-shirt (from the dirty laundry), leggings (from the dirty laundry), a shiny gold threaded crocheted shrug(?), black boots....and LOTS of lipgloss. What's with the glitzy showgirl vibe today? She gives me her "Cher" hair toss and stares at me. "Where are my ghillies?" she hisses at me.

I decide it's time to grab hold of this bus before it goes through the bad part of town. "Oh looky what I found!" I lavishly present her with a pink princess thermal and skort. "This would look so cute with your ghillies! You can leap and twirl like an Irish princess in this!" She gives me a glare. I fear I may have just invoked a visit from Miss Hi-Yah (Cat's sinister alter ego) {shudder}...But to my surprise, she blinks and says, "That's a great idea!" She does a Clark Kent quick change behind the recliner and voila! Pink princess! Whew!

Now, don't get me wrong. I am a big believer in expressing yourself and if you want to do that through your wardrobe...fabulous! Cat expresses herself all the time! See? I'll prove it....

She even has a few of these hanging around for special occasions....

The wardrobe decisions of a 6 year old girl are not to be taken lightly! We have tiaras, boas, accessories galore! The kid has more shoes than Jimmy Choo! (Sigh....) The blessing in all of this is that costumes get more than your typical one time wearing at Halloween around here!

I try to let her dress herself most days (with a few gentle hints from me). I love to see what she chooses to show her style for the day. One of my most proud moments was this day....

She jumped right out of bed, brushed teeth, combed hair, got herself dressed to shoes all before I even realized she was awake! (and had no help from me in the wardrobe choice!) What a happy morning that was!

Being the fabulous girly girl that she is, most days find her wearing some sort of bling, her fingernails painted in a variety of colors and lips covered in gloss. (I should have named her Lola...) But what do you expect with parents like these?


Have a Fantastic Friday!


Cammie said…
I just saw a picture of my life in 3 years. awesome.
Ha, a girls gotta be a diva with all those costumes! Love the Cruela De Vil costume but your husband scares me a bit, haha.

Meant to tell you your magnet got sent out yesterday morning...yippee!

Irish dance sounds fun...we are getting ready to leave for tap and ballet. But I'll bet irish dance is a blast.

Jamie :-)
blognut said…
Love the glamour! Be glad she's not a biker chick.
Randi Troxell said…
how cute is she! kids are freakin hilarious when they dress themselves sometimes!!
Unknown said…
My 6 year old is the same way! She insists on dressing herself all the time and when her outfits are not so appropriate it usually turns into a scene straight out of Psycho when I tell her to change!

I guess we should be happy that they want to be individuals, but somehow that just makes me see more and more every day that my baby is growing up and it's sad!
Cajoh said…
Like Mother like daughter I always say. Maybe she'll grow out of it…

Thanks for following,
I get the best laugh out of reading your posts! Thanks for sharing your story and making me smile!

Aren't kids great? And is there a story behind that last photo? If tell my Fairy Friend!
kel said…
I love six year old fashion sense!
Anonymous said…
This is exactly how I see Haylee being when she's 6! She's already VERY oppinionated when it comes to her clothes,shoes, jewelry... and even purses. And she's only 4! Cute post!
Kristina P. said…
SHe has an amazing wardrobe!
Tracy said…
Can I expect similiar behavior from Baby J in 6 years!? How are boys?!
Anonymous said…
You really do need to show the entire photo of Chilly for the full effect!!!! I've seen it in person and its not pretty.....just saying.....LOL!
Claire said…
How cute!! Laura looked at the pictures with me and just loved them!

We do the same thing here at our house...a few days ago I told Laura it was simply too cold for tights and her "tutu" skirt, so she solved the problem by putting jeans on underneath the skirt. She got lots of compliments though!
Anonymous...(who is actually my sister...) know this is a family!
Ashley said…
Oh the joys of having a boy!

I love the picture of you and your husband - hilarious!
Dawn said…
And, then when they are 11 it gets worse! LOL!

She is adorable and totally girlie!!

I love the picture of you in costume at the end. That's hilarious!!
Melissa said…
I love girly girls! But only under the age of 9. Then they become not so fun for the next 6-10 years :P

She's adorable.
Mammatalk said…
Divas are born, not made! :-)

Darling post!
Melissa said…
oh and forgot to say.. love the new design

Sandy said…
Oh I hear ya! Felicia and I often do not see eye to eye on wardrobe issues! She's only 4!
Deb said…
i see your family goes off the hook with halloween! my husband would be in love.

i get you on the whole leotard thing... trust me, that's a hard look to pull off.

i like a girl with a little flair for the dramatic.
Debbie said…
What a great girl you have there! I love imagination and independence.
Anonymous said…
Frankly I'm just impressed she gets herself dressed. The spoiled brats, I mean, KIDS that I nanny for can't do a darn thing for themselves....
The Blonde Duck said…
Sounds like she has a flare for the dramatic!
Kirsty said…
She is SUCH a fabulosa!!! Love her wardrobe choices!
queenbee4 said…
yeah... you've got your work cut out for you with this chick!

So cute though!
Seeker said…
well let her express herself and just gently guide her into doing something "better". I mean a girl shouldn't go out without pants or skirt or something....really!!! That's a whole nother expression....
mama's smitten said…
Awe, to be little girl!Does Cat have an agent yet? LOL!!!!!
Kristen Andrews said…
dressing up is so fun and she is too cute!
Stephenie said…
I always laugh when I read your post. It must never be a dull moment having a little girl... (she is so cute) quite the little character. I often wonder "What goes through these kids minds".
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jenners said…
Oh this was so cute ... and makes me wish I had a girl instead of a boy. Wait ... maybe not. But the girl's clothes are just so much more fun and full of personality. All my son wants is jeans and shirts with trucks. All I'm asking is for a tiara, a feather boa and a sparkly dress or two ... maybe I'll have to look into getting this for myself.

Love the photos!
Megan said…
Haha Love it! What a little diva!

Visiting from SITS. =)
I wish we lived by each other! Our daughter's would have so much fun together. You handled that situation with such class. I will have to remember that:) Emily's birthday is coming up and I was going to post a bunch of pics of her dressing up. Don't you love how creative kids can be? I wish we had Irish dance class here. My grandpa was Irish, and my husband's great grandpa was too.
debi9kids said…
OMGosh! Giggling as I am reading this. What a fabulously expressive daughter you have!
Just wonderful!
LORI said…
Marie Reed said…
Black books, kitty ears, and a leaotard! WOW! Be afraid .. very afraid!
Hccm said…
Day 2 of the Where’s Wenda? Contest is here. Today, I am visiting all of the SITStas that commented on Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha. That means you! Thanks so much for stopping by and for being a great SISta! -Wenda
Unknown said…
what a cute post! i used to let my kids dress pretty much however they pleased as long as it was appropriate to the weather. yeah, they made some bizarre choices every now and then, but i survived it and they've all grown up with unique, but realistic, fashion senses! :)
Anna Lefler said…
Oh, this brings back 6-yr-old memories! My daughter's 10 now and doing pretty well with the dressing (she's very modest thank GOD), but I know it could flip on me any day now and I'll be right there on that bus with you, trying to grab the wheel...

Fabulous post!

:^) Anna
Debra said…
This is too funny! Cat is my kind of girl! I am a "motorcycle chick" and have somes skulls on my bike. My husband is kinda "concerned" I am turning freaky on him but my boss says I am a soccer mom who is a "poser". Lets just say that some of us girls are multi-dimentional. LOL

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