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Gettin' My Poster Geek On

At the risk of exposing my true geekness,

I pose this question to you....
Who did you have hanging on your wall "back in the day?"

Here's who I was the 70's and I was a tween...
Don't laugh!

Oh, all right...laugh!
But don't laugh at my dear sweet David Cassidy!

Bay City Rollers

Rex Smith

I'll even admit to having these too!
I'm gonna let my geek flag fly!

Tony DeFranco (and Family)

Donny Osmond

(In my defense, as a teen, I had
Bono & U2 hanging on my wall.)

This is who Chilly had hanging on his wall...
(Chilly is sitting at his desk right now drooling...
I know you are, Chilly...)

Jacqueline Smith

This is who Chilly has on his wall now...

(Chilly has a man crush on The Rock)

This is who I have hanging on my wall now...

(Long stringy hair...from mythical lands...
lovin' their swords....hmmm)

Now it's your turn to let your poster geek flag fly!

Happy Wednesday!

p.s. Jillene reminded me of Shaun Cassidy! Does anyone remember Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods? What about The Hudson Brothers? How could I forget KISS, Peter Frampton, Andy Gibb? (I'm old and forget things...that's how! lol! Thank you, Raven for reminding me!)

p.s.s. Did anyone read Tiger Beat and 16???? What about Teen?


I am sure your first picture is the exact one I had! I was super cool though, I had a t-shirt as well. There is a picture of me in North Carolina with my parents in 1977, with the t-shirt on. My Mom bought me that shirt???!!!Weird.

To get off topic for a moment - while we were vacationing in NC, my parents let me go to the playground at the hotel by myself. I was six years old. Can you even imagine that today? Different time, I guess.

Okay, now this is where it gets ugly. In my tween years, and early teens I was Michael Jackson, and Boy George crazy~!~

Good times. (sorry for the blog on your blog once again)
Cammie said…
New Kids. All the way
OH Boy! I shouldn't do this..but I think I will......

Okay..don't laugh too hard...Are you ready...

Jonathan Brandis. would be Joaquin Phoenix (The Ladder 49 version, not the I'm stoned and appearing on Letterman Version)
Grand Pooba said…
Every inch of my walls in my bedroom was covered with New Kids On The Block!

Oh yeah, I was obsessed! Before that it was Milly Vanilly (I know) and Michael Jackson.

I actually slept with a picture of Michael Jackson under my pillow and I'd cry everytime I'd watch his music videos!
Jillene said…
My walls had Shawn Cassidy. He was SO dreamy. And also Barry Gibb from the Bee Gees.

And I agree 100% with you now posters--oh man--yum-a-licious!!
Anonymous said…
I couldn't tell you one particular guy I had posters of... what can I say, I was boy crazy!!! (And still am!) I had a lot of band posters on my walls, as well as Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Andrew Keegan, Devon Sawa... all the heart throbs of the (early 90's?) LOL As I got older they were replaced with posters of Korn, Disturbed, 311, and the Deftones. Awww... young poster love.
Anonymous said…
This post was so much fun! Talk about a walk down memory lane. I loved Sean Cassidy ("the do-run, run, run,the do-run, run" - is how I think that song went) as well as
Leaf Garrett. I would get my posters from some magazine I think called tiger beat/tean beat??
Ashley said…
You should create a Mr. Linky to this post and have everyone post their posters!
Randi Troxell said…
red hot chilli peppers... hey i am a bit younger! lol! my sister (who is 10 yrs older than me) and a great shot of don johnson on the wall, lol!!
blognut said…
I hit tween-ness in the early 80's and I had Shaun Cassidy, Willie Aames, Scot Baio, and anything else that Tiger Beat decided to feature, on my walls.
Ronnica said…
Hmmm, I didn't have posters up, but I really liked Devon Sawa (definitely had to look up his name, I just remembered him being in the movie "Wild America").
Kristina P. said…
I'm with Cammie. NKOTB. And I was in love with Joey.
Raven said…
Wow,...this brought back the memories. :)

I was born in 1970, but had all the boys hanging on my wall by age 6 since I had an older sister. We loved anyone 'hot' in our Tiger or Teen Beat Magazines! haha
Leif Garrett was my absolute fave, along with Andy Gibb, Scott Baio, Peter Frampton, KISS, Farrah Fawcett, Charlies Angels, Linda Carter as WonderWoman, then Sylvester Stallone as Rocky.
In the 80's Culture Club, Madonna, and Duran Duran ruled, along with all the other New Wave bands from Europe.
My walls were always PLASTERED since I grew up in a small PA town. I had to get my creative juices flowing somehow!

MsTypo said…
Back then it was Brandon Fraser - he went to a school not far from where i lived so i felt we were close. LOL And Chris O'Donnell and... Far to many..

Now i think it would be Taye Diggs... 'Cause he's YUMMY!
Jules AF said…
I actually never had anyone hanging on my wall.... weird!
Deb said…
rex smith!!! swoon...

so hanging on my wall was rex, andy, and the bee gees... oh, and i hate to admit it... barry manilow.
Karies place said…
Oh my, David Cassidy, The Bee Gee's and their younger brother(name escapes me), Donny Osmond and some of the "chips" officers. lol
Debbie said…
These photos are taking me back! I loved all this stuff. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane.
Jenni said…
I have an Edward poster. Mmmm...Robert Pattinson!
Dawn said…
First, I wanted to say I'm sorry I'm so behind on commenting. But, I'll have you know I read every single post from my iphone in bed at night! LOL!

You are one funny and creative lady. The things you come up with are hilarious.

And, I'm thrilled to know someone else who remembers Rex Smith and the movie Sooner or Later. I loved that show. It was so risque for the time.

Bay City Rollers... OMG... I loved all these that you posted. Sweet memories. And, yes, I loved Teen Beat and the other teen magazines. I'd rip those posters out and stick them all over my walls. LOL!
Devri said…
I still have a crush on the rock... what is is poly and brown, what could you ask more of.. ok the tatoo. but come on.....

I refuse to listen to the new kids, the new one.. blah, once died, always dead in my book!
Unknown said…
i love johnny depp... in fact i even wrote a short story called conjuring johnny depp for my girlfriends one christmas. i sent it in to a magazine on a lark and the editor wrote back in 48 hours and bought it!!!! fastest sale i ever made... sigh....if you'd like to read it, let me know... i can email you the story :).
Unknown said…
okay this is weird, i think this is the second day its happened, i was reading your blog you were reading mine??!!!
Erin said…
I lined my bedroom walls with pictures I pulled out of People's 50 most beautiful people. Men and women. I wasn't picky.
Anonymous said…
You lived my life. Completely. You are me.

I devoured those ridiculous magazines.
The Blonde Duck said…
Dude, that one guy looks totally like Ashton Kutcher in that 70s show!
Shan G said…
I LOVE the Bay City Rollers! Do you remember their TV show?

I had Shaun Cassidy, Elvis, Andy Gibb, but I was all of like 6 or 7. Then 1981 hit and it was Rick Springfield baby!

Viggo Mortenson and Orlando Bloom in LOTR...YUMMM

Rick Springfield today...STILL YUMMM

There are more, but my mind is mushy!

By the way, where is your Wordle? Mr. Linky is very lonely on my bloggy all by himself...
Tracy said…
((sigh)) New Kids On The Block... Brian Austin Green, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Jonathan Brandis, Andrew Kegan, Devon Sawya... the list goes on and on.

Teen Beat and Tiger Beat or whatever they're called... their posted plastered my wall. I even had NKOTB bed sheets and comforter. Yep... I was obsessed.
Kristen Andrews said…
my parents wouldn't allow posters, sad isn't it but I had those silly buttons on my jacket, michael jackson was my fav and prince!
Tori C. said…
All sorts of ooey gooey TITANIC posters!
Anonymous said…
Haha, GREAT question!

Gosh, let me remember. I LOVED Mike Vitar from 'The Sandlot' movie! Ha!
Stacy Uncorked said…
My parents didn't allow posters on the walls, but I did buy Tiger Beat magazines every once-in-a-while with my allowance and had a scrapbook full of my favorites...pretty much everyone Raven mentioned! LOL!
Laura said…
Oh man I was a total ABBA fan. TOTAL!
Love your blog. Spreading blogger bailout clicks :) have a great day. Laura
Michelle-y said…
Oh man, oh man...the memories are flooding back!

I was born in '80 the early '90ies it was NKOTB, Johnny Depp (I <3 21 Jump Street!), Jonathan Brandis, Brad Pitt (yummy, yummy *drool*...I had a whole pictorial where he had long stringy hair and had his shirt off, it was all over my room!), Christian Slater (who looks REALLY creepy now!) and Full House galore!

I love this post, thanks so much for reminding me...I have to go find my scrapbook I made when I was a tween and laugh!!!
Hi. I use to love Andy Gibb & Rex Smith. Scott Baio. I remember the Hudson Brothers (1 of them is Kate Hudson's real Dad). I also loved Donnie Osmond. Then I got into Hairbands & my walls were covered with Bon Jovi, Def Leppard & Motley crue. I still love hairbands. I wasn't into NKOTB. I think I was older when they came out. These days 1 of my faves is Sawyer from Lost. I love the long haired guys. Johnny Depp looks good as a pirate.
Kathy said…
Wait - you remembered David Cassidy, but NOT Bobby Sherman, and you gave a shout-out to Jacqueline Smith, but not Farah! Honestly girlfriend...I still love ya!
Bobby Sherman all over my walls. I never missed an issue of Tiger Beat !!
Great topic !! Have a great day.
Tom said…
Thanks for visiting. I enjoyed your LOTL tribute. I will follow any blog that features Sean Cassidy. Long live the Hardy Boys.
debi9kids said…
LOL I got Tiger Beat as a kid and I had Shawn Cassidy, Erik Estrada, Scott Baio, John Schneider... they were my first crushes. LOL
Now, If I had anyone on my wall... it would be ... Harry Connick Jr
LORI said…
LORI said…
TuTu's Bliss said…
I love The Rock too. He is one sexy man. Hugs, jen
Unknown said…
I was beginning to think I was the only one who remembered Bobby Sherman! Ahh, David Cassidy. And Barry Williams (Greg from Brady Bunch). He began my love of blue eyes and black hair that lives to this day.
Debra said…
Oh, I loved David Cassidy! And Donnie Osmond...hubba,hubba. I still love Donnie!
Jenners said…
OH MY GOD! This so took me back! I can tell we are about the same age! I didn't realize the Bay City Rollers were so geeky looking. They were my first 45 single (remember those!?) S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night.

Good times.
I totally forgot about Rex Smith - haven't seen or heard about him for years!! I still remember "Go away little Girl" by Donnie Osmond. This is one of the sondgs I would play over & over!!
LadyStyx said…
Hmmm let's see...I had Shaun Cassidy, Erik Estrada (dont laugh that man ~really~ filled out that uniform), the Monkees, ummm I cant remember who all else to be honest. I know I had horses...lots and Lots and LOTS of horse posters. I do remember mom had her own hanging up downstairs over the washer... of The Hoff...back in the day when it was ok to be hot for him (I mean come on! He was wearing nothing more than a black leather jacket and this itty bitty black swimsuit to match!!)

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