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And The Oscar Goes To....

I would like to thank the Academy for finally putting on a show that I actually enjoyed watching in it's entirety! I'll admit I have not been much of a fan of awards shows in the past, but this guy kept coaxing me to watch, luring me in with his dreamy good looks and witty charm...

That's right, folks! Wolverine hosted the Academy Awards! Last night, he was sans sideburns and claws, but it was him!!!

Hugh Jackman, in my humble opinion, is the best host this show has ever had! I loved the opening number with "his" nod to the recession. You know the one that he spent the whole night in his garage putting together for us? (Watch it on You Tube...Laugh out loud funny! You will love it!) Loved the musical numbers...that man can sing and dance! He is one hunkalicious host! No wonder he's the Sexiest Man Alive!

It was a return to the glamour of old Hollywood. I loved the intimate elegance of the theatre. The stars looked radiant! (and to be perfectly honest, I normally don't give two cents about celebrities, but I couldn't resist the pull of Wolverine...)

I loved the way the presenters set up each category like they were creating a documentary along the way. (and Seth Rogen and James Franco were hilarious in their nod to the comedies of 2008!) Chilly actually sat through the first hour!

It was truly moving to watch the past winners share accolades with the nominees. And cheers to Penelope Cruz for reminding us that "this ceremony was a moment of unity for the world because art, in any form, is and has been and will always be our universal language and we should do everything we can, everything we can, to protect its survival." Amen to that, sister!

I was a little worried, however, when Rob Pattinson came out to present an award. (Twilight Hottie Vampire...for those of you who don't know...) I was concerned that Hugh might come running onstage and go all Van Helsing on him.

Thankfully, however, no hot vampires were harmed during the show.

I have a few awards I would like to share this morning as well...

Best Lead Actor.....Tween Caveboy for his dramatic role in "No Country For Tween Caveboys"...(Tween Caveboy also won for Best Musical Score with his "Ode to Metallica" score.)

Best Lead Actress...Catherine for her very moving performance in "Blah-g...My Life Exposed By My Blogging Mommy"...

Best Supporting Actress...Christine in "Driving Mr. Chilly"...

Best Costume Design and Art Direction....Mommy (for her many achievements in making sure her actor & actress are always dressed for their parts and for creating beautiful sets for their performances....

Best Director...Mommy...(this should be self explanatory...sorry Chilly, maybe next year for you...)

We'd like to thank our producer, Chilly, without whom we would not be making this beautiful movie we call "Life." Thank you, Chilly.

Overall, it was a lovely evening! Now, I'm off to drag my stars out of their trailers to begin shooting our morning scenes in our current production of "The Curious Case of Bloggy McBlogmom."

Happy Monday!

p.s. Now scroll back up to the You Tube linky for the opening number! It's worth watching! Giggle worthy!! Go on now...scroll up!!!


Too funny! Now I wished I watched the Oscars.. oh well...
Unknown said…
I too watched the whole show which I never do, maybe it was because of Hugh Jackman, maybe it wasn't! I'll never tell!
Cammie said…
Wasnt Penelope's dress fantastic? Natalie Portman however...needs a sandwhich.

Edward was lucky I untied him long enough to present....
Melissa said…
LOL! you are too funny. And now I'm a little sad I skipped the awards this year.......poooop
Marie Reed said…
Seeeee! It's times like this that I'm bummed to live in France! I need to go watch this online somehow;)
Randi Troxell said…
right though! hugh all the waaaaaay baby!!!
blognut said…
If I had known this guy was beautiful, I would've watched the show too!
Ashley said…
I just love that you did a tribute to my second husband. He thanks you.

Seriously though - Hugh hunny (that's my nickname for him, he calls me Ashley Amazing ... go figure) is M-I-N-E!
Kristina P. said…
I've never watched the entire show. This is why I love my DVR.

I also have this thing where I sometimes get embarrassed for people when they are live and they sound stupid, so I have to fast forward.
Kim said…
I have watched the Oscars faithfully every year since forever. Last year, however, I realized that I had not seen a single movie nominated for Best Picture, and same thing this year, so I didn't watch. And now I'm regretting it. I should have realized that Hugh would be singing and dancing, and that would have been worth sitting down in front of the TV for 3 hours. Rawr!
Anonymous said…
I dont watch these but I love Hugh-he's awesome!
Totally agree with you! He did a great job - wish I could have seen more, my post is out too! I love the Oscars!.
The Blonde Duck said…
That's so funny! Hugh Jackman is really good as Wolverine.
Dapoppins said…
Since I didn't see it I had to see it and I loved it. But what isn't there to love about Hugh Jackman?
Jen Sue Wild said…
It was a great show!!

And Hugh looked so yummy good!!
I wasn't able to watch, but I've been looking at the online pics of the gorgeous dresses! I agree with you I love the old glam Hollywood!
Mammatalk said…
I love the elegance of the Oscars! Personally, I do think they should have something like that for third grade teachers...oh, yeah, and lady bloggers, but maybe next year!?
Thanks for your support today on my big bloggy joggy day!!
Grand Pooba said…
Wow I'm glad you made me do it! Yep, I went to Utube. I missed the Oscars yesterday so I had know idea what went on. Hugh Jackman was hilarious!!
Pinkerbell said…
Hugh was delicious as Wolverine - strong and hairy! Not always liked him in other films although The Prestige was fabulous with the scrumptous addition of Christian Bale!
Tracy said…
He makes my heart skip a beat... pitter patter pitter patter... be still my heart.

Jules AF said…
Didn't watch. Too busy. BOOO.
Anonymous said…
Great awards for your movie!

What is with people's new obsession with Hugh Jackman? Am I missing something?
Anonymous said…
I had to laugh at Yaya's post! I thought he was very likable and engaging but I don't have the hots for him.

I thought Kate Winslet's dress was absolutely stunning!
kel said…
Bloggy McBLogmom... I love it.

And Pattison was smokin' hot last night... damn!
Jen said…
I am going to watch the video and I agree with you Hugh did a really good job.
You have made me wish I had of watched it. I just really had no interest. Maybe next year!!
Kristen Andrews said…
I missed it, my little guys wanted his shows on!
Shauna said…
LOL! I love reading your posts :)
LORI said…
Thanks for sharing - that was awesome!! - I was unable to watch the awards & it looks like I missed a good one. It is nice to know that I can see the best of the best on you tube!!
MsTypo said…
I still haven't seen the Oscars. Thank you so much for the link to the opening number. LOVED IT! "I'm an Australian. Playing an Australian. In a movie called Australia - and i'm hosting!" *giggle*
Deb said…
cute recap... now i won't worry when i miss it next year, i'll just come see you.

love the awards you handed out, too!
Debbie said…
I only saw the last hour but I loved the way they had 5 winners come out for the last two awards. I thought that was classy.
Anonymous said…
I loved Hugh Jackman to! However I really loved how the presented the nominees for best actress/actor category. Really praising each individual for the work each had done.

I wish someone would give me such praise for my outstanding performance in putting the socks up, or cleaning the bathroom again- because it's tues. We all really love praise.
I will admit I didn't watch it, but am oh so grateful that you did, so you could fill me in. I do love Wolverine. Sigh. He's awesome. (Yes, I know he's not real, stop killing my buzz!) I'm heading off to the store, but I'll watch the opening later. I promise:)
Jan said…
I didn't watch them at all, but thanks for your great recap. I feel that Hugh must have done a great job.
Shannon said…
I thought it was a pretty good show. I wonder what the rating were, I haven't seen those yet. Were they better than last year?

I thought Hugh was a great host... loved the musical numbers he did. And my fave parts were when he giggled. Like in the opening number, when he was singing about "The Reader"... and when he and Anne Hathaway were embracing near the end of their bit together!
Kirsty said…
Oh how I love Hugh!

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