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Thankful Thursday aka You Can Have Another Entry in the Monster Giveaway!

Hi! Comments are now closed for this post so we can prepare them for the drawing in the Monster Giveaway! Thank you for participating!

Even though the last two days were a gigantic suck-o-rama, I realized I have so much for which I’m thankful!

I am thankful that Tuesday night after the Suckfest began, Chilly took us to McDonalds for dinner so I wouldn’t have to drag myself into the kitchen in the midst of my despair. I am grateful that during the dinner conversation, the word “Automatic” came up so that Chilly and I could then say…”It’s systematic…..It’s Hyyyy-dro-matic….Why! It’s Greased Lightin’!!!” And then we broke into the whole song and dance right in the middle of McD’s. Again, my kids were completely mortified…mission accomplished!

I am grateful that she didn’t show up in my bathroom this morning….(for you newbies, go here if you hate PMS…)
I am thankful that I live 40 miles from Nogales, Mexico because there have been sightings of the Chupacabra down there…{{{shudder}}}....I know this because my son made me watch "Animal Planet's Lost Tapes" and they said so....

I am grateful for YIKES Toy Store in Tucson because they have fantabulous toys and gifts. (Remember those Kissy Bandaids? They came from YIKES!) If you’re ever in Tucson, go check them out!

I am thankful for Obnoxious SAHM for including me in her Sunday Spotlight! Go read her awesome blog!!! She just started a fabulous Mom's group...go over and check it out! I am a proud member!!!

I am grateful for the Blonde Duck for sharing this awesome award with me! Go visit her too! If you like pie, delightful stories and cute puppies, this is a must read blog! (Can you say S'more Pie???)

I am thankful for all of my fabulous bloggy friends, old and new, who have been so loving and supportive! You’re the best! If I haven’t formally introduced myself to you yet at your blog, I promise I will soon! Then you’ll probably want to change your blog address because of my relentless stalking!

I am grateful for Kristina P and her Snuggie wearin’ blog…She is a blog super hero! She makes me spit my coffee all over my monitor all the time…hey…maybe my laptop drowned! (just kiddin’!) My poor Precious is probably cold and lonely at the Geek hospital. I bet she's dreaming of a Snuggie right now....sniffle sniffle...

I am thankful for Jamie over at Stampin Mom and her awesome Etsy shop! To celebrate more giveaway madness, I am offering another opportunity for an entry! Scooty on over to Jamie’s shop and come back and tell me what you like! Poof! Another entry!

I am thankful that you have all been so enthusiastic about my giveway, that I’ll will be hosting one on a monthly basis! Now they won’t have 20 prizes, but I’ll make sure they’re interesting!

If you haven’t entered the giveaway yet, go here!

Go get your gratitude on, my friends and enjoy your day!

Dawn (pretend it's my fancy signature....)

p.s. I know some of you might be reading this on Wednesday! lol! I had to hijack my parent’s computer so I could post…I haven’t lost my mind completely! I really do know what day of the week it is! Hee hee hee! I will update the post date in the morning...


Ash said…
You're stalking me?

But I'm stalking you.

What a conundrum!!

Still having good thoughts for your computer...I'll be back in the morning when I can really look around at Jamie's.

I just wanted to be first :-) Sweet computer dreams. Em
Kristen Andrews said…
ok I so want that monster, Will would love it. Sorry everything is breaking but it happens in threes so you should be done.
Kristina P. said…
Holy cow! That just made my day! Thank you so much for the shout out! I have to say, I get a little blog envy when I read your blog because you have such great pictures too, and you are very funny!
Michelle-y said…
Ok first let me start out by saying...{insert whiny voice here} "I'm the first to comment...I'm the first to comment". That NEVER happens here for me...yippee!

Now that that's out of the way.

I LOVE Grease. I randomly break out into song (usually 'look at me, I'm Sandra Dee...) and get insane looks from my husband, but I don't care. I <3 you AND Chilly! My son's only 10mos. old but boy-oh-boy do I have years of embarrasing him ahead of me!

Loved Stampin Mom's shop....LOVED the scrabble tile charms! You always have the cutest things to share...thanks always for that.

Here's to a speedy recovery for your bestie (aka Mr. Laptop)

P.S. be on the look out for that pesky Chupacabra!!!
Come back and tell you what I like?!?! HA! easy. There's a gazillion fancy schmancy little pads of paper. I'm addicted to paper. Especially pretty paper. And it's always "too nice" to use, so I collect it. Mmmm. Paper. Beats belly button lint. sometimes anyways. Sometimes you just can't beat belly button lint. Or pretty paper. Yeah. Pretty paper. that's it.
I love the fact that you broke into song in McDonalds. CLASSIC!

P.S. This was a great list of things to be Thankful for! I LIKED IT!
Ter said…
Hope you get your computer fixed soon.

It was hard to decide on just one item. I think the Life card/tag or the Hearts and Blooms Gift Tags or Journalling Spots - set of 6 would be my top picks.
Alexis AKA MOM said…
You crack me up as usual my dear! I hope today is better and you have big smiles.

Love ya, Muah
Heather said…
That's too funny about singing n McDonalds!

I love the Whimsical Fairy - Domino Magnet, it's too cute. Did I comment on the right post?
Jodi said…
There are so many things in Jamie's shop that I love, but I especially like the Green and Pink Scrabble Tile Pendant. It's beautiful! Thanks for the extra entry!

When I saw the pics in your post, I got excited for you because I thought you had your computer back! :( I'm sorry it's still at the Dr. but I'm glad you got to check in! I'm going to steal your Thankful Thursday thing too, I think! I need a prompt tonight! I Loved your McDonald's story too! Lol! Sorry I rambled a bit here! Hope you have a good Thursday :)
LORI said…
Alexis AKA MOM said…
You crack me up girl! Thankful I am to have you! Muah!
Yay Dawn, thanks for the shout out! You crack me up! And my husband actually got a snuggie for Christmas from his mum, hahahahaha...

Jamie :-)
LadyStyx said…
The 4 pack with animals magnets are cute. I like the idea of the tile necklaces too, but my skin's acidic and likes to tarnish anything that isnt a pure metal (gold plated lasts 2 weeks before being wrecked).
blognut said…
I still know the dance moves for Greased Lightnin'!

Damn, we might be old.

Do our kids even know what Grease is?
Kathy B! said…
So if I comment here am I getting more entries?!

I'm counting the days until your Precious is home with you. And I love you even more now for bustin' a move in the middle of MickeyD's and embarassing your kids :) Nicely done....

And I have a giveaway on my blog today (although it doesn't really compare to your an ANY level!). Come check it out :)
Hit 40 said…
A fun toy store is a good thing. I have one in town. Much more fun to walk in than a Toys r Us. Yours also looks very cute!!!
Cammie said…
I like those little paper owls....they would be fun to scrapbook with!
Brooke said…
I'm thankful for Kristina and her snuggie wearin' blog, too! Sorry about your suckfest of a day. It sounded just terrible. I hope your computer makes it!
Anonymous said…
I love gratitude moments...
Jess said…
Ahhh the Snuggie. The girlfriend's mother gave us far I have only worn it outside to smoke it...and backwards at that. I may have been drinking. I burned a small hole in the sleeve. Sadly.

Embarrassing ones child is amazing! Keep it up!
Lesley said…
and I'm thankful for you...for giving me a morning laugh amongst the screaming...and cheerio throwing....
I am glad you had a better day chica! Dancing in McDonalds sounds like a blast!

I have to say that I love the Vintage Inspired Glittery Sparrow Gift tag - White thick lace, Red Velvet and Tiffany Blue satin ribbon and Bling. :D
Glad you had a better day!

Love the A little bird told me...tree card.
Randi Troxell said…
your attidude is wonderful and it will help you out major in the tough time!

p.s. by the way ... i am an avid watcher of The Lost Tapes... so freakin' awesome!!!
Annie said…
Ahh! I'm glad you found a daisy among the weeds. Life is full of all these little bumps in the road. Stay the course for these things too shall pass.

I love your blog :)
Tracy said…
Um question... has Jess informed you of the "stalker"? I'm just wonderin...

Okay and for my entry into the blog: The scabble tile pendants are my favorite. All of 'em. Especially the hooty hoo owl & the red flower. And the owl stamp. Yes, you've created a hooty hoo lovin' monster. Monster I tell you!!!

Luvs to you pieces and enjoyed our chat this morning!!

B said…
Yah for good friends hey?

Would you be shocked to hear that I like her scrabble tiles with owls on them? ;)
Whitney said…
I just knew we'd be great pals! I LOVE Grease. Hmmm... young John Travolta hmmmmm...

I'm glad that you hijacked your parents computer! And I hope Precious well be better soon!

And watch out for the Chupacabra! Scary stuff!
Anonymous said…
I like the Teal Owl Scrabble Tile Pendant!

So where is the midpoint between AZ and MI? Let's find it!
Mimi said…
I love the Vintage Inspired glitter Gift tags. So pretty.
Just SO said…
I am I a bad mom because my 5 year old watched a show about that dreaded Chupacabra while I was busy in the other room blogging.

Good thankful list.
I am glad you are still hanging in there:)

I love Scrabble Tile Pendant - Green and Pink!

Take care Dawn, your giveaway is going great!
Erin said…
I love her vintage inspired gift tags and ribbons. So cute!

I'm sorry you are having to hijack computers to be able to post stuff. I hope things start looking up soon!
I loved Grease too as a kid. I haven't seen it in a long time.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
I'm glad your parents are able to lend computer time... I can't fathom life w/o-- and I've only been really using one for about 4 months now...

Have a great day!
Jules AF said…
Chupacabra.... hahahahaha
beckylbranch said…
I love the Owl stamp in her Etsy I could spend all day on Etsy! I have really enjoyed your blog too! :)
Vodka Mom said…
someone said this is where the suck fest is.

Where the hell is my drink???
Hey, I want a drink too. I've been having a suck fest over at my house too, but MUCH better than your suck fest since I am at least typing on my laptop.

I was over at StampinMom's shop forever. I love all her embellishments--especially the bright flowers and the scallops. It makes me want to start scrapbooking again...wait...okay, the urge has passed now. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I do love her cards though-- they are so pretty.
Eve said…
Aah - the embarassment of the children... now that is true love!

So you're in the S. Arizona area? I lived in Phoenix (and it's sub cities) for 7 years! Loved the sun, hated the traffic! ;)
Jenni said…
You have MUCH to be thankful for, indeed!

Beware of that goat sucker!
Donnetta said…
One day closer to your Precious!!!!!

Even in the midst of sorrow and angst, you can find things to be thankful for! My hero.

On to Stampin' Mom - since I often THINK I'm a goddess, my fav is the Sea Goddess Wrap Bracelet!
Jen said…
You listed a lot of great Thankfuls with some fun shout-outs! Thanks for the heads up on the giveaway! Have a wonderful Easter weekend.
Shan G said…
Ok I am liking the skull and crossbones pendant for me and the princess crown one for Jeannie. Now is my entry supposed to be on this post or the main giveaway post?

I hope you get your precious back soon. ANd OMG you are nuts breaking out into song in the middle of Mcy D's! I LOVE it! It is our job as parents to humiliate our children a couple times a month! *evil laugh*

Oh, and Kristina P has a bit of blog envy with you? WOW is that not a compliment! She is hilarious! Good job, my friend.
Mother Mayhem said…
Can't wait to be annoyed. ;o)
Karen P said…
i like the Cute Valentines Ticket Gift Tags.

cooparkes at gmail dot com
Michelle said…
Oh there's a bunch of stuff I like. Especially that froggie with the happy days card and the cupcakes gift tags. She's got a great shop!
Anonymous said…
I too laugh my a$$ off at Kristina P.'s posts!
I really like her Brown Owl and Moon Scrabble Tile Pendant. Owls are my thang!
Dapoppins said…
That boss lady stuff is sooooo cute. I just wanna come to your house and roll around in all your lovely give away stuff. Can I?

I am glad you got your precious back, how hilarious is it that the Geek Squad posed for pictures?

THAT is pretty freakin funny...
beckylbranch said…
There are SO many cute things! AWESOME!
nikkicrumpet said…
How did I miss this one? I swear I have to quit my's so getting in the way of my efficient blogging! You listed some of my fav's amazing how many cool ladies there are out there in blogland. I've been buying stuff from Jamie for quite awhile now. I bought a really adorable card for my hubby for Valentines...and he said "it's sexy" lol. Which it was! Right now I have my eye on her "a little birdie told me" note cards. Her stuff is all so beautifully crafted and unique!
Estela said…
Those Vintage Storybook Girl Domino Magnets are beautiful! Heck...ALL her creations are beautiful!!
Sara said…
Ahhhhh..... I am going to die now after reading your snuggie wearing friends blog. I did check out your stampin mom's etsy shop. How did you know I had favorited an item on her shop to buy for my daughters bday party. I want to get the 50 paper Owls - Amy Butler designs for confetti table decor!
Ally said…
I love all the beautiful handmade cards most, but again, everything there was beautiful.

I love that you have links to cool places like this! So helpful!
YIKES! The Chupacabra is some serious stuff...don;t let you pets out at night!
Unknown said…
Love grease its one of my favorite movies.

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