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Guess Whoooo's 100? (It's the Mother of All Giveaways!)

(Update! Comments are now closed for the Monster Giveaway! Thank you for participating!)

Whooo's 100?

I am! This is my 100th post!

To say I am astonished and humbled by the incredible support of my blog from fellow bloggers, friends and family would be an ginormous understatement! I am truly, deeply grateful that ya’ll stop by and visit me! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

(I had this scheduled to post at midnight, but for some reason, it didn't! I got up to check it about 1:30 am and discovered blogger's mischief! Sorry if you came by then!)

All righty then…do you have a cup of coffee, hot cocoa, tea, martini? How about a masseuse? You’re gonna need it! It’s my 100th post and by the time you are done reading it, you’ll probably feel as old and tired as Rip Van Winkle! You know me and my long winded rambley-ness! (....the giveaway is here..I promise!)

So, this is what I’ve come to know about blogging in the last 100 days….

Blogging is like taking a vacation to a place you never knew existed, but once you arrive, you never want to leave. There’s a new language, customs of the natives to learn, and amazing treasures to discover! (who can resist all of those cupcake blogs!?) Inspiration and creativity abound in the Land of Blog!

I love getting my words on a page to share with others. I decided to blog to honor that creative part in me that no longer wanted to be silent. I wanted to set an example for my kids to follow their dreams. In order to do that, I needed to start following my own.

I recently shared with a very sweet bloggy friend that each morning, I love to grab my coffee, power up my computer and begin my travels through the blogs to visit old friends and meet new ones along the way. For me, blogging is about connecting with others as much as writing now. (although with this stupid limited gigabyte deal with Verizon, my comment love to you all is not what I want it to be…boo hiss boo…)

I also shared with this same friend that not so long ago I was feeling very overwhelmed coming to terms with the reality that my kids will probably lose their father to his illness while they are still very young. Normally, I’m a pretty upbeat girl, but I was starting to feel really depressed. I started to cry…you know, one of those big ugly cries. My darling daughter asked me why I was sad. I hugged her close, but was unable to speak. She cupped my face in her 6 yr old hands and said, "You should go make people laugh on your blog, Mommy. Laughing always makes me feel better."

I was amazed. She continued, "Remember when we took our wagon to the park for that little girl who lives in Heaven? I bet she was happy her mom had a blog to tell everyone to take their wagons to the park." In that moment, the grace of God came through my daughter and poured into my heart.

I suddenly realized blogging provides a place for a voice no matter how small to be heard. It's a place to share our joyful times, our a-ha moments. Voices that are sad, afraid, lonely also have a place in this land of Blog. It's a place to gather support and feel helpful when things seem helpless. As I shared with my friend, I may not have thousands of dollars to donate to a cause, but I can write about it. Maybe my words will reach someone who can.

I have met the most amazing, creative and awe-inspiring people during my short bloggy life! I LOVE you all!!!

(If you’re new here, I am normally pretty ornery, but since I’m 100 today I am a bit reflective. Old age does that to you. Ornery-ness will re-commence tomorrow!

And now…..drumroll please… show you how grateful I am, I am hosting a MONSTER giveaway! I will be breaking up the giveaway into lots of groups of goodies so you have lots of opportunities to win!

And away we go!!! Remember, it’s HUGE and I LOVE owls!!! You’ll probably notice some old blog post themes too!

Prize #1

~Wise Owl Necklace by Kristen’s Custom Creations!~

I LOVE Kristen’s jewelry! She has so many fabulous designs to choose from and her blog is fantastic! Please go visit her Etsy shop here and her blog here!

Prize #2

~Philosophy’s Amazing Grace 3-in-1 Shower Gel, Shampoo & Bubble Bath (full size!)~

Prize #3

~Dirty Pretty Silhouette & Owl Magnets from Dirty Pretty Things!~

Winner will choose silhouette gender and angel or devil. I LOVE these! Raven’s shop, Dirty Pretty Things has lots of lovelies! These cute little owl magnets are from her shop too! Head on over there and browse around! Stop by her blog while you’re out and about!


~Massive Sunshine Bag from Jen Sue Wild! ~

This gorgeous bag is made by fabulous blogger, Jen Sue Wild, who is an amazingly talented seamstress! I fell in love with this bag the very moment I saw it! You can meet the wonderful Jen Sue here!

Prize #5

~UGLYDOLL Bop & Beep!~

You get two Uglies in one 14” huggable doll! I sell these through my shop Black Crow Boutique (online store re-launch coming soon!) We always sell out of these! Very soft and cuddly!

Prize #6

~Forest Friends Fun!~

This adorable group includes fabulous Forest Friends Domino Magnet Set, Folkmanis Mini Owl Finger Puppet, and Owl Stickers by Paperchase! Jamie over at Stampin Mom is the designer of these darling domino magnets! I love her magnets and all her goodies in her Etsy shop (here.) Stop by her blog too!

Prize #7

~Boo-boo Trio!~

Make it all better with fun boo-boo bandaid strips! You get Crime Scene, Kissy Lips and Devil Duckie designs!

Prize #8

~”Dreams of the Every Day Housewife” Package!~

This fun prize includes a Good Eats Recipe Card Binder, Retro Housewife Magnet and 2 Owl Tea Towels from Paperchase!

Prize #9

~Decorative Owl Plate from Anthropologie!~

Umm...yeah...Anthropologie and I go way back...

Prize #10

~Birthday Party Game by eeboo!~

This was chosen by my 6 yr old daughter! We LOVE this game! ! Eeboo makes fantastic children’s games! We offer wonderful things like this in our ebay store, Monkey McNoodles!

Prize #11

~That’s Queen Bitch to You! Display Book!~

This book is hilarious! You can actually display a new page every day because it has a display stand! Filled with retro images with a dose of bitchiness!

Prize #12

~Green M&M Computer Screen Cleaner!~

This little cutie has a soft chamois back that wipes away dust, dirt and smudges without scratching your computer! You can use it again and again! Comes new in the box!

Prize #13

~Anne Taintor Retro Office Fun Stuff!~

Includes *2 packages of Sniff Tissues (purse size!) One says “Has anyone seen my hormones?”..the other says “She liked imaginary men best of all..”
Also included is a package of sticky notes that says “the day was in dire need of a Ctrl-Alt-Delete” and a note pad that says “more paperwork please.” I love Anne Taintor’s vintage office products!

Prize #14

~Good Fortune Feel Good Stuff!~

Includes a set of 5 fabulous Fabric Fortune Cookies from the amazing Claire, owner of Etsy shop, Laurora! Get on over there and see all the fabulous goods she has up! I went bananas over these fortune cookies! They are perfect for gifts, party favors and more!

Also included is Smith’s Rosebud Salve from Anthropologie. (You can also get this through Sephora.) You can use this for chapped lips, diaper rash, blemishes, cuticles and more! You will love it! I’m throwing in a Burt’s Bees Chapstick too! (There’s your Bee and Rose stuff!)

And you will also receive two little keys (not shown)….the keys to love and prosperity!

Prize #15

~”Owl” Remind Ya’ Kit~

Includes a Vinyl Catch-all Bag and Journal from Paperchase in one of my favorite designs..owls! Bag is a perfect place to keep pens, post-its, band-aids, gum, etc. I keep mine in my car. I LOVE it! Journal is great for shopping lists, reminders and more! Also included is another awesome domino magnet from Stampin Mom! It’s a cute vintage cowgirl! (I do live in AZ, doncha’ know!)

Prize #16

~Whooo loves Vera Bradley?~

I do!!! This is so fantastic I had to include it! It’s Vera B’s owl design!!! You will win a clip zip id purse and 24 matching pencils in VB’s awesome owl print! This rocks my socks off, people!

Prize #17

~Bobby Boo Bag and 3 packages of Skull and Bones Paper Garlands from my shop, Black Crow Boutique!~

I realize Halloween is down the calendar a little ways yet, but it is my favorite holiday and I do happen to own a whimsical Halloween boutique! (whew, that sentence was almost as long as this post!) I want to share some of our best sellers with you! (ummm…maybe you can come and visit me when you’re ready for Halloween?)

Included is our Bobby Boo Trick or Treat Sack with our hottest selling design! My son uses this to cart his video games and stuff around. It can be used year round! Also included are 3 skull garlands from Bethany Lowe Designs! (Fun to use for pirate parties too!)

Prize 18

~Custom Handcrafed Whisk Broom~

Another very popular item at Black Crow Boutique! The artisan who makes these is in very high demand and we are always fortunate when we get them in! (You may remember that cute little broom with the face in my “Cleaning the Witch’s Cottage Post”…we sell those too!)

Prize #19

~Too Faced Chocolate Bunny LipBalm!~
I use this every day! It’s creamy and the pinky brown color is fabulous! It tastes like chocolate too! (not that I eat it or anything…cause that would be weird!)

Prize #20

~Tattoo Rubber Duckie~

From my special duckie to yours!

UPDATED! To see the additional six prizes added, go HERE!

Whew! There you have it, my sweet bloggy friends! Twenty fabulous prizes! All you have to do to enter is the following…

*Leave a comment on this blog about what you like in the giveaway...


*Follow my blog (only if you really want to..I love lurkers just as much!) I have no shame anymore…I enjoy having followers! (If you already do follow, just leave me a separate comment that you do...) ***This must be a separate entry to count in the giveaway so Random Generator can count it as two separate entries***


*Blog about my giveway and link to it... (Be sure you tell me when you do it!)


*Each day over the next 10 days, I will post other ways to enter! Be sure to check back! There will be lots of opportunities to enter multiple times!

Make sure you leave a separate comment for each type of entry because I am using Random Generator to choose the winners. Thanks!

Giveaway entries will be accepted until 11:59pm on Friday, April 17. Giveaway winners will be announced on Monday, April 20. Please add your email address in your comment if it’s not available on your blog. I want to be able to notify the winners by email.

Contest is open all over the world! Shipping outside US will be first class post. Please note I cannot be responsible for lost or damaged shipments outside the US.

Let the fun and games begin!!!!


Anonymous said…
Congrats on 100 posts!!!!!!!!

Phew, what a giveaway! Love it!

First of all, I loved your writing and the story you shared about the abundance that blogging can bring to your life.

I seriously would love any of these prizes. They are all awesome! I'm a huge vera bradley fan, but that rubber duck has to take the cake!
Anonymous said…
I follow
stephilinn said…
Congrats on your 100 post! I see you added more goodies!!!!!! And what awesome goodies they are! Love it all! Want it all! Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!
Kelly said…
This is the biggest give away I have ever seen! You are so generous Dawn!

Hey- My hubby comes home today!!!! We got a surprise last night he called to tell us the good news. Just had to share that with you.

Mother Mayhem said…
WOOHOO! Happy 100th! :o)

I'll happily take any of these goodies off your hands, although the Sunshine Bag is my favorite.
Sandy said…
I love it all! But that Owl Necklace is so cute:0)

Happy 100th!
Sandy said…
I'm a follower:0)
Sandy said…
I blogged about your giveaway here:
Congrats on your 100th post!

I think all the prizes are great, but my faves are ~”Dreams of the Every Day Housewife” Package!~ and ~Good Fortune Feel Good Stuff!~
I am now following your blog.
Anonymous said…
I love #14 - I'm a Burt's fan! Love that you're doing a huge giveaway :)
Cammie said…
holy hell girl.
Love the purse
the vera stuff
anything with those retro women on it
anthropologie stuff.
good times.

I will whore you out tomorrow since I already posted today
Cammie said…
I already follow you!

and happy 100!! Im happy to have been friends with you on this journey!
Annie said…
I only just found your blog. It's wonderful. Today's post is exactly the way I feel about blogging: it makes my world a better place. I enjoy reading others and blathering on about my little life. Congrats on 100 - may you post many, many more!
WooHoo!! Congrats on 100!!!!!
I just found you a few days ago and I'm so glad I did, I love what I have read so far, keep it up.
So many cute things to pick from...I like the doll #5 and the bandages #7 and the bag and garland on #17, awe, it's all good!!!
Good morning my sweet friend and congrats on your 100th post!

I love you and I am so excited for you today! Enjoy all your comment love.

I love all your wonderful giveaway gifts. WOW!!
I am your follower from the beginning. Really, I should take credit for the blog since I did find you so early. *kidding*

You are an original!

You know that I LLLAAOOOVVEE You!

I want it all. :^)
Ter said…
Hi, I came here from "the adams family" blog and I see that we have some mutual bloggy friends. I am going to give your blog a looksee. I'll add myself as a follower.

The part about your children losing their father made me cry. I don't know your story yet, and I'm determined to find out about that statement. I look forward to getting to know you.
Nancy Face said…
Congratulations on your 100th post! You are awesome! :)

I'm pretty much in love with prize #8 and prize #9! :D
Congrats on 100! You truly are an awesome blogger! And look at this giveaway it is G.I.N.O.R.M.O.U.S. I have NEVER in all my bloggy days seen anything this big!

I love all the stuff you are giving away. I am especially fond of any and all of the owl stuff. They are just so darn cute. My boys would go gaga over #5 though. Seriously!

Congrats again, you fabulous lady you!
P.S. I already follow you!
Jess said…
Congrats on 100!! Thats awesome!

Please enter me, I love the stuff!! I'll blog about it tomorrow :D


Unknown said…
Okay- 1-3 are my favorites, but I love them all! How awesome of a giveaway!
Unknown said…
Okay, I am also going to follow you, and now because of just the contest! I've been meaning to check out your blog for a while! Your blog is so cute!
Donnetta said…
CONGRATULATIONS on 100 posts!!!

And you made me tear up with your daughter talking about Tuesday's waggie ride. What a tender heart she has.

What I like....Hmmm...

LOVE the fun boo-boo bandaids!
And who wouldn't want a Queen Bitch display book!!
We love us some games around here, so the birthday party game would delight baby chicklet!
Donnetta said…
I already follow your delightful self! :)
blognut said…
Congrats! And to think, I've e-known you since the beginning!

If you feel the need to let me win something, which you should know that no one ever does, I need 5, 7, or 9. NEED, not WANT. There's a difference, and you can sustain my existence with any of those items.
Donnetta said…
I blogged!!
Jillene said…
Congrats on 100!! WHOO HOO!! Now I LOVE all of the owl stuff but I would have to say that the Sunshine Bag is my FAVORITE. I need a little sunshine right about now!!
Jillene said…
I am already a follower. (does that count?)
Randi Troxell said…
loved the post and with all your troubles... just keep your head up!

i love all these prizes and would love any of them!!
Jillene said…
I just posted about your AMAZING giveaway on my blog.
Jodi said…
Congrats on 100 posts!! What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks so much! I love the Owl platter, the Philosophy 3-in-1, the fabric fortune many cute things! Thanks! And congrats again!
Jodi said…
I blogged about your giveaway here:

Congrats again Dawn!
Karen P said…
I think the #7 band-aids are pretty cool. :-)

cooparkes at gmail dot com
Karen P said…
Here is my blog post.

cooparkes at gmail dot com
Sheri, RN said…
Congrats on 100 posts! That rocks!

I'm a new follower, and look forward to lurking on your blog :P

The giveaway is the biggest I have ever seen, you are very generous! I would love to win anything, my favorite is the queen bitch to you book though. :)

my e-mail is:
Shauna said…
Happy 100th post! I follow your blog :)
Kristina P. said…
Congrats! This is one of the best giveaways I have seen, and I love everything in it!
~j said…
congrats on your 100th post!

this is a totally AWESOME have raised the bar for the rest of blogland!!!!!!
Debbi said…
Holy Moly, you're giving away A LOT of things! Yay~ You are so sweet!

Congrats on 100!
~j said…
proud follower!!!
Just SO said…
I'm a big fan of blogging and of owls! I'm also new here. Congrats on your 100th post. I'm now a follower.
Erin said…
I am seriously dying for the Amazing Grace. Yum!

Congrats on 100 posts!
Erin said…
(And I follow you and I'm linking to the giveaway!)
Congrats!!! I'm such a fan of you!!! I love the beauty balm! And the necklace!
A Psych Mommy said…
Woohoo! 100! Dang, girl--I'm pretty impressed with this mega prize package! I've got my eye on those pretty little ugly dolls!
A Psych Mommy said…
You know I'm a stalker! "Follower" is the more p.c. term, though, isn't it?
Brooke said…
I love the amazing grace and the sunshine bag. What a fun giveaway!
Brooke said…
I'm now a follower!
Tracy said…
Okay here I go...

First and foremost... you are awesome. I heart your blog and heart you and am so glad I have gotten to know you through your blog. You are such a blessing in my life and I look forward to reading your posts daily. Thanks for becoming my momma hen.

With that...
I love love love the Owl necklace {for me} and the ugly doll {for Baby J} and the Owel remind you kit... And the owl plate... I think you've created a monster and I'm now loving all things Owl. {{get it, I love the monster and owl stuff!!???}}
Anonymous said…
Yes, TONS of tissues!!!!!

I LOVE our Blue Ray, but I must say, that I've only watched one Blue Ray DVD thus far. Hubs & I both said we could tell an immediate difference in the quality. We just bought a HDTV a few months back and this definitely is a great addition to that! I'm glad we bought it. :)
Unknown said…
Congrats on 100! I found your blog via sandy's post
I like it all goodness what a giveaway!
Love the amazing grace and sunshine bag
Unknown said…
I am now a peeping tom aka follower lol
Tracy said…
I linked your blog to mine!!!
Kat said…
Congrats on 100 posts! I finally started following (Can't believe I was remiss in this before!)
Kat said…
I am absolutely in love with the retro office stuff and the prize with the magnet that says "she was the life of the tupperware party" too incredibly cute.
~j said…
re remodeling: my hubby started the entry way in dec 2005...i'm paying a contractor to finish it this
Jessica said…
HOly Smokes that a lot of great stuff! I can't choose. I want #12, 5, and 3.
stephilinn said…
I follow your blog religiously!
k-e-household said…
Great giveaways! I found you on ABC123. I love the tote bag the best! But tomorrow I will like something else ;)
Cajoh said…
Congratulations on 100 posts. No need to give me any of the giveaway stuff— save it for someone more deserving.
Laura said…
Congrats on your 100th post! Isn't blogging wonderful?! And I heart all Philosophy products!! Please, Random Integer....PICK ME!!! Thanks for the chance!
Claire said…
Congrats on 100 posts! What a milestone :) I realized just a few days ago that I wasn't following your blog, so I remedied that right quick.

I'm seriously in awe of how big your giveaway is. Insane! It absolutely puts the one I did to shame. But that's okay! And I'm glad to hear that people like the fortune cookies. I just had my first official order for a set over the weekend.
Congrats on your 100 post! Your daughter is such a sweetheart and yes, even at that young age she gets it. You are going crazy with your giveaway! I'm like'n eith #4, or #8.
The Blonde Duck said…
Congrats! What a fabulous giveaway! You have a sussy on my blog, too!
Robyn Jones said…
Congrats on your 100th post!!! I love coming and visiting you and will keep coming back...

THat is a crazy giveaway chicky WOW! and I don't think I could pick...they are all pretty cool....

Look forward to getting to know you better... :)
Ash said…
Holy Cow!! (you brought me out of my self-inflicted, no-blog time today just to check this out). You crazy, girl.

First, your daughter, aw, so sweet! And you're correct. This bloggy world is an awesome place.

Second, I want #11. Now, I know you can't throw it, or anything, but I'm just saying - I'm thinking this is right up my alley.

Happy 100 post my dear!! Here's to at least 1,000 more.

Ash said…
I'm already a follower. All the cool kids are doing it ;-) Em
Anonymous said…
i love the birthday party game and the everyday houswife package! great giveaway!
Anonymous said…
and i am now a follower!
B said…
It looks like your blog might let me post again! Oh, you know how remarkable that is!

Uh, do you know how bitter I am that there are too many things that I want here? I'd better win something! Owls have a special place in my heart too because of my grandmother, who raised me.
B said…
Oh, and I think we discussed this mental bit already, I follow, but my blog is totally embarrassed of me and won't let me follow a single person publicly. Am I really that shameful?
Tim Atkinson said…
Fantastic! Well done on reaching the milestone, and what a giveaway! (I'd better keep the details from my owl-mad daughter!)
Mary-Catherine said…
Oh, girl, You know I've been a'followin' you for a while now! :) I just adore the Owl Remind Ya kit!
Unknown said…
Congrats!! All these are great prizes, my top faves are the Too Faced Chocolate Bunny LipBalm, the Kristen's jewelry, and the Philosophy’s Amazing Grace 3-in-1 Shower Gel, Shampoo & Bubble Bath.
Sass said…
I do follow you. ;)
Sass said…
I don't know why, and it probably makes me a freak, but I LOVE those kiss shaped bandages. Seriously.

How fab would my daughter's boo-boo's look?

And you know what? It's okay to not be ornery every day.

You just gotta be honest, real, and true to yourself. Which you are. ;)

Congrats to you.

Oh, and Wednesday I'm having a giveaway for my 200th post. I'm just sayin'.
B said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
B said…
I added a little diddy to my regular posting for the day about your giveaway. Check it out:
The Motherboard said…
Holy Giveaway, Batman!

(your blog doesn't like to let me comment... sniff sniff)
The Motherboard said…
I'm a follower now. I'm going to use The Secret and my Jedi Mind powers to win this puppy!

May the force be with me!
Jolene said…
Oh my goodness! This has got to be the best giveaway I've ever seen. Every single prize is awesome!
Jolene said…
p.s. I am now a follower!
Vickie said…
Congrats on 100! I saw this giveaway over at Sandy's place.

I really like the sunshine bag. Big and beautiful.
Vickie said…
I am folowing you now.
Vickie said…
I blogged about your giveaway here:
Jenni said…
Holy Moly! That's A LOT of prizes!

Congrats on your 100th post! I'd love to win the Wise necklace!
I love the dreams of an everday housewife. That prize sounds perfect for one Sassypants Wifey! What a super fun blog you got goin, I will have to sign up to stalk, er, follow!
Raven said…
I'm a happy happy follower of your sweet blog! Thanks for being so generous!

Wendy said…
Congrats on turning 100 :)
What great prizes!!! I don't know how to choose which I like best... I have some serious Ann Taintor love, and who wouldn't want the Queen Bitch book??? I ask you! But then there's those band-aids... and the owl journal... good golly!
Mimi said…
Wow, enter me! That Sunshine bag is SOO me.
Mimi said…
I am happily following!
Dapoppins said…
I couldn't find anything in the givaway I didn't like. Okay, maybe the duckie, but only because I would have to fight my kids for bath time.

My comment should be first! I checked on your contest last night at 12.01 a.m. It isn't my fault you hadn't posted yet.

This is the hugest, cutest, funnest giveaway from one blog ever!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your 100th post! I love everything in your giveaway. I can't pick a favorite. Do I have to?

I would gladly trade my prize in for the chance to hang out with you for the day!
Anonymous said…
You know I will follow you forever, my sweet friend.
Lauren said…
I love the Vera Bradley. Beautiful designs. Congrats on the 100 posts and thanks for the massive giveaway!
Lauren said…
I am now a follower of your blog. No more lurking for me!
Lauren said…
And I posted on my own blog about your giveaway. Check it out here:
Michelle-y said…
I'm a very loving follower!!! Congrats on the BIG 100!
Jen said…
Holy Cow what a cool give away! I would love and and all of that stuff especially some of Kristen's jewelry. I also like the bag and the Vera Bradly stuff, pencils who knew.
Have fun with this!!!!!
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
wow!! congrats on 100 posts; blogging is awesome! i love the vera bradley items, the yellow bag and ... let me go back and see!!

Debra said…
Congratulations on the big 100! It is more like what do I NOT like? Love the Vera Bradley owls and the necklace. Too adorable!
Debra said…
P.S. I follow you to the ends of the earth! ;-)
momof3girls said…
congrats on your 100th post!! Yeah!! You were not kidding about a huge give away! Well let me count all the things I love that you are giving away: the Too Faced chocolate bunny balm, the good eats recipe card binder and retro housewife magnet (oh hand cramp) and the adhesive bandages are so funny!!! Ofcourse I stalk, I mean follow you (ha!) sign me up please! Thanks Momof3 girls
Hot DAWG girl! look at all those goodies! I love those Dirty Pretty Silhouettes and the tattoo duckie. so cute!
Whew weeeeeee girlfriend, that's a TON of LOVELY stuff you are giving away! Very sweet of your daughter to be so sensitive like that. And thanks for including my magnets in the giveaway, yay! Congrats on 100, you have the best blog ever...always gives me a good laugh. Thanks for being awesome Dawn!

Jamie :-)
And of course I'm a follower!

Jamie :-)
Estela said…
WOWZA!!! What a way to celebrate!!!
I would go gaga over any prize, truthfully, but the kitchen items are a hoot! *groan...I suck at puns!*

Congrats on 100!
Estela said…
I am now a loyal follower!
kathy said…
Happy 100th! What a give-a-way!

If it helps, my bday is in 3 weeks and I'm in desperate need of bubble bath, I also collect m & m's figures and I wear the Burt's Beeswax lip balm
Shannon said…
First of all... you did not warn me that this post (specifically the part with your daughter) would make me cry.

Second... when you said you were having a big giveaway... you weren't kidding! Whoa!

These are all great prizes!
Unknown said…
Lets see.... I like prize #1 the necklace of course!!
My 2 youngest boys would love those ugly dolls #5

This is a great celebration you have here!!
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Thanks for all the comment love spread on your 100th post-day!

And your opening story made me cry!

Thanks so much for sharing your heart with the blogosphere...

Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Oh, by the way, I am Cygnus, and I'd like the rubber duckie, please, because I sense he may be my long-lost duckling twin...
Michelle said…
Ok, first you made me almost cry -- although I held the tears in -- and then you cheered me up.

I gotta say you've got some way cool prizes. I love the band-aids. And the bubble bath. And the necklace. And the doll. And the game. And really do you need me to go on? ;)
Michelle said…
And yes, I'm following :)
Jennifer said…
OMG Lady--what a giveaway!! I really like ALL the stuff--but I think I like the cool devil children silhouettes and the little broom the best.

Thank you for the chance and Happy 100 Posts!!!
Okay. I know it doesn't count at this precise moment, but I'm posting about this giveaway (pre-scheduled) on my blog for tomorrow's (Tuesday) post! I wanna win something!
Jennifer said…
I am following your blog!!
Jennifer said…
I will post it about the giveaway on my blog tomorrow!
Jennifer said…
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Cora said…
WOAH!!!! You weren't kidding! When you have a giveaway, you REALLY have as giveaway! It's like Christmas over here! IMPRESSIVE. :-)

Halloween is my favorite holiday too!!

Congrats on 100 posts!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Sorry I'm late! Ok girl you so ROCK, first off I LOVE that you broke it up, more chances for me to win ... LOL

Cole would love the ducky ...

But I would love Queen Bitch is hard to pass up ....but I think the ~”Dreams of the Every Day Housewife” Package! is right up my alley ... :)
Alexis AKA MOM said…
I'm a follower, heck ya I follow my BFF anywhere ... well maybe not the bathroom, you know my issues with the bathroom ... LOL
Kristen Andrews said…
wow great list of goodies and can I enter for anything but my prize love those monster dolls Will would love them
Wendyburd1 said…
Are you kidding me? I would love to win any of these RAD prizes. I loved the "a place for a voice no matter how small to be heard" paragraph. It really affected me, especially with the grief some people are giving me for having my blog. Thank you.
LORI said…
holy cow!!!!!!!!! chica you weren't kidding with this giant giveaway! I love the necklace and the purse!!!!!
Stephenie said…
Congrat's on your 100th post..What a massive giveaway...You go girl!!! I wonder if I'll ever get to a 100...Such fun things in your giveaway...
Silje said…
Happy 100th post

Id love prize number 7 or 15.

My email adress is
silje DOT nordanger @ gmail DOT com
remove the spaces and replace DOT with .
kat c. said…
Wow! I'm loving the prizes! I really like the philosophy gel and the salve! I hope I get lucky!

katch05 at gmail dot com
TuTu's Bliss said…
hmmmm the rosebud salve but WOWZA this is serious!! It would be like winning the lotto but better because you don't have the hassle of all your friends and family trying to borrow a buck. :)
TuTu's Bliss said…
And I followed even before you offered all the goodies..your witty words alone were incentive enough!!!
What a fun and wonderful giveaway! I love all of it, but my favorite is the Ann Taintor stuff. I love her.
I'm following, too!
Kat said…
Blogged it on Random Tuesday Post.
Unknown said…
Congrats on your 100th! I am not commenting to win, I just stopped by via Lana's blog and told her I would check you out. So no entries for me please, I promised her I wouldn't ruin her chances to win.

I DO want to say though, that your daughter is a beautiful soul.. wise beyond her years and you are lucky to have her (duh you know that) her words made me cry.

Congrats again!
Kathy B! said…
Wow! When you do a giveaway you really knock it out of the park!

I'm in :)

And I love the comments you made about blogging and having a voice. Well said.
Kathy B! said…
And I'm now following :)
Bobby G said…
Hello! I'm Bobby G! I got your Site From Kats and you seem humorous! You also seem like you wanted to have a garage sale but didn't, so now you got a shit ton of stuff that you need to get rid of so you made a blog contest! Fantastic Idea! I dont have any need for your items, but I will still follow you and look forward to the rest of your posts! Also How the hell do you have so many followers? Anyways my site is Enjoy!
Jenners said…
First of all, congrats on 100 posts. Mine is on Friday but I'm not doing anything nearly as amazing as you.

Second, I love what you wrote about the Land of Blog. It is so true. I feel the same way. And I think you are so awesome.

Third, Holy Crap! What a monster giveaway. I will FOR SURE blog about it -- in fact, I will put it in my 100th post on Friday. My crappy, measly prizeless 100th post.

Fourth, how much do I want everything ... but my favorites are the ducks, the band-aids, the #8 housewife package, #10 birthday party game, #11, #12, #13... too hard to pick! oh...and Vera Bradley too.

You are going to get SWAMPED with stuff for this! Have fun! And you can be sure I'll be leaving another comment to tell you I'm a follower.
Jenners said…
I am a follower.
Vanessa said…
I just found your blog and man what a give-a-way!! There are some great prizes I would be happy to have:)
Happy 100th
Kathy B! said…
I love the Lotus Bloom necklace -- very Spring-y!

And she has some fabulus stuff over there!
Queenie Jeannie said…
I thought I posted here!! OOPS!

I'm in - yay!!!!
The Go-To Girl said…
Wow! Awesome giveaway. I pretty much love it all. Found you from Jen at The Fun House. New Follower, Happy 100th!
Devri said…
I love it all, I am a follower!

I will put you up on my sidebar and shout to the tops of the moutains...
Devri said…
Follow instructions devri!

I am a follower too!!
Lori said…
Holy gianormous moly! lol You've added a few things since my last visit! Thanks for the comment and reminder by the way!
Everything is fabulous but I especially love the birthday party book, love that rosebud salve (I use to use that but it's hard to find!) and I know my boys would love those ugly dolls! lol
Besides all that, your post was incredibly moving. I love that you shared what blogging means to you and how it has impacted you and my, what a beautiful heart you have. :) Your children are so blessed to have such an amazing mommy and daddy...your daughter is so wise and tender-hearted. :)
I was cracking up over the whole hooters thing, seriously that picture left me speechless! lol
You (and your husband) have blessed those children with an amazing sense of humor!! :)
Have a great rest of the week and a great Easter holiday!
I was offline a lot last week and thought I missed your 100th post! I missed you, and your blog while I was off doing other stuff:) I love the sunshine bag and the rosebud salve-- very cool! You have outdone yourself:)
kel said…
I adore Philosophy!!!! congrats on your milestone girl!!
kel said…
I follow you already..
sclangs said…
Wow!! What a giveaway!!! Please include my name in the count!! I really like (#2)the shower gel/shampoo and bubble bath, (#4)the massive sunshine bag (I saw it on her blog and thought it was great), (#7) the boo boo trio (with 3 kids, I need plenty of bandaids around here), and (#16) the vera bradley bag (don'tcha know we all love vera).

Seeker said…
WOW...and I do mean WOW....Look at all the stuff you giving away....WOW..

You know I follow you and always will...this is just over the top..

I'd better stop now cause you have me speechless....well almost
Seeker said…
ps.... Congrats on your 100th...there better be a whole lot more...dying to see what will happen on your 200th...
For a moment there I thought you were going to go for 100 giveaways. Congrats on the 100th post!
Unknown said…
What a wonderful giveaway! Congrats on post #100! I am a new follower
Wow! What an amazing giveaway--it makes my 100th post look dismal! Thanks for hosting it and congrats on making it to 100!
Sara said…
Holey Moley!! I love your giveaway, I have an owl "thing"!! My daughter has huge owl eyes so we have sort of started collecting owl items because of her! Thanks!
Sara said…
I became a follower
A Psych Mommy said…
I'm having my readers visit you for a field trip! Here's my blog about you and your giveaway:
Unknown said…
wow congrats thats great!!! My fav is the vera bradley owl design and the too faced chocolate lip balm.
A Psych Mommy said…
I love Kristen's I love you to the moon and back--from my favorite book that I read to my son!
Unknown said…
I love the Custom Personalized Mixed Metal Handstamped Necklace at kristens custom creations. darling.
Itworksforbobbi said…
um, talk about putting the rest of us slackers to shame! What yummy giveaways!! I'm totally in!
Itworksforbobbi said…
I'm now a total follower - blog follower that is :) Thanks again, and a huge congrats!
MRMD_GRL said…
Wow! What n amazing giveaway, and such a fun blog. I am new to your blog... I lurked and stumbled here and am definitely intrigued!

Congrat's on post 100
Anonymous said…
Congrads! I couldn't believe how many giveeway items there are! Everything looks fun, I love philosophy products and the owl itmes are too cute. I
Anonymous said…
I follow !
Tricia said…
Wowza! Now that's a giveaway! I love so many of the things: the tattoo duckie, the owl plate, the lip bandaids, of course the necklace...okay I l-o-v-e it all!
Tricia said…
Aren't we all so lucky you have hit 100 posts! YAY! Blogged about it!

p.s. pick me, pick me (hand raised high)
Unknown said…
Congrats :) And many thanks for the amazing giveaway Everything is awesome I am now a follower
ymk said…
Hey! I'm glad I found you at one of my blogging friend's comments.
Congrats on your 100th post. I am new to the blogging world too, so it must feel awesome reaching the 100th mark :)
I love the giveaway. And I am a huge fan of vera bradley. But I like the sunshine bag a lot too!
Briann said…
im new to your blog and love it! I love the sunshine bag, so cute!
ymk said…
and I am now a follower :)
Briann said…
i now follow your blog :)
Karen P said…
I like the Custom Personalized Hand Stamped Sterling Mommy Brag Necklace!
Shan G said…
Congrats, my friend! GREAT giveaway.

I like prizes 20, 19, 17, 14, 13, 12, 11 (I have a tiny magnet that says "that's Queen bitch to you!", but I have always wanted something bigger and more prominent! LOL), 8, 7, 5, & 3.

Shan G said…
And I already follow your bloggy! =)
Shan G said…
Oh and I want the devil silhouette...LOL
Anonymous said…
Blogged about it
Shan G said…
Blogged about it here
Grand Pooba said…
What the? Are you serious!! Ok, that's the last time I take a day off blogging because I almost missed out on this!

Congrats woman! I love your blog and I agree, there's nothin like sitting down and bloggin with a cup of coffee. Although right now I'd prefer a martini :)

So enter me woman! Please? There is so many things to choose from and all are just scrumptious prizes!

If you've read a few of my posts about me I LOVE notebooks and pencils and pens so prizes 15 and 16 are my favs, those along with the bag and hello? I love prize number 1!

Our Crazy Life said…
I LOVE # 4, that bag is beautiful~~ followed a close second with # &, way too cute!!
Thanks for the opportunity for such a great giveaway!!!
Tori C. said…
Hello lady! I finally made it over and my goodness - THIS is the giveaway mecca! My favs are #'s 1, 6, and 13!
Tori C. said…
I follow (but of course)!
Doreen said…
Congrats on your 100th post!! Wow! :) I love your giveaway! My fav prize has to be the Vera Bradley! Definitely! :)I also like prizes #1 & #15. I love Vera's goodies!! purposedrivenlife4you(at)gmail(dot)com
Doreen said…
I'm following your bloggy!
Doreen said…
Blogged also!
Jinxy said…
I'd love the Philosophy’s Amazing Grace 3-in-1 Shower Gel, Shampoo & Bubble Bath (full size!)~
Night Owl Mama said…
LOL I jumped ship and posted on the wrong post. BUT I can repeat. No laws right.

Congratulations on your 100 POSt. Hope to see you make 100 more.
Luv luv luv the Wise Owl Necklace. Too cute TOo me.
#1 or #8 .
1 – 200 of 334 Newer Newest

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