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A Moment of Silence aka Suckfest 2009

Hello, my sweet friends....

Things are very sad at the Bee and Rose today....

We had a disaster of EPIC proportions here yesterday (Tuesday) and I am still trying to recover!

At approx. 3:00 pm MST, my precious laptop, my son's best friend XB360, and my husband's mistress, Big Flat Screen TV were all critically injured in a malicious power surge.

Yep, you heard me....MY COMPUTER CRASHED, XB360 BIT IT AND THE FLAT SCREEN TV DIED!!! Apparently, my new friend, Migraine, was just the beginning of my huge SUCKFEST!

I immediately got these out and started waving them around...
Some of you may remember these little friends of mine...

Fortunately, the AWESOME folks at Microsoft helped us to bring XB360 back to life...THANK GOD! Tween Caveboy nearly had a stroke at age 12!

The jury is still out on my husband's mistress, Flat Screen TV. We are searching for a specialist to help her. I know he's ready to ditch her for a new, younger (larger) model, but tough cookies, Chilly!

The worst news of all....My precious....the in critical condition at the intensive care unit with these folks....

Those poor fellows felt so darn sorry for me that they promised to help her recover in 3 days. I cried, "well, that's like 30 years in blog years!" They said, "that's the best we can do, ma'am." Heavy sigh....and ugly crying....."You don't understand! I am having a MONSTER giveaway on my blog!" They just stared at me with pity and nodded. I'm sure they were whispering about me when I left.... So I left my sweet laptop with Milt and George who promised to try and recover my 5486 photos (no joke) and all of my iTunes downloads by Friday.

(My daughter's 6th birthday photos and Irish dance photos were on there and not backed up...I know..I know...I just hadn't gotten to the store to get a flash drive....Believe me...I have learned my lesson! I mentally beat the crap out of myself all day today!)

Needless to say, I will not be able to comment or visit blogs very much at all for the next few days.....I AM SO SORRY!!!! I hope you will still come by and join in the giveaway fun! I am going to try and check in via my husband's phone and use my parent's computer when I can. Please know that I am just SICK over this and really do want to spread my comment love around blogland.

I am going to schedule a few posts while I'm here at my parent's house so just pretend I'm still here! I love, loVE, LOVE all of you and really feel awful about this whole nightmare!

Thank you all for your very kind understanding and support!

You can still enter the giveaway if you haven't had a chance! Go enter!

You can have an additional entry if you go here...

Know I'll be watching longingly from afar! See you all on Saturday!

Big Giant Hugs!

Dawn (see I couldn't even do my fancy signature...sniffle sniffle plop plop....)

p.s. There will be more entry opportunities on upcoming posts!!!!

p.s.s. TV and XB360 were plugged into a surge protector...I found out today from the Geek Squad that they are not 100% foolproof...just so ya know.....


Uhg. I feel sick yo my stomach for you. Really. I hope your baby recovers. Poor, poor laptop. :(
Love the WTF sign. i need me one of them!!
I will send positive technology thoughts your way. I'm paralyzed without my blog buddies....don't worry we'll be here.
LadyStyx said…
Oh man, that really sucks. *HUGZ*!
the loss of the computer can really ruin a woman's day.
Megan said…
UGH! That really truly sucks!!!
Anonymous said…
That is the worst! I am so sorry!
I don't know how you're even able to manage typing this. I'd be in a cave somewhere, screaming and pulling my hair out. But that's just me.
Tess said…
Oh no! Ive been without internet for a whole day and about died. I can imagine not having a working computer!
Vickie said…
I totally feel for you. A few months ago we had a virus on our computer that was driving me crazy. There was a few days there where I couldn't use my computer. I was pacing back and forth I didn't know what to do!
Whitney said…
How horrible!! Well, I guess that's one way to keep us all on our toes!
Anonymous said…
Oh Ouch and Yuck....where can I get me one of those signs...
Tom said…
I'm sorry to hear about your predicament. That is very inconvenient timing. I thought drug addicts had it hard in rehab, but that's nothing like being without your computer. You have my sympathies.
Kathy B! said…
That is some Suckfest that you timed to correspond with your giveaway :)

I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. A speedy recovery to all of your electronics!
blognut said…
I feel your pain! I would be inconsolable.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
O.K lady, if alls I'm gonna do every time I talk to you is dehydrate via my ocular orbs, then we's gonna have to stop meeting this way...

So, pardon the pun about surge protectors, No, most of em won't sustain a 30-second steady jolt...
I'm so sorry, but kinda like the irony that i wanted to do my post long before the power surged in your way! (I decided @ work this a.m. that your blog was the perfect topic for mine tonite!)

Hope all goes well with PRECIOUS...LOL!!

Ter said…
ugh i'm so sorry! (and where can i get a wtf sign?)

I've suffered migraines for many years til I was diagnosed with high blood pressure (of course by then it was too late for my little girl)
nikkicrumpet said…
Well bless your poor heart!!! I feel your pain and am in mourning for your loss. That is one big giant SUCKY day for sure. I hope the geeks can bring your computer back to life. No one should lose that much stuff! We'll be thinking about you in your time of need!
Nicole said…
Oooohhh that sucks! I hope everyone recovers :)
Jess said…
Oh mah gah.

I don't pray, but in times like these, I'm shouting up prayers to the geek gods for you. Keep me in the loop and let me know if you need anything, booze, valium, friendly geek advice, you name it, I'm there.



P.S. I blogged about you today. :)
Devri said…
oey!!!! Sooo Sorry, about the lap top and the rest, what a crappy day!
I'm so sorry - how awful! And LOL about 3 days being 30 years in blog time. So funny!

I hope things work out well for your computer. But on the bright side, think of all the things you will get accomplished around your house since you won't be sucked into the blogosphere!

Shannon said…
Oh, no! That's awful :( Hope you get your laptop back soon... and with all your stuff!
Anonymous said…
Ugh! That is horrible! I think i'd die without my electronic gadgets!
Kat said…
WTF is the point of a surge protector if they aren't 100% effective? That is shitty. Sorry to hear about your laptop I hope it is back to you soon!!
Sandy said…
I am so sorry:0(
Lesley said…
here's to sending good thoughts to the mistress and your lap top...I'm sure Milt and George will work wonders...
Anonymous said…
Eek - I really need to back up all of my stuff too. Thanks for the reminder. Hopefully the geeks can revive your dead pc!
Kelly said…
I am so sorry Dawn! I will say a prayer for your computer. Good luck!!!!
Bobby G said…
WOW! Id of shat myself w/ sorrow! though, I do have my shit plugged into BAD ASS surge protector, so if my stuff did fry itd be covered (Buy a $100 surge protector and you are taken care of) Also No blog comments? Thats BULLSHIT! Im not gonna leave you any comments either...oh wait...I just did, you win again Bee
Oh my! You poor poor dear! I would be completely lost without my computer and flat screen. I don't have a flat screen, but that 32" tube television in my living room would be missed dearly! I think suckfest is an understatement!
The Mrs. said…
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Love that the flat screen is hubby's mistress. In our house it's hubby's car!
Just SO said…
ACK!!!!! That is a disaster of proportions! I hope that the Geeksters can save your laptop and all the pictures on it. I would be in ICU if I lost all my pictures! Get well soon thoughts for your laptop from here.
Wouldn't you know it!! Did you have a big storm? I hope the recovery goes as planned. Sorry this happened, especially this week:(

Randi Troxell said…
oh man i feel your pain! i hope it all gets better... and of course i'll keep checking back here!
Ash said…
If I were you, I would keep a close eye on your husband.

If he's anything like mine, he'd be slipping the tech a $20 to "finish the deed" just get a newer, cooler flat screen.

I'll hold a moment of silence for your laptop.

Good tech vibes!! Em
Alicia said…
That does suck! I hope you are up and running very soon!
Tracy said…
Craptastic! I'm sorry my sweets!! Hang in there... let the good doctors at geek squad handle your beloved lappy and get her up and going.

And ummm... as for Chilly's mistress. I'm a sucker for the hubby's big blue eyes and well, he is now the proud owner of a brand new much younger and thinner plasma tv. Dont give in to the puppy dog eyes!
Donnetta said…
I'm donning my black clothing and will be fasting....
Heather said…
Wow that blows! Hope you get everything fixed, quickly!
Oh Dawn, I'm so bummed for you! Hopefully they get it up and running and save your files.

Jamie :-)
Jazzy Jemz said…
OH NO!!! Can't believe the hubby wants to trade her up to a new younger version. Shame on him!

I do hope your laptop recovers. It is a same. Our babies and silly power surges.
Mary-Catherine said…
I'm so sorry!!! Do ya'll have renters insurance or anything? I've had to use mine on my husband's laptop once when he dropped it.
Horrible... just horrible. :( you need chocolate.
B said…
Oh girl, that sucks BIG TIME!
Marie Reed said…
You need more than chocolate! You need vodka! I'm about to faint! WHere are my smelling salts!
A Psych Mommy said…
Auggh, I'm so sorry for you! I think I would pull all my hair out and need therapy if I lost all that!

I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for your laptop!
The Blonde Duck said…
You poor thing! I think we need to give you a giveaway!
Annie said…
That's what I call a bad, bad, bad day! Ouch!!!!!
I am always SO afraid this will happen. I would be the same way with the Geek Squad-- they'd be calling the cops on me.

I'm sure they will do their best:)
Glad Tween Caveboy didn't have a stroke. Shoot, would have been just one more bad thing in your suckfest week. {{{HUGS}}}
Erin said…
Oh man! Curse the lightning!
momof3girls said…
I will cry with you, sob! do you need a tissue? I know I do, sorry, I need to blow my nose. Can I get you something to drink, sweet tea, a diet coke? I think I have some chocolate around here somewhere - yes, chocolate is cheaper than therapy, unfortunately a little high in calories- blogging is much better! How are you feeling? I hope you are feeling better and I will check back with you tommorow, okay.
Jenners said…
The suckitude of your suckfest is beyond sucky in a suckilicious way. May the suckitude pass quickly.
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahahaha! "That's like 30 years in blogland!" Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

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