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Cloudy With a Chance of B*tchy

Don't be afraid....It says cloudy with a chance of b*tchy.

Oops! How did that pop in here? Don't worry...I'm not growling yet...

Although, last night I was sharing my frustration over my new facial hair with Chilly, brought on, no doubt, by perimenopause. I will now share with you his words of comfort...

"If you're gonna be a bear, be a grizzly, right?"

Oh no he di'nt! Nerdanderthal! Growling will now commence...

I knew I was in for a hormonal rough patch this morning when I went in for a morning soak in the tub and found that my cute rubber duckie...

had turned into this....

Time to call in the reinforcements! I grabbed my special soap used only for this occasion...

There! That feels better....NOT! Ugh! I knew it was time to get the tools to help me deal with the gathering storm.

I grabbed these...(because it's really best if I don't talk...because I probably won't be nice...)

(the blue one is for emergencies only...)

I got some chapstick because my lips get really dry (from "pursing" them in my desperate attempt not to say something horrible to loved ones...that's why the sign paddles up there are "good things.")

I grabbed some chewing gum to chew my stress away so I wouldn't yank every hair out of my head from pms anxiety...(otherwise I'd be bald with facial hair and look like this guy...)

This is my gum of choice today...

This is what I will be eating today...




I'll probably drink this wine all day... (and bear in mind...I'm not a drinker...but this seems appropriate...)

(Kids, don't even think about hiding your Valentine's candy from me...)

Family and friends...don't say I didn't warn ya!

Oh! and since my hormones are about to take a ride on a rollercoaster, my post would not be complete without some happy news!

I was the lucky winner of a very cute giveaway over at Stampin' Mom! Jamie has the cutest Etsy shop! Please go visit! I love my umbrellas are very special to me so I was very happy to win this!

And finally, the very sweet (and funny) Jenners at Life With a Little One and More and Find Your Next Book Here shared the Friends Award with me!
Thank you, Jenners!

I would like to share this with a new bloggy buddy who is new to the land of Blog! Stephenie at Just A Little Bit Pink...this is for you! Go give her some welcome comment love!

And now to further continue this hormonal hot rod ride, I would like to say a BIG thank you to all of you! I had 41 comments yesterday and that was my biggest yet! Sniffle, sniffle, plop, plop...happy tears! I am still a baby blogger (just a bit over a month old) and my heart was filled with happiness from all the kind words!

Ok...I'll release you from captivity now to go read other blogs....Off you go!



Cammie said…
me thinks I love you. But I dont understand "not a drinker" hmmmm

oh I totally have that "im not a bitch" magnent in my cubicle.

yes, I do.
Kristina P. said…
That PMS duck totally made me laugh!
Tracy said…
I'm currently printing out all of those pictures! I love it!!!

The statement that has flown from these lips today is "I'm feeling a little stabby... back up and away". Must be something in the air?? I dunno... but someone's gonna get punched today! hahahaaa

Thanks for the laugh peaches!
Unknown said…
aw, hang in there, this too shall pass! fortunately i have never suffered much from pms or any other monthly woe. maybe my body just knows not to aggravate me. ;)
Unknown said…
I knew there was a reason I like you!

And It's always cloudy around here with a definite chance of bitchy!
Erin said…
Very funny! That chapstick was a riot.
The Blonde Duck said…
That was the funniest thing I've ever read. I want those signs for work.
Anonymous said…
You are SO FUNNY!

I especially love your meal plan for today!
Oh yea, between peri-menopause and PMS I have like one good week per month. BAHAHAHAHA I just say "Leave me alone my hormones are wacked." It kind of covers everything.
Jen Sue Wild said…
Oh girl I love coming her you just have away of makeing me laugh and laugh and laugh sme more.
Jules AF said…
Go intercourse yourself.... Snort.
What a great win, I love your magnet. Hope you are back to your old self soon!!
Devri said…
Chapstick.. oh my gosh..rolf.
Umm...Umm..what to say.....I think I will just quietly..very very quietly tip-toe back out of your comment box. I don't want that blue sign used on me!
Congrats on winning that contest. I entered that 1 too. haha.
Tori C. said…
This is my favorite post of yours ever! I laughed and laughed (out of the side of my mouth as I'm still sore from wisdom teeth)! I hope you feel better soon!
Marie Reed said…
Don't forget to have an extra slice of cake for a snack!
Dapoppins said…
you are a stinkin' RIOT!
mama's smitten said…
You summed that up brilliantly! Thanks for the entertainment!
Jess said…
Dear god. The poor world. You, me, my sister, my bff. This place just may implode.

Yeah, I'm not even going to mention what my dinner was last night or tonight. I'm ashamed.
woolies said…
I really think I need that blue finger picture.........Can I paste it on my car? And my blog? And hmmm where else can I thin of? On my forehead?
this made me laugh!

(Ps I found you cause you entered my giveaway on raven's blog...)
:0) You're in Tucson??
Anonymous said…
You do b*tchy so well, so very, very well.
blognut said…
I'm offically hiring you to be in charge of menu planning at my house.
Kristen Andrews said…
that is so funny, this month I had the worse case of PMS, glad it is over until next month.
Anonymous said…
Just wait til full-blown Meopause hits, then you'll have NOSE HAIR to contend with. Hang on Honey, cuz the ride gets rougher as you go along. Whee!!
Unknown said…
I have 2 chin hairs. But until I start to look like Joaquin Phoenix does as of late, I think I'm a gonna be okay. Plus, they're fun to play with when you're bored.
debi9kids said…
OMGosh! Giggling away at the PMS! Thanks for giving me something to really laugh at today :)
Congrads - I do believe you finally gave PMS some laughter and smiles!!! I totally enjoyed your post today - Love how you shared the pictures along with your misery. Hope you get to feeling better and all I am going to say now is Hugs for now!!
Tip Toeing Away
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness! You made my day! I love the meal choices

We have been busy this past week and a half remodeling a rental by adding wood floors, painting the entire place, replacing sink, etc. However, I'm stuck in bed with a sore throat right now so that means time to surf the net!
Unknown said…
I think I'm gonna come to your house for all my meals today! Looks like my kind of menu.

BTW, the question is "what do you NOT feel guilty about"? We do enough of the beating ourselves up--this is to help us feel better about what we're doing right.

I love seeing that you've left a comment! Always makes me smile.
Anonymous said…
ME TOO!!!!!! I'm ready to open up a whole can of whoop as* on somebody!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!! You rock!!
Well, I was going to say that I hope the little magnet cheers you up when it arrives, but then I saw you gave me some linky I'll say thanks & hope that you get through it quick ;-) Funny pics and now I WANT CAKE...thanks, hehe.

Jamie :-)
Deb said…
omg, we are living parallel lives!!! you weren't kidding!

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