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Gone Feis~in'

We're off to Phoenix today!  Irish Dancer Girl has a feis (pronounced "fesh"'s an Irish dance competition) up there on Saturday.  

Jazz hands are not just for jazz dancin'!

Any good luck you can send her way is most appreciated!  

I plan on hitting Hobby Lobby, Pottery Barn Kids, Rainforest Cafe and maybe Ikea while we're up in the Valley of the Sun.  Teen Caveboy wants to check out the Heart Attack Grill...for the tell me if you think it's all about the burger...

                           I can't take your eyes off those ginormous burgers...

Sorry to destroy your dreams, Teen Caveboy...if you're really nice though, I'll take you to Burger King and get you a paper crown to wear while you're having your lunch:)

Wishing you all a terrific weekend!!!  See you Monday!  Got some great giveaways brewing for next week too!  



Unknown said…
Good luck to Irish Dancer Girl!! She is such a cutie!!
And have fun at the Heart Attack Grill, yes the burgers don't get much bigger than that! LOL
Kristina P. said…
She looks adorable. Have a great time!
Good luck to Irish Dancer Girl! What a sweetheart! You are going to all my favorite places! Have the crabcake sandwich at Rainforest. They are YUMMY! And don't forget your 40% coupon for Hobby Lobby- (on-line)! Lori
beckylbranch said…
She looks so ADORABLE! Wishing her luck! ha..ha...I've never heard of that "burger" joint. Hope you have a good weekend!
Good luck to Irish Dancer girl. Hope everyone has a great time.
Joyti said…
Awww, that is far too cute! Good luck to her, and all of the little dancers!
Good Luck, to your little dancer!

Have a GREAT weekend!
Jenners said…
Wishing her luck ... though I doubt she needs it.

Love love love seeing her in her Irish dancing get-up!
Kelly said…
Best wishes! She is a crowd pleaser!
Kelly said…
Best wishes! She is a crowd pleaser!
Tonjia said…
ohhhh good luck to Irish Dancer Girl, I love watching them dance!

And hope you had a ball in Phoenix, sometimes its nice just to visit "civilization" isnt it?

LOL about the "ginormous burgers"
Beth Dunn said…
She is just precious!
kel said…
SO cute! Irish dancing is something I always wished as a child I could do! But no dance studios around here offered it! Boo!
Anonymous said…
You won my giveaway - check the blog for details!
Hope you had a great weekend...she is adorable.
Randi Troxell said…
hope ya'll had an awesome wkend!!
Mammatalk said…
Lots of Irish luck sent your way! I love Irish dancers. We had them at our wedding!
Dapoppins said…
oh your daughter is so cute. Was this the day she got sick?

I almost wrote a post about a teen cave-boy (not yours) who has trouble looking me in the eye...seems every time I try to meet his eyes, they are always flicking up from my chest area...

boys are so cute!

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