Wishing is BIG business at our house. I realized this yesterday when my daughter made it her mission to turn my frown upside down. She came in with her bag of wishing tricks and a fairy wand determined that she was going to wish away my day of doldrums.
"All you need, Mama is Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust!" she exclaimed while laying out her wishing implements. (no kidding...She calls herself the Wish Fairy...)
Here are her assorted tools of the trade...
Mystical Wishing Tools
While she was working her magical mojo on me, I pondered all of the ways we get our wishing on at our house. Turns out, we do a lot of wishing around here!
We wish on stars and birthday candles. We toss coins in fountains at the mall to make wishes (You're welcome, malls all over America for my enormous financial contributions over the years...) We send our well wishes out in cards to celebrate special occasions like holidays and birthdays.

We wish on snowflakes (a rarity in Tucson!) We make a wish whenever we notice the clock reads 11:11. And of course, we've been known to go a little nuts at Thanksgiving over the wishbone.
I've always wanted a wishing well. This one will do nicely if I can convince Disney to send it my way...(I'll get Catherine aka Wish Fairy to work on that one pronto...)
Which brings me to my Wish List...Yep, I even have a special notebook that I keep all my wishes in. (I'm such an organizing freak that I even catalog my wishes!) I love going back through it to see what I've wished for over the years:)
Here are two favorite wishing moments...
Catherine on her 6th birthday wishing good things for her family...
Connor (at age 5) on the beach in Florida wishing for a bucket of LGM's (Little Green Men) from Toy Story on our trip to Disney World the next day...
(Teen Caveboy will deny that this is actually him because he wouldn't be caught dead blowing sand wishes on a beach...sorry dude! It was captured on film nine years ago for my eternal viewing pleasure and for your eternal embarrassment. You're welcome!)
While my little Wish Fairy was putting her final touches on her wish making for my immediate happiness, I asked her what she thought about wishes.
"Wishes are prayers that look really pretty! God loves to hear your wishes!"
And with that, I will leave you with words of wisdom from this wee sage...
“You see, the most fantastic, magical things can happen, and it all starts with a wish!” ~ Jiminy Cricket
So tell me...
How do you get your wishing on?
Wishing you a lovely day!

In our household... we wish on shooting stars, candles, cards, dandylions... all the usual. And for the extra needed wishes... good ol' fashioned prayer until I weep.
Have a great day!
btw- cat is soooo cute in that pic with the pink crown!!!
Apparently I don't wish enough. I typically only wish on my birthay candles, once a year. Oh, and that occasional shooting star. I need to work on getting my wish on.
P.S. for the record, I got warm fuzzes over that last one..."Wishes are prayers that look really pretty! God loves to hear your wishes!".
I don't thinke we have enough wishes in our house, maybe tonight I will teach the kids how to wish upon a star....
I make wishes in my head at any old time. :)
Your fairy sounds like a MUST in every house.
Wanna send her over? :)
Love love love this post.
And I love your new design. Absolutely gorgeous!
We wish on & for lots of things here. =D
wishing wishing wishing
We do the same sort of wishing you do - along with wishing on an eyelash. :)
WW: Birthday Celebration
I love all your kinds of wishes!
What a great post! I gave up wishing on stuff, or by throwing things in stuff, or blowing things out the first time I saw a shooting star, made a wish and the damn thing didn't come true...I mean COME ON shooting stars are like the freaking Bentley of wish vessels and even that didn't work.
What a sweetie!
Oh, and we always grew up knowing that if we told someone our wish, it wouldn't come true.