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There's No Place Like Home

We are a new journey lies before us.

Over the last ten days, I have been told that Chilly's prognosis is very poor. It's highly unlikely he will survive the next two years. (The manner in which that news was delivered to me is a blogpost in itself...) His heart, kidneys and brain are just deteriorating too rapidly for his body to continue on much beyond that. I, however, have seen Chilly cheat death on many occasions. I am holding on to hope that he will this time as well.

I am overwhelmed with emotion when I read all of your very loving and supportive comments. They were a lifeline to me and my children during the last ten days. Thank you from the very bottom of my truly grateful heart.

In a few brief seconds, our lives irrevocably changed on Friday, August 14. That's all it took for the stroke to occur and set the heart attack in motion as well. We are savoring every second we have together as a family. The likelihood of another stroke is incredibly high as is another heart attack. This will probably cause Chilly's passing. We are beginning a video diary for our kids with Chilly sharing stories from his childhood, "daddy" advice on all things growing up, etc. It's unbearable to me to know my children will lose their father this early in life.

Chilly wants me to continue blogging. He loves to read my blog and insists that I don't give it up. I struggled with that for a while, but decided to keep on blogging. Writing is healing for me so I will continue on. I promise this blog will not turn morose. I will continue to share the funny and try to make you giggle when you come to visit (especially you, Chilly, my very sweet love...)

Again, thank you for hanging with me during this very difficult time. I am going to get back to blogstalking soon. I love reading blogs and think that it's just the ticket to bring some sunshine back into my world.

I love you all...




Mammatalk said…
I am so sorry to hear this heart breaking news. Lots of love and good wishes sent your way!
Ash said…
Oh Dawn, my heart is breaking for you - you write whatever the heck you want. I'll be here to read it.

Hugs and prayers to you and Chilly - Em
Kristina P. said…
I am praying for your family, Dawn.
Polka Dot Moon said…
Oh Dawn,

My heart is heavy, but yours and Chilly's attitude is so positive and uplifting! I will keep praying for your family!! My mother is a cancer survivor....Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. She had a 2%, yes 2% chance of survival. That was 9 years ago! She and my dad are on their way down from Colorado as I type this to see the kids!
I believe in miracles :)

I love that you are making video diaries! What a wonderful gift for your children too! And that Chilly wants you to keep blogging :) You have a gift for it.

You have lots of friends and prayer warriors on your side :)

Anonymous said…
All I can offer is a great big cyber hug...Keep doing what your doing...You are terrific, and so is Chilly!
Annie said…
As I've read through your posts, trying to read every day, I've been struck by their uplifted notes. This life you lead is filled with troubles and pain, yet you've shared honestly with us here in cyberspace, no sugar coating for us.

And we are made better because of it.

Did you know that? Did you know that Chilly's story, heart-wrenching though it be, gives each of your readers a taste of reality and reminds of what is truly important.


Please keep blogging. Please let us pray for your family as you face whatever the future may bring your way.

God bless you and yours and thanks for keeping it real.
Anonymous said…
I've been thinking of you. Big (((Hugs)))

Go spend time with your family and we'll be here when you need us.
Kelly said…
You are one strong woman Dawn. You can do this! Life sucks sometimes but you have what it takes to move forward with grace. Come. What. May.

God bless you!

Loves and hugs

Kelly T
Vickie said…
Hugs and prayers are going your way!
Go spend time with your family. Do not worry about us.
Beth said…

There simply aren't words to express the sorrow I feel for you and your family. BUT life is full of surprises. And your husband needs you and you need your husband.

Make every minute count because none of us are guaranteed another.

Praying for you all,
Liz Mays said…
I am so happy to know that you are all home and I love what you're doing now with the videos and stories and memories. It's wonderful.

Do not feel like you need to be Miss Happy Sunshine all the time. You need to be able to vent and share and even cry. That's real, expected, and necessary. If you're in a good mood, be silly. If you're not, there's no need to fake it.

We love you Dawn, through it all.

XOXOXO and prayers
Kitten said…
As the others have written, go spend some precious time with your family. We will be here for you when you return. Sending many prayers and good thoughts your way. (((Hugs)))
Just heartbreaking. I am soooo sorry. HUGS!
Claire said…
Dawn, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am that you, Chilly, and the kids have to go through this. I will continue to pray for each of you.

I hope you'll keep blogging as much as you want. I enjoy reading every single one of your posts, and I completely understand how comforting it is to get your thoughts out by writing. And what a wonderful compliment from Chilly! I'm so happy to hear that he's asked you to continue blogging-you definitely have a gift for it, and he's a smart man to see that.

I will be thinking of you, my friend.
Doctors do NOT know everything. They say things to prepare us for the worst, not encourage us for the best. You and Chilly will be in my prayers, Sweetie. God performs miracles each and every day.:) Lori
There isn't much I can say to make it better, but please know that you and your family are in my thoughts. You write about whatever you need to write about on your blog. You're life will never be morose and it's okay to write about what you are going through.
~j said…
((((((hugs)))))....will be praying for healing....
Caitlin said…
I'm praying that he has as long as is possible on this Earth with his family--I'm so sorry sweets. Keep blogging because we need to be able to be there for you in any way we can! You're a part of our blog family and we love you so much! You, the kids & Chilly are in my prayers tonight and every night.
LORI said…
Jules AF said…
OH my gosh. I'm so sorry.
Oh hugs. I just know I couldn't be as strong as you are - find strength in how amazing you are. You have some time to prep and you are doing so, you are so great! Doctors don't know everything, but follow their advice anyway and hope for the best! Prayers!
Tim Atkinson said…
I am sorry indeed to hear that the prognosis seems to be bad. Here's hoping and praying things are a lot better than they seem.
Anonymous said…
I'm so very happy that you all are back home. Take one day at a time and savor each and every last minute of it. I'll be praying that Chilly makes an awesome and quick recovery and proves those doctors wrong! *hugs*
Mother Mayhem said…
Reading. Praying. :o)
Jenni said…
(((((Dawn)))))) You are in my prayers...
Debbie said…
I am praying for your sweet family. I think the ideas of the stories and advice for yours kids is just the best idea.
Cajoh said…
Welcome Back. It always feels great when you come home. Hope you had a great time.
The Mrs. said…
PLease keep going. We need you and you need us!
aurora said…
Oh Dawn, I am so sorry to hear this awful news. You all are in my prayers.
I believe that the Lord can heal and when it isn't in His plan for healing, he can comfort and bless.
Love and hugs,
kado! said…
not sure what else to say except that you and your family are in my prayers and thoughts...especially right now.
Wendy said…
what a heartbreaking thing to live through. My prayers are with you all.
Kristen Andrews said…
I am so sorry, I have been thinking about you and Chilly and pray that the doctors are wrong, miracles can happen Dawn! Thoughts and prayers

Anonymous said…
Oh Dawn, sending big hugs to you and your sorry you all are going through this. We'll be praying for Chilly & we are here when you need to chat.

Jamie :)
Ally said…
All my love and hope and faith to you, Dawn. To Chilly, and your children.

May God bless you all.
Jess said…
Mama Bee,

I'm sending lots of love to you & the family. i'm here if you ever need to talk.

xoxo, sassy.
I understand why you would think to quit blogging. Do what is best for you and your family. We will always be here!

Love you and prayers are continuing!

Tom said…
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you can make the most of the time with your family. I'm impressed with your great attitudes during such challenging times. You are still in our prayers.
LadyStyx said…
Such heartbreaking news. *HUGZ*
Randi Troxell said…
i have tears in my eyes for you as i type... but you and your wonderful kids and lovely husband will stay permanently in my thoughts and prayers... and i think chilly is right... you should continue to blog if it makes you feel better... thinking of you...
Badass Geek said…
You are handling such hard news with grace. Best of luck to you, Chilly, and your family.
Kim said…
Oh, Dawn. Words fail me right now. I agree with what everyone else has said: write whatever you want and I will continue to pray for your family.
heather said…
Praying for your family!
Unknown said…

I am so sorry. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Eve said…
My heart is aching for you.

We will continue praying for more miracles of all varieties to head your way and for beautiful memories to be formed during your time together as a family!
Amy said…

You and your sweet family have been in my thoughts every day. It is heart breaking to hear this news. There are many of us who are keeping you all close in thought and in our hearts as you travel this road.

I sincerely hope that you will be able to find peace and hold on to the love and hope that is being sent your way.

Kathy B! said…
I have nothing to offer that hasn't already been said. Your family is strong and courageous and I know you will make the most of every moment.

I'll keep you all in my prayers.

♥ Noelle ♥ said…
i am SO sorry that you all received that news... hugs ♥ it is great that he is doing the video diary for them... i don't know what more to say other than we are all here to lend you support and to pray that there will be hope after all... take care hun!!!
Unknown said…
I have been MIA for far to long...I feel so bad that I didnt know you were going through this and that I wasnt here to offer my love and support...I have tears running down my cheeks, my heart aches for you, the children and chilly...
Oh Dawn, I'm just catching up on your blog right now--I'm so sorry about Chilly's condition. I'll be praying for Chilly, you, and your family.
{{{HUGS}}} I wish I lived closer to you. I know that you, Chilly and the kids will have so much love and laughter. They always say that being positive helps people in illness. If that's the case I think he will beat the odds for as long as he can because of all the love you all have for him.

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