"Did You Know" Tuesday has returned! And away we go!
Did You Know....

that mild mannered Bee (that would be me...) yelled at a nurse when she didn't come to check on Chilly for OVER 6 HOURS???

that mild mannered Bee (that would be me...) yelled at a nurse when she didn't come to check on Chilly for OVER 6 HOURS???
Did you know that this same nurse said to me that if my husband needed her, he should have pressed the nurse call button?
Did you know that when I said he was unable to do so because he had a stroke and heart attack, that Nursey McNasty smirked and said "well, can't he use his good arm?" (Uh, let's review...Would that be the arm that he was having the blood transfusion in or the one he was unable to use because of the stroke?) Oh, yes..she actually said that to me...BIG MISTAKE...
Had I not been there during those 6 hours, Chilly would have aspirated multiple times due to his severe nausea, would not have had any liquids or would have been unable to go to the restroom. His blood sugars also dropped dangerously low. I was able to find a PCT nurse to help with that. The nurse assigned to his care??? No where to be found all day. That idiot nurse actually told me it was my responsibility to watch out for his needs while I was there. I think I will be picking up her paycheck for that day.
Did You Know...

We always knock and call out "Housekeeping!...Here to fluff your pillows!"
Did you know that just before they took Chilly down for his heart catheterization, there was a knock on Chilly's hospital room door and a tiny voice called out..."Housekeeping!"
It really was housekeeping! Chilly (even in his very weak state) laughed hysterically over that. The nurses had a hard time getting him settled down to get his IV's in! We firmly believe it was a sign that everything would be all right.
Did You Know...
that I was asked repeatedly by nurses and doctors "how my dad was doing?" Did you know they actually thought Chilly (with his hospital grown Grizzly Adams beard) was my father?! LOL! Did you know that Chilly is three years younger than me!? HA! Chilly was not amused....but I was!
Did You Know...

that your very loving comments and support soothed my very aching heart during this really difficult time? Did you know that I would read your prayers and kind words to Chilly and it lifted his spirits? Did you know that I feel incredibly lucky to have "met" such amazing people like you on my bloggy journey?
You will continue to be in my prayers.
So nice to see your post pop up this morning!
So glad that ya'll are home.
Second, I hope you have written a nice letter to the hospital administration to be delivered ASAP! They want to know these sorts of things. I wrote one once, after getting substandard service. I got TWO phone calls from big-wigs at the hospital, and a letter letting me know that they had handled the problem.
It's great to see that you've kept a sense of humor throughout all of this. I'm so sorry for you & Chilly & I can only hope that you guys are having FUN together.
Hang in there Dawn.
P.S. that nurse? She can suck it. Who does and says that? I would've decked her right on the spot! You go girlie!!!
I'm glad Chilly's still laughing at silly things. I think it's a really great sign, too!
Hang in there, you guys!
I am praying for you!
Too funny about the "housekeeping" comment!
I haven't been around all that much but I hope that things get better for you and Chilly.
I am so glad to see your update! Of course not the Nurse McNasty part... two words for you: Nursing Administration. Every hospital has one, it keeps nurses accountable and in line. Top of the food chain.
Love to you and Chilly and the kids.
what an idiot nurse...she should be reported for that bad care!
Had I been there, I would have cut that nurse.
We must be related because I ALWAYS say, "Housekeeping! You want me fluff your pillows?"
That nurse gives the many great nurses a very bad rep. Shame on her!!
I'm glad you gave her a piece of your mind!!
I do the "Housekeeping" think too. Mine comes from the movie "Tommy Boy"
Bad juju being sent to that nurse. Good arm? I'll show you a good arm, babe.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
i am keeping you all in my prayers:)
noelle ♥
I love that you all knock and call out housekeeping
sending you (((HUGS)))
If the problem with your nurse arises again, you can ask for a different nurse. Even if it's in the middle of her shift.
And you can request that she not be assigned to you again. Yes, I've done that.
God bless you and yours.
Sorry I haven't been around for you ... I've been having my own tragedies to deal with so I can relate to your feelings of thinking of giving up blogging but feeling that it is such a supportive and positive thing that you don't want to. I'm glad Chilly is getting through this time ... and I'm glad you guys are preparing your family for what seems to be the inevitable. I so wish you didn't have to face this ... but it is better to face it head on that to deny it and miss some golden opportunities. I think you have the video diaries are such a good idea ... I love it. Praying for your family and wishing you all the time in the world that you can squeeze in. Hang in there.
Hehe - poor chilly. At least he can drop a few years with just a good shave! ;)
Jamie :)
I am a critical care nurse and I am here to tell you that what that nurse said to you and the care she DIDN'T give your husband is absolutely inexcusable and she should be fired. I can't stand knowing that someone in my profession would treat someone like that. From all nurses everywhere I offer my apology for the horrid treatment that your husband received. I hope you never have to endure such a thing again.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.