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Dear So and So...Maiden Voyage....

Dear So and So...

TGIF! Today at the Bee and Rose, we are participating in "Dear So and So..." presented by the fabulous Kat, over at "3 Bedroom Bungalow!" I love reading her posts and "Dear So and So..." is always a riot!

Off we go...

Dear Hermione Granger....

May I please borrow your Time Turner?

I'm running around like a crazy woman trying to accomplish many tasks, but getting nothing done. I know how much this lovely magical gadget helped you during your third year at Hogwarts. I'm hoping it will help me to get caught up on all of my projects and tasks around here. Would you please put in a kind word for me with Professor McGonagall about borrowing it?

Eternally Grateful...

Dear Trader Joes,

I am truly enjoying your Spicy Hummus dip this summer! I also can't get enough of your Chocolate Covered English Toffee, Dark Chocolate Covered Edamame Beans or your Irish Breakfast Tea (especially yummy with a splash of heavy cream...heavenly!) Your Cedar and Sage Multipurpose Cleaner is making my kitchen countertops all shiny and clean too! I love you, Trader Joes! You're definitely worth the 40 minute drive!

Your Very Satisfied Customer,

Dear Blogger,

You have made me a very sad little bee recently. You kidnapped my blog for reasons still unknown...returned it (thank you...), but removed me from all of the blogs I followed! That was just plain mean, Blogger. So many bloggy friends thought I stopped following them and it hurt their feelings. That was a stinkin' dirty trick to play on us. The worst part is that you won't help me fix this issue and I still can't re-join their blogs! You suck, Blogger! Why do you tease me with leaving all my followed blogs in my Reader, but not let me re-follow my friends on their blog sites??? I know other friendly bloggers that you are torturing with this mess too...I know I'm not alone...I have two words for you, Blogger....WORDPRESS and TYPEPAD....

So wanting to kick your booty,

Dear Irish Dancer Girl,

Wishing you lots of luck this weekend at the feis! (an Irish dance competition pronounced "fesh"..) I know you will dance just beautifully and have lots of fun with your friends! I am so proud to be your mama!

With all my love,

Dear Bloggy Friends and Family,

Thank you for sharing your votes with me over at my Featured Reader Post at La Dolce Vita! I am still able to receive votes through Sunday! (For those who've asked, yes, I can receive multiple per person per day...) I really, really, really want to win this....

I am still in the begging and pleading state of kids just shake their heads in pity at me when they walk by and see me at the computer whispering sweet nothings to this beautiful necklace....please, for my children's sake, clickety HERE to vote for children would love to see me stop groveling over wear this necklace!

With extreme gratitude,

We are off to Phoenix for the feis this weekend! See ya'll on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend!


Kitten said…
Now you've got me hankering for some toffee...yum!

Break a leg at the feis this weekend! Travel safely!
Hit 40 said…
Is she dancing here in Dublin, Ohio this weekend??? I know it is crazy to ask, but it is a huge festive.

Sorry to hear your blogger troubles are still happening SO FRUSTRATING!!! The follow widget is not working very well for me either. I can follow but then I am kicked off the internet. When I log back on, I am on the follow list for their blog. I was hoping blogger would have it fixed this week. :-(

Enjoy the weekend!!!
Tim Atkinson said…
It's not Bill Gates' fault, is it? Only here in the Uk, ever since upgrading our IE programs, we've all had blogger problems too. But with Safari, everything seems fine!
Cammie said…
funny, I just watched the 3rd movie yesterday. and now I want to go to trader joes
happy friday
Ash said…
I'm going to pout until Trader Joe's comes to Dallas.

Do you think that will work?

Off to vote :-)
Deb said…
and ps, little irish dancer girl...

leave the scissors at home!
Jillene said…
I would love to have a time turner too. It sure would come in handy!!
Going to vote. Going to check out this new blogger meme. Oh, and I'm mad that I don't have a Trader Joes near me. Waaaaaaaaaaaa!
Caitlin said…
I. Love. You. That is all. Not really! I need a time turner too. Your Harry Potter references rock my world. Now, that is all.

Randi Troxell said…
great letters... happy friday!
Unknown said…
Have fun in PHX this weekend...when get done with that time thingy can i borrow it...and oh how i wish we had a trader joes here!

happy friday!
off to vote
Anonymous said…
Blogger is still acting up. I went over to Firefox and evrything that's missing on Blogger shows up over there. So it might be your browser. Try another browser.
Kat said…
Ok, now I am glad I don't have a Trader Joes, cause my backside would be the size of a barn.
Kristina P. said…
We don't even have a Trader Joes! :(
Anonymous said…
Good luck on the win! And now I want to find a Trader Joes :D
Rebecka said…
My sister's new boyfriend brought me coffee beans from Trader Joe's after one of his sales trips. That dude knows how to curry favor.
Wish we had one here.

Good luck to the little dancer girl. We loves us some Irish dancing!
irish dancing girl is awesome and cute!! and well, i too have tj's hummus love! good luck on the win...
LadyStyx said…
I'd like to borrow the time turner when you're done with it!

Bad Blogger! Do that with me and I'll be SO looking for a new place to call my own.I'll systematically rip things out, move them over and then never return. I've done it before and I have no problem doing it again.
Kelly said…
Chocolate covered edamame beans?!! Are you freakin kidding me?

I love TJ and need to go there more. I will have to take your word for it on the edamame chocolate treat though...... sounds kinda gross!
Michelle said…
Hmmm, I think I might have to buy that toffee the next time I'm there. Yum! And that cleaner? I could totally go for that, too. LOVE their rice cakes, as well. And the Soy Creamy desserts.

btw, I have second dibs on the time turner. I could really, really use it myself!
Amy said…
Have you ever tried the candy can Oreos from Trader Joes at Christmas time? Pretty snazzy with some hot chocolate I tell you!

Wishing your beautiful dancer the very best of luck this weekend.

I put in a good word for you over at Dolce Vida. Cool that she features bloggers! (And that you're her current feature!)
Liz Mays said…
I hope your daughter has a wonderful time and does beautifully at the feis! I'll go vote again. I know I've done multiple votes but not yet today.
Jan said…
Have fun. This was a great post. I don't know why I liked it so much, but I did.

Maybe the Trader Joes.. yummers. But it was the sweet girl with her awesome shoes.
Mammatalk said…
So sorry Blogger is still a problem for you!

And, can I borrow the Time Turner after you?
JennyMac said…
Ugh..the blogger problem is impacting so many people. Hope they solve it quick.

And chocolate covered toffee? Tell me more.
JennyMac said…
Ugh..the blogger problem is impacting so many people. Hope they solve it quick.

And chocolate covered toffee? Tell me more.
JennyMac said…
Ugh..the blogger problem is impacting so many people. Hope they solve it quick.

And chocolate covered toffee? Tell me more.
kado! said…
that sucks about Blogger....

..and Trader Joes is only a few minutes from my house....I guess I should be Thankful for that!
Anonymous said…
Chocolate covered edamame? Sounds kinda gross.
I love Trader Joes! I want some of that toffee now--also want to add some of that hummus dip to my list. Grr, now I'm hungry for a midnight snack (and I told myself no more snacking at night!)
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Ohhh I so need that Time Turner necklace too! Maybe I could turn it back and see the oldest peeing in the corner ... LOl :)

Hmmm the trader Joes dip sounds yummy!

I'm still sad I lost you ;( but I know I love you!

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