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Not Me Monday: Tuesday Edition

I am NOT living in a time warp....I am NOT posting a NOT ME Monday post on a Tuesday.....I would never be such a lame-o....(I did NOT keep picturing these creepy characters singing "Let's Do The Time Warp Again" while typing the words above....I do NOT have that song stuck in my head now....oy...)


I am NOT extremely frustrated after spending many hours trying to comment on various blogs only to have this happen....After typing my comment, I am prompted to select a profile. When I click on google account, I get nothing. I click on post comment...still nothing...I went around trying to spread my comment love all over the place and discovered my comments were NOT being received. ARGGGHHH! This isn't happening on every blog I visit, just the ones that appear to have comments embedded in a post. (Pop-up window comments are still working fine.) I've tried to select other profiles, even tried using the dreaded Anonymous option just to let my bloggy buddies know I was there, and it still does not work. I did NOT spend hours trying to deal with this yesterday.

I would NOT be eternally grateful for anyone's kind assistance on this matter. I am NOT trying to play catch up on my comment lovin' this week. I am NOT using this as we speak....

I do NOT want you to win an iPod Touch over at Devri's fabulous blog! NO I DO NOT! You do NOT want to put your name in that contest because you already know I am the winner...She does NOT have the cutest Twitter backgrounds (FREE and Custom) waiting for you on her new website, Tweetest Backgrounds!!!


Do NOT go to this place if you like cheap eats and good pizza...

I am NOT loving Cici's Pizza Buffet. I would NEVER actually try Mac-n-Cheese pizza and like it. I did NOT eat a gazillion pieces of Buffalo Chicken Pizza either...or Spinach Florentine Pizza or Apple Cobbler Pizza or have tons of Bacon Ranch Tossed Salad or fabulous Hot Wings....

I do NOT need to ramp up my work out efforts after gorging out at Cici's flippin' CHEAP (read $4.99 / $3.49 kids 10 and under) All You Can Eat buffet on Saturday night.

I did NOT almost choke on the pizza that I was NOT gobbling up at a high rate of speed when I saw this....a young woman wearing a very revealing top bent over to feed her baby...suddenly, her boob fell right out of her shirt and smacked the baby right upside the head!!! It didn't even faze her (which makes me think it's happened to her before)...she just tucked it back in and continued on....

We also did NOT have fun annoying Chilly by blinking at him and telling him we were taking his picture. I did NOT coerce the kids into doing this with me as my desperate plea for a new camera.


I do NOT have combative, bullying seat belts in my truck....The seat belt did NOT try to hold Catherine hostage after we parked the car. She did NOT punch the seat belt and yell at it. I did NOT try to calm her down by telling her that punching and yelling at the seat belt was only ruining her day...not the seat belt's.....She did NOT lean over and whisper this to me..."But the seat belt started it, Mom".....


My six year old daughter did NOT sound like a little old lady when she said this yesterday..."Mom, I think I need some apple juice...I've got the constipation"....NOPE, all 6 year olds speak this kind of potty talk...


I did NOT chew my nails completely off watching these two movies on Sunday with Chilly...

I did NOT cry to the point of nearly swelling my eyeballs shut at the end of Gran Torino...I did NOT want to bitch-slap the idiot mother in Taken either....I did NOT love both of these movies...


NERDY ALERT!!! Do NOT go visit one of the funniest bloggers in Blogland...Nerdy Jess...NO! DON'T go over and read her because you might just pee your panties....(unless your in your early twenties and haven't had the pleasure of giggle incontinence....) I have already adopted her as my own so don't go trying to steal her from me....You will NOT laugh yourself silly and you will NOT want to adopt her too.....


Do NOT have a great week doing fun summer things like eating watermelon, swimming, catching fireflies and basking in the sun....Do NOT rub it in my face that there are no fireflies in AZ...I am NOT very sad about that...I do NOT missing catching fireflies on a lovely summer's evening...My mother did NOT feel so sad for me during my firefly pity party last summer that she brought me this back from Ohio...faux fireflies in a jar! We love them!


Join in the Not Me! Monday fun brought to the land of Blog from MckMama over at My Charming Kids!


Liz Mays said…
You don't have fireflies in AZ? What's the story with that?

Both of those movies are impossibly good!
Beth said…
We no longer have fireflies in my town in Georgia because they died along with the mosquitoes. While I AM happy the mosquitoes are gone, I am sad for the fireflies.

And Gran Torino was awesome! And I love pizza. And I love summer. And I love swimming.

You are pretty darn funny!
Unknown said…
you are too funny ... reading this did NOT make me startsinging "lets' do the time warp aggaaaaaain..." and squirm around in my seat and my husband did NOT just walk in and ask me why i was trying to scare the dogs...
Ash said…
I need that jar!!!! I was just lamenting this weekend about how my boys will never know the joys of fireflies (none in north Texas either).

Is this kind of like the frogs disappearing? Shouldn't the environuts be worried about this? I might just have to give Al Gore a call. Now that's desperation.

(you made me giggle out loud with your 20-something none incontinence line - girl, you are FUNNY!!)
Alyssa said…
OMG! I have that same jar of fireflies on my bookcase!

And would you be willing to mail me some Cici's pizza?

jk...but really. The commercial is always on my TV even though the closest one to my house is 4 states away. It's driving me crazy!
Cammie said…
love taken.
hate cici's
I think they put crack in their pizza though because the kids and Joe love it.
Hit 40 said…
"Taken" was an outstanding action movie. You knew how it would end, but the action made it worth the ride. My boys were surprised that I could shout out ahead what was about to happen. Kinda like how I watch the tv show Dexter - I shout out for him to kill someone!!

And... my friends loved going to Rocky Horror. My one friend dressed up like the lead in male drag!!! Very funny. I had pictures of it, but someone stole them!!!
Bobby G said…
We had a Cicis pizza here for agbout 5 mins, it was GROSS! it was like damn near cardboard, it closed down w/ the quicknesss!!!
Randi Troxell said…
yes... that first pic is very very creepy! and mac-and-cheese pizza... YUMMY!!!
Lesley said…
I have absolutely NO idea how to help you in the comment dept....I have a hard time with those cryptic unintelligble words I have to put in....but LOVED of the best I've seen lately....
Queenie Jeannie said…
Loved every bit of your Not Me Tuesday!!

I think your issues with commenting are with Internet Explorer and Blogger not getting along lately. I switched to Firefox and have had zero problems since. You might want to consider it too!!
Kristina P. said…
We do not have a Cici's here, but we do have Cici's commercials. Why do they do that to us?!?!
Kathy B! said…
I have had that comment problem before, too, and one day it was just gone. I don't know why it started or how it stopped... it just did.

And I think Not Me! Monday is great any day of the week :)
Unknown said…
I so did not just print out that Stress Kit button here at work and put it up on my bulletin board! Sorry about the comment thing, I have no help for you! Thanks for giving me a smile this morning!
Unknown said…
what a fab not me mon on a ♥ cicis love the spicy pepperoni with alfredo sauce and their ceaser salad is on par with olive gardens-yep good cheap eats
Jenners said…
Is it strange that I find Tim Curry kind of sexy in Rocky Horror? Cuz I do.

And I don't know about the comments ... but I never miss a chance to blame Blogger!

And I must now begin looking for a CiCi's pizza!!!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Time Warp ... oh for Pete's Sake you just had to get that song stuck in my head ... LOL

Stess button ... LOL I have on the inside of one of my cabinets a sign with a bullseye that says bang head here! Yup I look at it and ponder often :)

Rick loved that Gran Torino move yup didn't watch it ... LOL

Hey blogging is so much more important right?

She is one smart girl, hey apple better than prune ... LOL

Muah Much love darlin' hope the day goes better. Sending XOXO your way :)
Jess said…
AWE! I love you too!

Taken was an awesome movie, we LOVED IT.

And tell Cat its ok, I yell at inanimate objects too.

LadyStyx said…
Gee thanks! Now ~I~ have that song bouncin around in my head. Damn I wish my legs looked that hot in a pair of nylons...

I prefer the pop-up comment box so I can scroll the entry again while I answer. Now if we could get those that get scads of comments to find a way to put the comment link closer to the top so the readers don't have to scroll through the other comments to get to it...

Mmmmmmmmm Cici's. I need to see if there's one in the area. Haven't had their buffet in a couple years now...

If ya boobs are jumping outta the rowboat, it's time to put 'em in a bigger ship with restraining devices, Im just sayin. Someone should tell her that one of these days....

LOL@ t"the seatbelt started it"!!
LOL even harder @ the reason for wanting apple juice.

Didn't watch Gran Torino, hubby said it's not a movie I'd enjoy. However, im hoping Taken comes home because that one Im sure I'd watch.

Spread a bit of love over at Jess's. She's giggle-worthy.

Faux cute is that?
Unknown said…
I havent seen one of these for a long time. They are always funny!
The Blonde Duck said…
I've been having the same problem with comments. Barroo!
blognut said…
I'm so glad that none of this stuff happened to you.
Vickie said…
Did you download Internet Explorer 8? I hear people are having issues with blogger. The two do not mix. That is why I am staying with the older IE. Don't want to mess up my bloggin' and beside I share the computer and I don't think my Husband would like it if I download another browser:)

But I have had issues with that kind of commenting. I have to do it a few times. Sometimes with each blog that is set up like that. Kind of annoying and slows me down.

I have the constipation!! Freakin' hilarious!!

Thanks for the boop flying out story! I did a loud sharp laugh and my kids gave me a surpised look. Lady needs a good bra:)

I want to see Taken, but not if the girls are harmed in any way. Can ya email me and tell me. It is OnDemand right now and I have been tossing the idea.

I know what happens on Gran Torino and everytime I see the promotion that is what comes to mind. My MIL told me.

I love buffalo chicken pizza!! Pizza Hut had it for a while. It was yummalicious!

Wow, this was long!!
LORI said…
Jblanton said…
love your blog, the owl and mushrooms are so cute. I got your comment yesterday, thanks for stopping by
Kristen Andrews said…
I need to see those movies!
Debra said…
Hi Dear! Got my night light last week. THANK YOU! Sorry it took so long to acknowledge getting it. Got kinda caught up with the single mom gig(hubby has been gone five weeks) and the surgery stuff. I am thrilled you have been keeping up with my progress. I am so ready to be healed and able to finally wear mascara again! It has been years.

Michelle said…
Mmmm Cici's! If only we had them here. I'd try the mac & cheese pizza, although I can't quite picture it. And the spinach florentine? I'm sooo all over that. I sorta got stuck at the food part of your post.
Ashley said…
Love love love those movies && I've adopted Jess as my bloggy sister. So would that make you my bloggy mother?
The Rambler said…
OH...I'm so torn between the boob falling out one and your daughter saying I have the constipation!

And yah, Taken. Good Movie!
Debbie said…
Oh my heavenly days. You have made me laugh so hard at the lady's boob falling out and smacking her kid in the side of the head. I have often threatened to smack my kids in the side of the head. Never thought to use a boob.
OH MY GOSH, I wanted to slap the mother on taken....gahhhh!
Thanks for stopping by!! Hope you are having a great summer. I have so taken the "lightening bugs" for granite. I really feel for you - It just would not feel like summer if I didn't get to see them flying around. :}
Eve said…
I was having problems posting comments for a while too (as well as a few other issues. I switched from IE to Firefox and now everything seems to be working again.

I haven't seen either of those movies yet, but I'm intrigued.
kado! said…
What a cute firefly jar! We finally got to catch our first fireflies last Summer now that we live in NY! The boys LOVE it and ....I do too!

OMGosh on the boobie flying out....where is the picture of that??? LOL!

oh..yea...and just in case you don't know....I moved my blog to:
I love your fireflys in a jar, if I went to the window right now I would see them. The kids love them.
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Fireflies in a jar? I swear we miss all the good stuff living in California. :)

For a time wrap post, this is great stuff!

Jenni said…
Google hates us all...
Anonymous said…
You are freakin' hilarious - where do you come up with this stuff?!

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