Join the Tuesday Tribute fun over at Angie's 7 Clown Circus!
My Tuesday Tribute is dedicated to my little sister who is...ahem...42 years old today! Yes, Oooo, I just plastered your old age all over my blog!
Happy Birthday, you old hag! Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!
We've been the best of friends since she was born....(well, I actually kinda' thought she was gross, but she grew on me when I figured out I could mind control her....)
She's always there for me rain or shine....
She always makes goofy faces and poses in every family photo...that still hasn't changed...it's even been genetically passed down to her son....I would love to post one or a dozen, but she has threatened to kill me...Since she used to pin me to the ground and spit on me, just use your imagination here to visualize goofy photos of her...please....for my safety....I've been spit free for several years now and would like to remain that way....
She used to beat the crap out of me, but I still love her even if she did play with the freaky Sunshine Family of hippies....and Snuffleupagus.....and even if I wanted to steal her Bionic Woman Doll...(and I got even when she lipped off to me while I was driving at age 16....she wouldn't shut up so I busted her in the lip....then I ran like hell to hide when we got home! lol!)

She always laughs at my stories and is the only person on the planet that understands how hilarious it is to me to hear the word "haboob".....(here's a photo of a haboob (pron. "ha-boob") hitting Phoenix a few years ago....Yes, I have been in a haboob....it's a huge wall of sand traveling very fast...think Scorpion King...)

She hates the words "breath" and "moles"....yeah, Oooo, I thought you'd like that...consider it a special birthday gift....Here....enjoy.....
Your Smarter, More Fabulous Older Sister...
p.s. the hotness in the title refers to the flames ignited by the huge number of candles on the old hag's cake...I can feel them all the way from NY to AZ!
I wish I had an older sister like that :)
Great tribute to your sis! Happy Birthday Dawn's Sister!!!
How did your little sister beat you up??
Haboob is a new word for me but I am bonding with it quite well, thank you!
Be sure to drop by and enter my giveaway!!
But happy bday to baby sis anyway!
Happy Birthday to your sister!
Happy Birthday to your sister!
Happy Birthday to Your Sis!
Happy B-day to your sis.
I signed on as Follower, so I'll be back!
...I love the pic of the two of you with the umbrellas! How cute!
Happy B-day to her! You are lucky to have each other!!!! =)
And that's a nice haboob you've got there!
I had the Sunshine Family. My sister had the Happy Family. The Sunshine Family's best friends of color. We even had their hippy dippy camper trucks. :o)
Happy birthday to the old hag! Cackle.