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Ode to Jane

As you may know, I absolutely LOVE Jane Austen. "Pride and Prejudice" is hands down one of my favorite books of all time. My wordle this weekend is to honor my dear Jane! If you've never read an Austen novel, not to worry...the dvd versions are pretty darn swell too!

I have this on my desk....

Yep, it's my Jane Austen Action Figure! I smile every time I see it! She's my muse! When I am troubled, I just look at her and ask...

"What Would Jane Do?"

I even drink my coffee every morning from this mug...

Last summer, I read these Austen inspired books..

They were fantastic! I highly recommend them both!

This summer I am reading this....

Completely bizarre, I realize, but I am just compelled to read it! My son is convinced the Swine Flu is going to turn us all into zombies, so what the hey?

I am ordering this lovely bookmark from Etsy....oh, my dear sweet Etsy....

More fun with Jane....
"Becoming Jane" is a fabulous movie starring James McEvoy (love him!) and Anne Hathaway. Watch it and then watch all the Jane Austen dvds! ("Pride and Prejudice" with Keira Knightley is fantastic!) Have a Jane-o-rama! I did that last summer and it really inspired me! I'm hoping to watch the newly released Jane inspired "Lost in Austen" dvd this weekend.

Don't forget to join Shannon over at Last Shreds of Sanity for her Weekend Wordles! It's a great way to express yourself!

(How do you like my Jane Austen font? oh..I will be having lots of fun with this!)

Have you taken my Jane Austen heroine quiz over on the sidebar?

p.s. Not Jane related, but definitely a fantastic dvd..."The Duchess" it! I loved this film! She was an amazing woman! Keira Knightley is superb in this movie!

p.s.s. I will be stalking all of you this weekend! Hooray! Flippin' finally!


Uh oh.. will I have a slipper thrown at me if I tell you I don't think I have ever read anything Jane Austen related? I do want to see "Becoming Jane" though, so that has to count for something, doesn't it? :)
LadyStyx said…
Very nice Wordle. That reminds me...I gotta get mine done.
Beth said…
Yeah, you LOVE Jane! I like her but it never grew into love. Do I get bonus points for having read most of her books?
Kelly said…
Also a Jane lover!

I watched the movie the Duchess and thought, if she can go through that and forgive than I can do anything! It really got me through a rough spot while T was away.

Thanks for sharing
Shan G said…
I will take Mark Darcy (Bridgette Jones' Diary) for Christmas...well 4th of July!

Cool Wordle. Now how do you get a picture in one of them?
aurora said…
Okay, so we can totally be friends now. ♥ yeah!
Love, love, love Jane. On my nightstand today: Austenland. Just started it and I can tell that I will LOVE it!!
And yes, spill about the 'Jane' font!!
kado! said…
never have read a Jane book..but on my Summer reading list!
....that zombie reference made me think of Shaun of The Dead...hehehe...have you or your son seen that movie....I'm not a zombie movie person....but the humor in that move cracks me up! I think I'll have to watch it tonight.
Kristina P. said…
I will have to send my friend to your blog. SHe loves Jane Austen, and is planning on actually starting a Jane Austen book club.
I have to admit, I've never read one of her books. I've seen a few of the movies..I can't remember which ones though. I'm horrible..I know!
Jolene said…
I love Jane Austen, and your action figure too!!
Megan said…
Your new look is adorable! Love it! (even though pink is NOT my favorite color! lol)

I have never seen a Jane Austen movie and I have never read a Jane Austen book. Although I do remember wanting to see 'Becoming Jane', which I do still, just haven't.

Some day I will. ;0)
Vickie said…
That is one cool freakin" wordle! I read Sense and Sensibility. I saw the Colin Firth Pride and Prejudice version.

A few weeks ago I bought the Zombie book version!

I am right now ready Georginanna, the Suchess of Devonshire, which the movie, The Duchess, is based.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Just popped in to offer a smile for your weekend, Lady D.!
Deep peace and blessings...

DiPaola Momma said…
She was the FIRST feminist, FIRST true romantic writer, FIRST author I fell in love with at the tender age of 12 and I've never lost any of the spark. It's a testimony that every generation feels compelled to put one of her books into film form and that after all this time she still holds up as one ROCKIN' chick! I HEART JANE TOO!
Sheri, RN said…
Great wordle, I haven't read Pride and Prejudice, but I guess I should huh? :)
I love Jane Austen, but apparently, nowhere NEAR as much as you... :o)
{oc cottage} said…
I got LOST IN AUSTEN last is
so cute! I hope you have seen the A & E version of P & P 200 times like I have because that makes it even funnier! (I had that Dawn doll too!)

m ^..^
Queenie Jeannie said…
A woman after my own heart. I soooo ♥ Jane Austen!! Cute wordle and siggie!!!
Claire said…
I can't wait to hear what you think of "P&P And Zombies".

I hope my review won't sway you! :)
Heather said…
I am so embarrassed. I have never read a Jane Austen book. Even more embarrassing? I don't even know if I own anything she's written, I may have Emma somewhere. More books to add to my list!
A Psych Mommy said…
Austenland looks good based on the cover o the book alone--I'll have to check it out!
It is so funny that you posted about this because I just watched "Becoming Jane" and "The Jane Austen Book club on Netflix and decided that I must read Jane Austen. Which book do you recommend I read first? I'm so glad I have someone to ask because I have no idea.
Have a wonderful day.
theUngourmet said…
I love Anne Hathaway! I loved her in Devil Wears Prada!

I haven't been over here for a while but I spotted you at Wandering the World and thought I would pop over and take a peek!

I was so happy to hear from TypO! I was a little worried!
Intense Guy said…
I could watch Anne Hathaway for hours and hours and hours.

What do you think of Charlotte Brontë?
LORI said…
I'm reading Pride and Prejudice for the first time right now. I was inspired to when I found a vintage copy with pretty illustrations. I'm not a huge fan. I don't hate it, but I'm not totally loving it either.
Polka Dot Moon said…
Do I dare admit that I haven't read any Jane Austen Books!!!

I promise to do so............after I finish my "twilight" series ;)

And I must say that "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" scares me a bit..............

(come see all the giveaways! we're on day 4, but have 6 more days to go!!)
Anonymous said…
Wow. You are definitely the biggest Jane Austen fan I know. Are you serious w/ the action figure?? Where the heck did ya find that?
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Hey my girlie, sad to say not a big fan but as always love the post. Hope you had a fab weekend!

Stop by when you get a moment I have a Shelf Reliance Giveaway up :)

Muah, ok going to go catch up!
Michelle said…
Oh I've so enjoyed the Jane Austen that I've read and seen... but not nearly so much as you. I'll have to remember these when I get low on my reading material... in 15 or 20 years!
LORI said…
Bobby G said…
I was NOT Stalked this weekend! I even did the Bobby G Deep Dictionary for you! No comment, no love! =) cant say I know at all what you are talking about, but oh well, having a penis excludes you from certain things, like Jane Austin
Tracy said…
As true to your word you stalked me! I've missed you Momma Bee!! :)

Hope you are doing well. Swine flu in your neck of the woods or tween caveboy just fantasizing? Err I mean speculating? haha!!
Randi Troxell said…
i loved becoming jane!
B said…
I love Jane too, but where did you get all those great Jane items? I want them too. So here is the MASTER PLAN. Get one kick butt pile of Jane goodies and give a basket of Jane away. Giveaway style. Rig it so I win. I'll love you forever and won't even tell a single person.
Kristen Andrews said…
thanks for the heads up on the dvd I am so out of the loop
Shannon said…
I *heart* Jane Austen.

I've read "Austenland"... really good book. I, too, want to read "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"...

P.S... I've tagged ya for a meme... play along if you want to!

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