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Tuesday's Tribute: Sharing the Love Giveaway!

As promised, I’m dedicating my Tuesday’s Tribute to all of you! Your kindness and support has meant the world to me! My life has been forever changed by all of the bloggy love I have received since Dec. 31, 2008. Thank you!

My 100th post is coming next Monday. As I shared with you previously, I'm hosting a Monster Giveaway to say THANK YOU for your incredible support of my humble blog! There will be details in my 100th post on how to enter!

I've gathered a HUGE amount of goodies for my giveaway! I am taking a poll over the next few days to help me determine if I should break it into several groups of goodies or offer one big lolla-pa-looza! (Just vote over on the left sidebar. I really appreciate your input!)

I’ve had a few emails asking me how I chose the items for this extravaganza. I am sharing my favorite things with you! I am also throwing in a few things chosen by Tween Caveboy and Miss Kitty. Plus, I’m adding some fun items from my own shops, Black Crow Boutique and Monkey McNoodles.

Now for the good stuff! I am going to share lots of items today. However, I am still adding a few more things! A complete list will be up on my 100th post!! Are you ready? It’s a long list! Let’s go!

*Wise Owl Necklace from Kristen’s Custom Creations! I LOVE Kristen’s jewelry and I have an affinity for owls (as you will soon notice!) And as Kristen so kindly suggested, lots of us bloggers are “nightowls” too! I love that is says “Wise.” I find it to be a very strong affirmation to trust my own wisdom every day! Find her Etsy shop here! Great Mother's Day gifts over there!!! I ordered one of her tags for my son and he LOVES it!

*Philosophy “Amazing Grace” 3-in-1 Shower Gel, Shampoo, Bubble Bath! One of my absolute favorite beauty products!

*Massive Sunshine Bag from Jen Sue Wild over at Diamonds, Fur and Laundry! The minute I saw this, I fell in love! I love the size (especially since I’m dragging my kid’s stuff with me everywhere!) She is super talented! Look for her Etsy shop opening soon!

*Fabulous Fabric Fortune Cookies from Laurora! Claire over at A Soldier, a Princess and Me makes these for her Etsy shop, Laurora! I LOVE them! They are great for all sorts of gift giving, party favors and more! Go visit her wonderful Etsy shop here!

*Vintage Storybook Forest Friends & Cowgirl Domino Magnets from Stampin Mom! I won one of Jamie’s magnets and fell in love with them! They are adorable! Jamie has all sorts of treasures in her Etsy shop! Go say hello and browse a bit!

*Tattoo Devil Duckie! Of course, my giveaway wouldn’t be complete without a Rubber Duckie!

*Dirty Pretty Silhouette! I know you want one! Winner will get to choose gender and devil or angel. I love, love, love these!!!!! Raven’s shop, Dirty Pretty Things is filled with delightful treasures! Head on over there and browse around! I love it over there!
*Birthday Party Game by eeboo! This is one of my daughter’s favorite games! We play it over and over again! Eeboo makes fantastic children’s games! We offer wonderful things like this in our ebay store, Monkey McNoodles!

*UGLYDOLL Bop & Beep! You get two Uglies in one 14” huggable doll! We sell out of these all the time at Black Crow Boutique (our whimsical Halloween store!) Bop is on one side and Beep is on the other! Super soft and cuddly!

*Vintage Skull & Crossbones Paper Party Garland! Our Black Crow Boutique customers love these vintage style paper garlands! They’re also great for pirate parties!

*Mini Owl Finger Puppet by Folkmanis! We can’t keep these in stock at Black Crow Boutique or Monkey McNoodles! Our customers go crazy for these!

*Owl Vinyl Catch-all Bag! This is the perfect place to keep pens, post-its, band-aids, gum, etc. I keep mine in my car. I LOVE it!

(Can you tell I LOVE owls?!!! )

And finally, *Crime Scene Band-Aids!

WHEW! I told you it was HUGE!!!!!! Do you like it?

Thanks for hanging through the loooong post!!


Kristina P. said…
Holy cow! You weren't joking! This stuff is awesome!
blognut said…
I totally NEED the Bop and Beep dolls. Totally.
Cammie said…
Im having a small seizure over that bag. OH MY GOSH. I love it!
So cool! There are so many great items.....

Last week I was driving down the highway and saw an owl. If I didn't have a monster 18 wheeler behind me...on my butt... I could have stopped...I actually had my camera. I was disappointed the entire drive home for not turning around. I heart owls too. They are amazing animals.
~j said…'ve been a busy little beaver collecting all these fun things!!!!
Ashley said…
Thanks for sharing Kristen's Esty shop! You shared it awhile back and I checked her out. I got a necklace from her mommy collection - the one with the baby feet - for my birthday earlier this month. I love it and wear it every day.
Ashley said…
Thanks for sharing Kristen's Esty shop! You shared it awhile back and I checked her out. I got a necklace from her mommy collection - the one with the baby feet - for my birthday earlier this month. I love it and wear it every day.
The Blonde Duck said…
I need the owl necklace, the bag, and those storybook magnets. Or this duckie won't be a happy one!
Tracy said…
Um I need this. I need the necklace, bag - both of them, monster doll, duckie... crap, I need it all. (can I sneak you a little sumthin sumthin to ensure a win!?) *wink wink* hahahaaa JK!!
Anonymous said…
WOW!!! That's an amazing amount of stuff. Love the Ugly Dolls!!!
Look at you go girl! You really are a blogstar...look at all that swag!

I am excited. The owl necklace and the Crime Scene bandaids have my name written all other them. Come on..No Whammy..No Whammy!
debi9kids said…
HOLY cow! That is awesome!

Could you please shoot me an email? I'd love to know how you got all of that donated... check out my TT post and you'll know why...
Thanks & Happy tuesday!
wow .... I could use ALL of those!

awesome stuff!
Kat said…
That stuff is awesome. I love the crime scene band aids. I think my husband would bogart them for his manly boo boos
Unknown said…
Love that bag! A woman can never have too many shoes--or purses!
Kelly said…
SO much cute stuff! What a generous blogger you are.
Deb said…
dude. this is MAJOR! holy smoke...

the bandaids rock! oh, and i have a coffee mug with those same cute owls on your vinyl catch all bag. aren't they so cute???
Holy crapola!

You werent kidding, this is a BIG one! You sure know how to throw a party, Dawn!!

stephilinn said…
LOVE it, WANT it, NEED it ALL!
Alisha said…
what a nice tribute! I love that owl necklace. Actually, I love them all!
Let me just say GENEROUS!

I voted, and can't wait for your 100th post, btw, I see 100 followers today!! You are awesome, I am so glad to know you.

Please, remind me of your store next Sept. Please!!!

Shauna said…
Awesome! Can't wait!
Randi Troxell said…
wonderful things you chose! you rock! love em' all!!!
A Psych Mommy said…
Woohoo! Look at all this loot! Love the duckie. Want the duckie. Gotta get the duckie.
Erin said…
What fun stuff. 100 posts already! Wow! Good for you.
Anonymous said…
Oooh! It's gonna be good!
LadyStyx said…
That purse would look AWESOME in a leopard print and black interior!
Anonymous said…
great giveaway...what fun....Can't wait!
Isle Dance said…
You rock. Just for being here. And looks like you're going to make others feel the love. Way to go!
Anonymous said…
I actually thought you had blown right on by 100 posts. It feels like you've been around forever! I mean that in a good way!
Claire said…
Wow, that is a seriously huge haul!! I can't wait to see the official 100th post!

Love the bag. Love!
Momo Fali said…
What fun stuff! How exciting! I LOVE that bag! And, the necklace! And, all the other stuff!
Mary-Catherine said…
Oh, wow! You've been hoarding some awesome loot!
Anonymous said…
That bag is OMG! Beautiful!
Holy cow! Look at all that stuff! What a great collection!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Holy MOLY Girlie! You are just amazing and so want to win. Oh did that just come out of my mouth ... LOL

I can't wait you are so amazing, and you know I love ya!
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Sounds like you're having a blast there!

100 posts, 100 followers... not a bad average!LOL!
Nicole said…
Wow you have soooo many great items. Congrats on the upcoming 100th post and giveaway. Have fun with it.
I LOVE Jens purse also. It is so cute and big enough to carry all of my/kids crap!
Unknown said…
That is an awesome giveaway you have coming up. I will have to be here for that.
Jennifer said…
Wow--we must have the same taste b/c I love ALL that stuff!!
Elisa said…
Those monster dolls match my header on my blog!! I MUST have them! I must I say. or I think I will slowly go insane...

If this isn't the main giveaway-- then damn girl! You ROCK the Casbah! :>)
Ohhhh - I can't wait!!!!


I am so excited! I love that I have seen your blog grow and blossom over the past few months. Its nice to know I was here from the beginning. :D

You are an amazing blogger! Keep it up lady!
LORI said…
Ash said…
Holy schmackoly girl!!!!

I selfishly say break it up, -increases my chances of getting anything on this list. Great taste - but I especially adore the owl bag catch-all! Em
Mother Mayhem said…
Spread the love! :o)

I'm loving that awesome tote bag and the magnets and...
Jess said…
Uhm, I need all of this. K thanks.

I've missed you! I did something naughty, go check my blog. Something naughty you'll approve of and may pass out from.

Sandy said…
Great stuff! Especially the owl stuff! I love owls!
Marie Reed said…
Eeeek! I'm so in! This is ginormous!!!
Debra said…
Wow! That is some cool stuff! How exciting! Voting now. ;-0
Stacy Uncorked said…
Holy Moly! That's a ginormous list of stuff! You have excellent taste! ;)
nikkicrumpet said…
HOLY FREAKING BAT CRAP....that is the mother of all giveaways!!!
Cora said…
You had me at the devil silhouette. I love it! ;-)
Leslie said…
Yikes! That's alot of stuff! That would be like Christmas for the winner!
Queenie Jeannie said…
ohmybloggygoodness!!!! That is some haul!! WOW!!!! I can't think of anything else to say because I'm so overwhelmed by your generousity!!!
I love Philosophy & Amazing Grace. I have the lotion & it smells so fresh.
Donnetta said…
Lori said…
Wow, so many neat things!!
Shannon said…
That Sunshine bag is so cute!

And I'm also a big fan of Kristen's jewelry... love her pieces. I think I have 3 of her necklaces myself... my mom has 3... my sister has one...
Robyn Jones said…
Wow!!!! Very cool it open to Canadians as well?? Hope so...!

Great stuff....
Robyn Jones said…
By the way..... I think I am on the train with you to Bitchville today..I may even beat you there...LOL!
I also love pumpkins, Halloween and my daughter would definately agreee with you on the whole clowns thing. She thinks they are the creepiest things ever...
I also miss visiting you...havent been doing my rounds much the last couple of weeks...had sick kiddos...LOL!
Raven said…
Yay...I can't wait! We're all looking forward to your 100th post!

Snap said…
No kidding you like owls! Your giveaway is generous ... awesome.
Michelle-y said…
I love it all (ESPECIALLY owls!!!). Too cute!
cpullum said…
Like Christmas love it all!
Jenners said…
Totally cool! I need to go vote! I want the band-aids and the ducks so badly!
Night Owl Mama said…
THe wise owl necklace is calling to me. I must have it.Great bunch of stuffs. Can't wait to hear what you decide
Jules AF said…
I swear I already entered this.

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