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Kinda Wordless Wednesday....Psychic Edition

You may have noticed that I have been a wee bit pre-occupied with my "other" life lately. Poor Chilly had some pretty big hurdles to jump these past few months. The "behind the scenes of it all" has been pretty overwhelming. Kind thoughts and prayers are always most welcome here!

It seems that my astrological chart is completely out of whack and the planets won't be lining up in my favor until about May 30. I've decided to hire some experts to come in and help me turn "the beat around." Especially before this weekend....Catherine is dancing in her very first Irish dance competition and we need all the good vibes we can get! (not to mention tons of!)

At first I visited a gypsy for a tarot card's what happened....The first card I chose was to represent me....

oooohhhh....that's pretty good.....and true! I am a big fool who's always losing junk out of her handbag!

The second card represents my recent past....

Crap! Well that explains alot! Dumb devil's food cake lady has been putting hexing hijinxs on me!

The third card represents my near future...

Uh...can I have my money back, gypsy lady????

I left the gypsy and headed to the voodoo lady who handed me some chicken claws, incense and told me to bury a pork bone with crushed roses in the backyard. Hmmmm......

I tried the witch doctor, but couldn't understand what he was trying to tell me...Scooby kept trying to unmask him.... Any other ideas, friends????

Sigh...I guess I'll have to resort to some serious blogstalking to yank me out of my funk.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!




Erin said…
Sounds like you need a new gypsy! (One who tells you what you want to hear) :)
Cammie said…
I like the voo doo lady the best!!
Jan said…
I hope you have a great defunking day of it Bee.
Badass Geek said…
Devils Food is a wiley beast.
B said…
Life just doesn't go smooth when the planets aren't aligning. I say hibernate until they do, on a resort with a private beach, a pinacolada in each hand, and a cute guy turning the pages of a book for you. Then when the planets are where they bloody well should be try the gypsy again.
Nancy Face said…
Watching our cute daughters dance is so happy! I hope she enjoys her competition! :)
Bobby G said…
Oh well lucky for you, I speak fluent witch doctor. he said Ooh EE ooh Ah Ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang. Ooh ee ooh ah ah ting tang wallawalla bing bang! glad to be of service!
LORI said…
Randi Troxell said…
hehe! i love it and your too funny!
Anonymous said…
LOL...blogstalking works for me...
DiPaola Momma said…
lets see.. maybe some Celtic Ruins?! Or heck just bag it all, lets go have a Steak dinner followed up by martinis and um.. devil's food cake?! Heck if you can't beat em huh?
blognut said…
I have no clever cure for the funk. I'm looking for it, 'though.

If you find it before I do, let me know, 'k?
Jazzy Jemz said…
No clue for the funk- but any of the items on the devil card look fabulous enough to get me out of afunk!
The Blonde Duck said…
How abotu you and the Irish Cat come to the Pond for some pie?
Devri said…
defunk it girl!!!

sorry I have been MIA...

crap I am sooo dang busy!! I am around just can't comment often!!

I will try harder cuz you da'bomb
Anonymous said…
You MUST try acupuncture Don't him-and-haw at me girlie. TRY IT. Just once. You can try anything once, right? I bet you you will love it. It will balance your chi and you will feel so good!
Dapoppins said…
I have missed out on all your goings on cause i have been steeping in my own non-goings on now I don't know what is goings on except that I have a hunkering for juicy chocolate cake.
Unknown said…
I'm pretty sure that if I went to see a gypsy she'd tell me pretty much the same thing which sucks.
kado! said…
hehe...♥ the Scooby reference! =)

I'll send all my positive energy your way for that dance-off! =) Just keep sending positive energy out towards'll all come back to you....I believe in Karma...that is my religion of choice! =)
Tracy said…
Ugh! I say you throat punch everyone and everything until you feel better. You'd be surprised how a good throat punch puts a smile on your face.

xoxo Mamma Bee... sorry to hear you're in a funk. Lots of lovey and peaceful thoughts headed to Tuscon!
Unknown said…
i love the images on hte cards!!! sorry to hear you are in a funk... hope your planets align more favorably soon!!!!
Maybe you need to come see my tarot card reader--she at least tells me only positive things--I think she wants more money
I am always thinking of you! I knew that life was giving you lemons lately.

Prayers and hugs sent your way.

Joyce said…
Very funny! Love the devils food lady.
Jen said…
that was just too funny. hope the funk lifts soon!
Mrs4444 said…
Well, if my video didn't knock the funk out, I don't know what will! LOL
Kristen Andrews said…
thoughts and prayers are w/ you Dawn!
You're tarot cards are too charming for words! Marvelously fun post, though I do hope deeply that the issues that drove you to seek otherworldly help will soon be resolved!

Wishing you serenity,
♥ Jessica
jbechtold said…
Check out my blog I left you little something on it.
Michelle said…
Ohhh good luck with that competition! I hope it goes well for all of you!

I love those tarot cards :) Way fun!
Melissa said…
I totally know that funk! Hope it turns around for you soon.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
ABSOLUTELY the BEST blog ever. Overall. You dig up the best photos, tie them in so well..

No wonder i needs hiatus..

gotta meet Standards! LOL!!

All the best vibes i can muster are yours for eternity, Lady D....


tiarastantrums said…
first time here - love your wit
Anonymous said…
May 30th isn't so far away. Until then, wishing you all the best.
Anonymous said…
May 30th isn't so far away. Until then, wishing you all the best.
Polka Dot Moon said…
I like what Erin said :)

I've been thinking about getting a sage bundle to burn throughout our house..........supposed to rid the house of bad vibes. Never hurts to try and it smells good :)
Mimi said…
Well you made me laugh. Sending you happy thoughts & prayers!
LadyStyx said…
May have to try that burning sage bundle over here too. Too many grey days showing up one after the other....rather like a rhythmless conga line...
nikkicrumpet said…
Those rotten tarot cards LIE....because I'm pretty sure those are MY cards...especially the bacon and chocolate ones. I hope you start feeling less funky and more hippity hoppity soon!
Jennifer said…
Sending good vibes your way!

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