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Coming to You Live From Chilly's Office!

Hi! Comments are now closed for this post so we can prepare them for the drawing in the Monster Giveaway! Thank you for participating!

If I had a Wordle this weekend, it would be here! But alas, my hubster's office computer doesn't have any fancy software for me to use, so just pretend you see my Wordle here!)

It's Saturday and that means Shannon over at Last Shreds of Sanity is hosting Weekend Wordles! Clickety on over and check out the fun!

Also, please excuse any drooling you may encounter on your visit here today. Chilly was watching the Food Network before we left and it was all about BBQ ribs....all I can think about now are BBQ ribs.....

We've had quite a week here at Bee and Rose! Let's recap, shall we?

We started by kicking off the MONSTER Giveaway to celebrate my 100th post! There are 20 fabulous prizes up for grabs with still more opportunities to win! (We'll get to all that fun in a minute!)

We had a malicious power surge that took down "My Precious" (I always say that like that creepy Golem dude from Lord of the Rings) aka my laptop, our flat screen tv and my son's XB360. Thankfully, the XB360 was repaired with the help of Microsoft within minutes of the tragedy. Of course, the priority was the XB360 because a tween without his gaming console is a horrible thing to witness. Then my laptop was whisked off to the intensive care unit at the Geek Squad hospital where she is currently being treated. She may not be released until (and I'm going to try to say this without crying....) NEXT WEDNESDAY! So I am skulking around stealing time on my parent's computer until my precious laptop is returned. (horrors!) I am actually writing this to you today from my husband's office computer which is 40 miles from my home!

My sweet Chilly offered up his office computer so I could catch up on my blogstalking and comment love spreading today! (Do you hear the hallelujahs??!!) He has a big old 22" monitor and a big cushy chair so I'm feeling spoiled. you want two more opportunities to enter the giveaway? You do? Well, here's what you need to do....

*For Saturday's entry, go on over to visit my friend Claire at Laurora (her adorable Etsy shop). Claire is the designer of those "suh-weet" fabric fortune cookies in the giveaway! Come on back here and tell me what you liked over there. Voila! There's an entry for ya!

*For Sunday's entry, please head on over to Raven's Etsy shop, Dirty Pretty Things and once again, return here to comment about what you like there. Raven is the creator of the fabulous silhouettes in the giveaway!

FINE PRINT...You must visit these shops on the specified days for your entries to count!

Now for the BIG Giveaway News!!!!

Because you all have been so incredibly supportive and understanding of my lack of commenting and communication due to my computer issues, I am adding....hold on....wait for it....FIVE additional prizes to the giveaway!

That's right! I said FIVE!!!!!! I will announce them on Monday so be sure to come back over for a visit! Make sure that if you are entering the original Giveaway for the first time that each entry requirement is left as a separate comment.

For Example....

Comment on the original Monster Giveaway Post = One Entry

Add Yourself as a Follower = One Entry

If you already follow, tell me that you do in a separate comment = One Entry

Blog about the Giveaway and comment that you did with a link = One Entry

I am using to choose the winners so entries must be made separately in order for you to have multiple chances to win!

You can also go to additional posts here and here for other entry opportunities!

Don't forget to come on back by Monday so you can see the new prizes added!!!! I know you will be tickled silly when you see them!

And again, thank you from the bottom of my heart, for understanding my plight. I'm not trying to be rude by not commenting or visiting your blogs. I'm actually quite the stalker /commenter when my computer is up and running! I am going to try to get around as much as time allows here at Chilly's office today and say hello!

Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Easter!



Polka Dot Moon said…
Oh Claire has a darling shop!! Daisy Chain Pillowcase Dress-Sizes would look so cute on my little 1 year old :)
LadyStyx said…
Awww what a sweet guy to let you high-jack his office computer!
Alyssa said…
I'm following you. =)

Hope your precious laptop comes home soon!
Jodi said…
It's like bee and rose on assignment! Broadcasting from somewhere new each When you get a minute, come by and enter the giveaway on my blog too!

I especially like the Apples and Pears bib from Laurora! Thanks for the extra entry :)
Debbie said…
I just read a blog earlier where she called something a little more "personal" her precious. You can imagine what tricks my mind played on me when I read that the storm took your precious out!
Cammie said…
sending get well vibes for your laptop

love her the pillowcase dresses.....
Mimi said…
I am in love with the quilt in her shop. The stripes & dots quilt.
~j said…
and this is when i'm so happy that my daughter is dating the geek squad supervisor....our computers magically get repaired overnight.

praying that yours is done quicker than they estimated. =D
Tim Atkinson said…
So am I! And Happy Easter!!
Heather said…
I like the Morning GLory pillowcase dress.

Next Wednesday is an icredibly long long time to wait. Maybe they'll get it done early!
Debra said…
I like the Stripes and Dots Quilt!
Deb said…
the red lotus minky bib is adorable... before i clicked on it, i was hoping it was a tote bag.

oh, i feel for you, girl. you need precious up and running pronto!
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
i'm personally glad you get ANY time ANYWHERE to write ANYthing!

Happy Egg-hunting!
Shan G said…
Oh, and I have a Week~End Wordle button now so you can get a copy of it to put in your posts from now on. Three convenient sizes to choose from...
B said…
Besides those stinking cute fortune cookies I love those pillow case dresses. I've been thinking about making a couple of those for my miniature since it does seem nice weather is finally here, but buying them seems like a great option too!
Kristina P. said…
Seriously, I love that you started blogging only recently, and yet you are the queen of awesome giveaway!
I don't know if I could take it if my computer was gone...........I feel for you. I hope you have a wonderful Easter.
HI! I am so glad that I found your blog. You are too CUTE!!

I love the Daisy Chain Pillowcase Dress from Laurora.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Jen said…
Computer issues suck!
Seeker said…
well i visited Laurora's site and i have to say i liked it all BUT the fortune cookies are so special. i am intrigued by them...
nikkicrumpet said…
I'm so sorry you're without "precious" for soooo long. Good thing there are other computers available. I went to her great shop. And I am totally in LOVE with the "hot monkey love" card. I totally laughed out loud. I gotta get one of those and give it to the hubster.
Vickie said…
I liked the The Daisy pillow dress here:

To bad you can't do a wordle right now. I can't either. My computer will not let me! My friend Jeannie over at Jeannie's Happy World has been doing it for me:)

It is like a mini christmas with all the stuff you are giving away. Can't wait to see what else you are giving away!
Unknown said…
I like the Apples & Pears bib. It's too cute!
Shannon said…
The Modern Floral Blanket is adorable... I love the fabric!

Hope you get your "precious" back by Wednesday at the latest!
I love the Stripes and Dots Quilt! So cute!!! :D

I am glad you are able to still blog during your computer issue!
Just stopping by to wish you and your family A Happy Easter!! Hope you get your computer fixed/repaired soon. Congrads again on your 100th - I always look forward to your blogs. :}
Kat said…
Happy Easter! Also I love the Dress Form artwork at Dirty Pretty Things :)
kel said…
Pillowcase dresses =adorable!!!

Girl, you have the coolest giveaway....EVAH!
Mimi said…
Mandarin ginger soy candle looks amazing!
Marie Reed said…
Now all I can think about is ribs too! Eeeek!
Jess said…
Yay for sweet hubbands! I love it!

I blogged about you again ;)

Hoppy Easter!

Polka Dot Moon said…
Oh I just love "Lita and the Tea Cup Full of Birds - Original Art"! Simply darling :)
Anonymous said…
I love the moroccan tiles glass magnets! She really has a a unique twist on things at her shop. I love her and her blog!
I hope your computer comes home sooooon!!!!
Donnetta said…
Keepin' my fingers crossed for Precious!!!

Saturday's entry - I can TOTALLY see a Daisy Chain Pillowcase Dress on my sweet Baby Chicklet!!!
Donnetta said…
Hope you had a fabulous Easter!!!

Sunday's entry - I WISH for more tub time!! What I like - Water Lily Mineral Bath Soak!

Tracy said…
Chilly saved the day! YAY Chilly!!!

Okay so I missed Saturdays entry {which you know I'm pissed about because I really want to win!} Ahh crap... I just realized I missed Sundays too! Dang it! hahahaaa!!! I think I spent too much time in the sun yesterday! hahahaaa!!!
Jenners said…
I just don't know how you are handling all this complicated giveway stuff on top of everything else. Let's just make it simple ... pick me for the items I want and then do whatever else you want.
Raven said… ARE you gonna get thru all these entries??!!??
We all love you!

B said…
I could totally collect those prints from dirty pretty things, but those silhouettes of the sewing things made me want to hang them got it! my sewing room. Brilliant ideas form regularity in my mind like that. ;)
Sara said…
Excuse me? At Laurora Claire makes children's dresses out of pillowcases! Why didn't I think of that? I made curtains out sheets why not clothes out of pillowcases? I love the Apples and Pears Pillowcase Dress for my daughter.
Sara said…
At Raven's etsy shop I like the THE SEWING ROOM Silhouette SET. My personal seamstress (aka SIL's mom) would love these for her sewing room!
I love the Neapolitan Soy Candle - Sweet and Long-Lasting from the Dirty Pretty Things shop
Ally said…
I just love those cute pillowcase dresses at Laurora's shop.

And I cannot resist candles, so anything candles from Dirty Pretty Things.

Cute shops! You know all the fun hangouts. ;-)

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