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Makeup Monday Madness (aka Can Ya Help a Sister Out With a Camera?)

Hello, family and friends! I am back after a 'no post' weekend! A first for me! I must say I felt weird and vulnerable not exposing myself for two whole days. Not to worry, I'll be exposing myself all week long!

Today, I would like to share a bit about one of my BBFF's (bloggy best friend forever), Baby Roca's Mommy over at My Last Shreds of Sanity. Yesterday was her 38th birthday and I'm sure she wouldn't mind a few belated Happy Birthday wishes from friendly bloggers like yourselves! If you haven't yet had the pleasure of her acquaintance, please drop in for a visit! She is charming, witty and giggles are guaranteed! She loves Rick Springfield and she has a very cool leg lamp widget from A Christmas Story too! She is having Shan's Week-end Wordles over at her bloggy beginning this weekend so swing on over to see all the fun goings-on over there! I think Week-end Wordles are a great way to do a weekend post without frying your brain too much! Thank you, Shannon for saving our brain cells! (Mr. Linky ain't a walk in the park people! Go give Shannon some lovin' this weekend especially! I know you'll love her as much as I do!)

I would like to give a big thank you to TuTu's Bliss for inviting me to her Awards Buffet! (You know me, I can't pass a buffet without stuffing myself!) I picked up a few lovely delights over there! You must go read TuTu's blog! You will laugh your tushy off! Her post today is hilarious! And anyone who can talk about their breastache is a superhero in my book! (and her tutus are to die for!) This is what I grabbed at the buffet...

I would like to pass these lovely awards to Randi over at Beauty Be Good! She is a loyal commenter (on many, many blogs!) She is very creative...not to mention one of the most genuine, friendly bloggers I've ever had the pleasure to "meet"! She likes to wear new bloggy attire and is always changing it up over at her blog! I heart her!

Now, as mentioned in my title, I need some camera advice. My camera is ready to be put in a home for old cameras. I need a new one. I LOVE to take pictures, people! Love it! I need camera that takes FANTASTIC photos without a whole lot of help from me. Point and shoot...that's what I need. I want a digital camera that will not have that darn delay that the old digicams have. I want clear beautiful photos. I take lots of candids and action shots of the Irish dancer girl. I want something that captures action shots clearly. I have been checking out some Sony models. Got any ideas??? I am getting desperate! My daughter had two Irish dance performances this weekend and my photos are rotten! Blurry, blur blur! ARGGH! So not only did I miss her performance because I was dealing with the dumb camera, but the photos are horrible! Please help me out of my spiral of despair! Here is a photo from yesterday's performance...blurry, weird alien eyes...UGH! (Check out her form! She's in the air!)

I need to document the Irish dancer girl's progress so there are some good shots for her E True Hollywood story debut when she is a Riverdancer dating Hugh Jackman's son. I am anxiously awaiting your advice, oh camera professionals!

Happy Monday!


Kristina P. said…
I am of no help in the camera area.

Congrats on the awards!
Jillene said…
Congrats on the awards!! I, like Kristina, am no help in the camera department. Sorry!!
Ashley said…
My parents went to Riverdance this weekend and apparently it was one of the most spectacular things they've ever seen! Its like a sport on crack for your feet and legs :)
Welcome back from a long weekend! You were missed!

I am NOT a camera expert. But I love my Nikon Coolpix S600. It's pretty forgiving. That's what I take all my pictures with..that you see on my blog! If you want to get real technical -at work, we use the Nikon D90 (But they are a not just a point and shoot..and will set you back $1000) For our less technically challenged geeks (at work) we offer them the Canon Powershot S3 IS. Its a no-bs kind of camera..easy to use, but a little higher end. It will set you back between $250-$550. I'm personally a nikon gal. But you can't go wrong with either Nikon or Canon. I've got no experience with Sony. Which makes me a fountain of useless information..sorry!
Randi Troxell said…
thanks a million for my awards! i always HATE mondays and you just made mine super bright!
Debbie said…
You deserve those awards! Congrats.
I just have a little step up Canon and I love it so much. It has a 10x zoom but is still easy enough for me.
Deb said…
that shot is so cool with her up in the air! every picture i take turns out awful.

jay at halftimelessons got a new camera that he just raves about. it's a canon, i think?
Shan G said…
Awww, Dawn! I'm blushing! Thank you,my friend for the birthday wishes! And thanks for the shout out about Week-End Wordles. Hopefully this one will have more of an audience...LOL

As for cameras? The one I got for Christmas is a Fuji FinePix J150W. I really love it. Now this is the first digital camera I have ever owned (I love film), but I like this one. All the videos I have posted of The Diva have been from that camera and any current pics I have posted since the first of the year have been taken on that one too.

We got it as a bundle pack from Best and had it shipped to the store (free). It came with the case, sd card, battery and charger for less than $200. It is also 10 megapixels (my husband says that's good) so he says we got a deal.

I still, however, drool over the beautiful, professional looking Canon cameras with the interchangeable lenses...but those are about 3-5 grand and I can't pay that kind of money right now. =(

But try the one I suggested. I really like it.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your awards! I should be on the hunt for one before long but I'm not quite ready so I've not been paying attention to the latest models. Sorry!
Is she performing in the middle of a mall? We just upgraded our camera from a point and shoot, I still like it though. It is easy for me to stick in my coat pocket or bag. Congrats on your awards:)
Momo Fali said…
I wish I had advice for you, but my camera is a hunk of junk!
Devri said…
Have you seen the photos on my blog, I definatly need help myself.. congrats on your awards
~j said…
my daughter is a professional photographer and she uses a sony dslr. i was afraid of it at first, but i also hate the delay that comes with most point and shoots. I usually just leave it on automatic and fire away. It's user-friendly (which is good for me) and i love the ability to switch to a great zoom lens. you can pick one up the DSLR-A300K for $600 at Best Buy. (get the accidental service plan if they offer it - if you drop the camera, they'll replace it with a comparable one)

i have shot with a sony point and shoot for about 7 years, and the one time that i had a problem with my camera, their customer service was incredible.
The Blonde Duck said…
I just caught up on my Thursday comments (I've been drowning. Terrible things happened at work. I'll tell you all about it via e-mail.) Anyway, I'm so excited your daughter likes my blog! I have some children's stories I think she may like. Could I send them to her?
Tori C. said…
I really recommend a DSLR - they're easier than they look and you really do have lots of price options. CNET has really great reviews of cameras. Mine is a Nikon D40, recommended as a good entry-level DSLR.
Kirsty said…
My SIL has a Canon point and shoot and it takes GREAT photos (yeah real helpful seeing as how I don't even know which Canon it is LOL)
I have a Nikon D60 and love it. My husband calls it my 4th child...
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Holly smokes check her out she is amazing, blurry or not! That is a great picture.

I have a Cannon Power Shot it's probably 4 years old and I love it. My dad just picked up the newer version and it Rocks. Costco has an amazing deal :).

Happy Monday :)
Jess said…
Hey girlfriend!

We use this:

Cyber-shot® Digital Camera DSC-H50/B

It has a sport or 'burst' setting that lets you take like a gajillion pix in a second. Its the awesomesauce for sure.

blognut said…
Congrats on the awards! And, I totally suck with cameras, so I'm of no use to you.
Unknown said…
congrats on teh awards!! i am no help in the camera area at all!! happy monday.. good to see you back! :)
Jen said…
I use are Coolpix S210 from Nikon. I really like it. Its easy to use.
Mary-Catherine said…
Hubby just bought me the Nikon's splendid and all I have to do is point and really just can't take a bad picture with this camera.
Anonymous said…
Cool pic!

Off to check out the blogs you linked!
Jenni said…
I am not smart about cameras I'm afraid...I actually need a new one, too!
Kristen Andrews said…
congrats on the awards! love the pic of your kiddo!
Kristen Andrews said…
p.s. tomorrow u are tagged on my post.
Night Owl Mama said…
I love birthday's I'll definatly stop by and send wishes.
Congrats on your awards. Very cool. I hope to get some one day.
Luv that your dd is in Irish Dancing. NOT a really bad pic its ok. I personally want to look into a Cannon or a Nikon. From what I seen those are the best. Their expensive and I hope to save up for one with money I make off my blog. Have to have goals right and every lil bit helps. I have a Panasonic and I miss my Kodak it took better photo's and no delay. I hate the DELAY.
A Psych Mommy said…
I love my Canon Rebel--I thought it would be intimidating since it's an SLR, but really, you can use it as a point and shoot. My pet peeve used to be the delay from my camera and the freakin' flashing lights that made my son close his eyes. I think my pics have gotten a lot better, or at least I take more pics now so that I have a better chance of finding a gem
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Wish I could help; My cousin Ashley is the photo/camera expert; see if i can't direct her to help. No promises, because it's once-removed from these digits, but... that Irish Stepdance Daughter needs chronology, I agree wholeheartedly...
Stephenie said…
Congrats on the award... I wish I had some advise on the camera. I'm still trying to figure mine out. I love the picture of the little Riverdancer in the makings....
Robyn Jones said…
LOL! Exposing yourself!

I am personally a fan of Pentax...and if you get the newest (and very expesive ) camera...they also have very cool video features...

I heart Riverdance by the way....great excersize...good for your daughter...
Donnetta said…
I ADORE my camera. It's a SLR Canon Rebel xti. PHENOMENAL action shots. My son plays travel baseball & pitches. I can get about 8 pics from ONE pitch! LOVE IT!
Anonymous said…
I like my Canon DSL because it takes great action shots - freeze frame and I like that I can change the lenses so if I'm out in the mountains and want to do micro shots - I use the smaller lens - for soccer shots I use the large lens so that I can zoom across the field and get a close up that looks like I was right in front of him
Jenners said…
My husband will swear by the Canon Rebel but I don't know what your price range is! Love the whole Irish Dancing thing ... I think that is sooooo cool! And yay for the awards -- always nice to get positive feedback!

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