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Gettin' My Irish Freak On (aka I'm Gonna Be a Stripper)

Another confession...or should I say "con-feis-sion?"

I am an absolute freakazoid about all things Irish. It's rather weird considering I'm not Irish. (however, my very Irish friend, Pam, said she thought I must have a drop somewhere, so I'm good with that...)

Here's the proof...I named my kids Connor and Catherine...Irish....I listen to Celtic music relentlessly....Irish.....I swoon whenever I hear an Irish accent...I don't even care if it's a drunk old Irish guy or Cat's dance teacher singing "step & hop and step & hop"....Irish.....I am crazy about Liam Neeson (read previous posts about our midnight escapades), ...yummy Irish...Colin Firth.. (ok, not Irish, but still yummy)..(and Chilly, I've seen your list of hmmm...can we even call them ladies??? so, don't hate the playah, honey, hate the game...)....and finally, I make my daughter take Irish step dancing classes....which leads me to the reason I may have to become a stripper.....

Irish dance is flippin' expensive!!!!!! I thought Irish dance would be fun (it is!) I mean the lingo is pretty nifty...feis (pronounced "fesh" do you get "my Con-feis-sion"? giggle giggle) slip jig, treble jig, hard reel...and listening to the clickety clickety of the hard shoe dancers is very cool. However, I didn't anticipate a weekly trip to the blood bank to sell my blood for the extra cash I would need for the "essentials." Let's see...first you have classes, assorted competition fees, the class uniform t-shirt and shorts, the class uniform jumper, the ghillies, hard shoes, wigs, tiaras, and poodle socks. Oh, and don't forget the sock glue. Sock glue????? Here's a picture of a famous Irish dancer...


See her socks? Poodle socks...about $10+ a pair (you go through alot of these.) The cute little black shoes are called ghillies...about $50 a pair (you go through alot of those too.) Hard shoes..about $135+! (hard shoes are the clickety clackers..) The hair...not her real's a wig that clips over her real hair...$40-$100+! The cute little headband (or some dancers choose tiaras) $20-$100+! And now for the most important thing of all (and most expensive,) the dress...

Irish dance dresses can cost thousands per dress!!!!! (hold on, I think my husband just had his 4th heart attack...sorry honey, didn't want to hit you with that little tidbit too early in her dance career, especially since you recently survived 3 previous heart attacks...) That snazzy little number Barbie is wearing probably cost her mom a cool thousand smackaroos. (Unless she got it used on ebay, then she probably only spent $700.) I am learning that used is the way to go in Irish dance world. Even then, I know my career as a stripper is looming closer (because I'm running out of blood.)

So kids...I promise I'll use a very cool stripper name like Bambi or Stephi (ha ha, Aunt Ooooo)...I'll keep my lucite high heels hidden away during the day so you won't be embarrassed by your stripper momma. And Catherine, one day when you are a Riverdancer touring the world and being fabulously rich and famous, you better take really good care of me....(or I'll embarrass you with pictures from my stripper days...I can assure you no one wants to see that....43 year old strippers are in a class of their own...and not the good kind....)

My Irish Ghillie Girl, Catherine, at one of her first performances this past November...

Photobucket offense to anyone named Steph, Stephi, Stephanie...that's my sister's name...she really is a stripper...NOT...just kidding...she's a rockin' momma who's an amazing artist! The only things she strips are the sheets off her mom's the real stripper in our family....( you, mommy...)


* said…
Dropping by from sits. I hear ya on the dancing. A friend took up dancing and said it cost a fortune. Lessons. Costumes. Her mother wanted to be an ice skater and the family couldn't afford the cost. Her mom was there to bear part of the expense. Nice post.
Cammie said…
A guy I work with has a daughter that is big into Irish Step Dancing. I know the have poured tons on $$ into it. Yowza.

Me, Im a sucker for all things British...I love me some tea, some Robert Pattison, and if you speak to me in a British accent I just may swoon.
Jillene said…
WOW--$6,000 for a dress?! No thanks!! I have two girls so I'd be stripping double time--the sad part--my boobs are saggy and I have a few extra pounds (actually a lot of extra pounds) left over from having children. I would be a sight for sore eyes!!
6 grand for a stinkin dress...You know at least you'd get more wear out of it than a wedding dress that'd cost that much.

My mother in law used to be a stripper.. haha i am dying to know her stage name..haha maybe its better that I don't know it
Sandy said…
Holy cow that's a lot! Thank God my girls are so uncoordinated. I don't see dance in their future!
Anonymous said…
i *HEART* Irish accents... Gerard Butler ~Swoon~
Seeker said…
thanks for visiting.....Sean Bean....Yeah.... no argument there

sweet girl...looks like she's having the dress...
Mary-Catherine said…
hahaha! you crack me up...Thanks for visiting my humble little blog! I noticed that you homeschool, I was homeschooled all the way through highschool, I would love to homeschool my daughter. Look forward to visiting more!
LORI said…
The Blonde Duck said…
You must love Rouge in the Gift then!

Well, at least you can practice your Irish dance while stripping! :)
Melissa said…
That looks like so much fun. I love Irish accents as well, although we do hear them that often down in

Love your blog.
I ♥ all things Irish too! Although I have no desire to dance. Kinda need a bit of rythym to begin with... I do not have any!
My kids are named Braden and Mackenzie! Although, if I were true to all things Irish, I would have spelled my son's name "Braeden". You win. ☺ ☺
Anonymous said…
While you have GREAT taste in loving Sean Bean, he's not Irish, he's British (from Sheffield to be exact). So his accent is northern England. And Gerry Butler is Scottish.

(can you tell I love them, too?)

PS. Adorable pic of your daughter dancing.
AHHHHH! Oh well, still dreamy and accents just kinda make me all mushy...

Thanks for the heads up!
Anonymous said…
My goodness - how cute is she! The money, arggh, I hear you. Is there ANY activity for kids now days that is not expensive? Love your blog; found you through Isle Dance :)
Debbie said…
She looks so adorable. And those prices? Crazy. I could never do it.
Shan G said…
I knew one day we Irish would take over the world! I am almost 100% Irish. My daughter's name is Rowan Catherine-Siobhan. We're Irish. My Bro is Kevin Sean. So yeah, I get the pull.

And being Irish is cool we have Waterford crystal and Claddagh rings. We also gave this country most of it's cops & firefighters (funny how that works LOL).

Besides, what other country has a holiday that is all about the party and gets whole cities to have parades AND turn nearby rivers green? LOL

Being Irish ROCKS!

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