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A New Dawn for Bee and Rose

It seems like only a blink of an eye has passed since I began my little bloggy back in 2009.  My early days of blogging were filled with giggles and goofy stories about my family.  I love the friendships that I built across the miles and truly enjoyed all my visits to the Land of Blog.  I loved the feeling of community that blogging offers and of course, I'm a huge fan of any crafting tutorial as well.  But then along came some Life Lessons and my visits to Blog Land became less frequent.  More of my time was spent in hospitals and doctors offices.  As many of you know, one of the main "characters" in my blog stories is no longer with us.  Sadly, my sweet husband, William passed away at the end of 2012 after a long bout with terminal illness...which brings me to this post and back to the Land of Blog.  

I was reflecting this morning on what I was doing this time last year.  I always spend time every New Year's Eve being grateful for the past year and saying "buh-bye" to the not so great stuff.  It suddenly occurred to me that this time last year I was actually planning my husband's Celebration of Life service as he had passed just days before on December 27.  I was trying to sort out how we could bring in 2013 with any joy at all.  It was a not a great day.

Fast forward to today...New Year's Eve...about to welcome in 2014.  I found my daughter this morning reading my blog.  She has done this on many occasions throughout this past year, but it didn't dawn on me until today why.  She said she finds peace in the stories that I wrote when our family was whole.  She loves reading the goofy things her daddy did when he alive.  She said it helps her remember how much fun we all had together.  She was sad that I stopped writing for so long.  It was in that moment that I realized why blogging is such a valuable resource, especially for families.  All of those stories that I wrote back in the day not only made Smitty laugh during his trials with terminal illness, but they were now bringing joy to my daughter during her time of grief.  The written word is powerful and I am so glad that I wrote every single post over those years.  

So one of my New Years "Intentions" (because I don't do "Resolutions") is that I am "picking up the pen" again, so to speak and getting my blog on.  It's a New Dawn around here and so while I cherish my bloggy title "Bee and Rose", it's time to bid that a fond farewell.  Over the next few weeks, I will be changing it up around here and that means a new name too.  I will still be "Bee and Rose" for a short bit, but will move on to "A New Dawn" soon.  All that will change is my blog new address will hopefully re-direct my trusty followers back over here to my Bee and Rose blog (with a new name of course.)  I hope you will come along for the ride:)  I have some saucy tales to spin and can't wait to catch up with the citizens of the Land of Blog!

Just to give you a giggle before you's a linky to a funny Christmas post from 2010...let's just say it involves a very naughty Gingerbread gal and is titled "Ho Ho! The Great Big Ho!" Enjoy!

Wishing you all a very blessed and abundant 2014!


Mike said…
While I don't blog much anymore, I'm always around and every once in a while I'll throw a post up. Nice to see you. Happy New year!
Welcome back, Dawn!

You are a beautiful writer and tell great stories - looking forward to welcoming you back with arms wide open.
Tom said…
I am looking forward to your return to blogging. Happy New Year!
KathyM said…
Dawn, I knew you were a talented writer but...I had no idea to the depth to which you share with us lucky souls...I took the link to past memories and I'm soooo glad I did!! Happy New Year !
Dapoppins said…
I can't wait to see what 2014 brings for you and your family, the concerts, Irish dancing, the teenage angst, the strange animals of the desert...!

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