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Dear So and So...Good Clean Fun Edition...

So I'm a bit early (like 4 days early) on the "Dear So and So..." post...The story of my life...I'm either too early or too late...sigh....
Dear So and So...

Join the fun brought to you by the fabulous Kat at 3 Bedroom Bungalow!

Dear Children Who Live in My House... 

Cat...While I realize that Polly Pocket and her friends love hanging out in your room with Draculaura and her pals, I don't think they enjoy being trampled on by giants...especially female giants with hormone issues. Seriously, they might end up maimed or as amputees if they're not careful.  Teen Caveboy...guitar picks are not like rose petals to be scattered across the floor in some sweet gesture of love...PICK UP YOUR STUFF, OFFSPRING or it may turn up missing...just sayin'....

With all my love,


Dear Booty and Behind...

Just a note of thanks for finally sitting down after ruining the Tegan and Sara portion of the Paramore concert for us.  (I was standing behind you, Colossal Ginormous Dude when I took this photo...)  Booty, we were really impressed by your drunk girl dance moves.  Wow...American Bandstand would've loved you back in the day.  At least Behind had the good sense to just shift from side to side without tossing his alcoholic beverage all over the place. 

Hope to never see you at another concert..EVER...

p.s. Booty, thanks for being a shining example of what Teen Caveboy better NEVER bring home to meet Mama...

Dear Antique Baby Grand Piano...aka "Emma"...

Welcome to our home! Thanks for not going home with that creepy guy and saving yourself for Chilly.  He's been on the prowl for you for years.  I realize you need a HUGE makeover (believe me...I can relate...), but I know in time you will be restored to your greatness.  (I've got word into Oprah that I need a makeover too...I'll throw in a good word for you...)  I hope you love the name that Cat and Connor bestowed upon you.  Thank you, Chilly for giving me such a lovely and most cherished gift!  

Can't Wait to Tinkle Your Ivories...(uh...I mean Emma's keys, Chilly...don't get excited...)

Wishing you a fabulous Tuesday!  



I've been known to put my kids toys in big garbage bags and make them earn them back. I'm a mean mom like that!
Kristina P. said…
I have baby grand piano envy!
Jenners said…
Tinkle the ivories is definitely one of those phrases that sounds dirty but isn't (at least I don't think it is!)
Kelly said…
Congratulations on your baby grand! What an exciting purchase. I will be watching for you on Oprah.
Annie said…
Piano envy!!!

Oh, and a green garbage bag full of stuff that hasn't been picked up is a great way to "encourage" offspring to clean up.

Just sayin'
Randi Troxell said…
great letters!

i always love reading these!
Dapoppins said…
Awwww, DAWN, it is they toys on the floor that mean, "mom, I trust you!"
and make mom-hood FAB don't you think?


Congragts on the new BABY...

Big dude would a moved fast if you had pinched his butt and grinned like the hott mama you are. (shhhh, Chilly doesn't have to know) If, I'd been there, I would a done it for you!!!
Mike said…
Kids are just not built that way! No picking up stuff, ever! LOL
Captain Dumbass said…
This post so through me off. Dear So & So that you posted on Tuesday but I'm reading on Wednesday. If I scew up at work today I'm blaming you.

Nothing personal.
Unknown said…
Too cool you got a baby Grand! Hope you all enjoy it! Just too crazy about booty & behind, my boy better not bring home one like that either!
Kristen Andrews said…
Will almost never cleans up yet does at school
The Mrs. said…
I love your dear so and sos!!!
Eve said…
A baby grand piano? Wow - what a gift! I don't even play and I'm excited for you! ;)
You are the best! Loved the post...

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