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Practically Perfect Monday

When I was a wee girl, I was enamored by this lovely bag...

Yes, indeed-y! I desperately wanted Mary Poppins' carpet bag! She pulled a hat stand out of that bag for heaven's sake!  And a potted plant, a floor lamp, an ornate wall mirror and of course, that magical measuring tape!  I wanted Mary Poppins to measure me with that magic tape so badly!  I was sure my measurement would read just like Jane's...

"Rather inclined to giggle...Doesn't put stuff away.."  

I have a feeling it probably looks more like this...

Maybe someday it will say "Practically Perfect in Every Way"....just like Mary Poppins...sigh....I hope she shows up around here soon....

Actually, I would be delighted if Nanny McPhee would make an appearance around here too...Chilly could use a few of Nanny McPhee's lessons.  This is for you, Chilly...

Miss Cat and I joined some fabulous friends to go see "Nanny McPhee Returns" at the movie theater yesterday.

We loved it as much as we did the first Nanny McPhee movie! I adore Emma Thompson (who also wrote it) and was thrilled to see Maggie Smith (brilliant!) in it as well!

It has darling wee piglets, gorgeous scenery, a lovely story and a very sweet surprise at the end.  Absolutely worth the limb sacrifice and selling off of jewels for the movie tickets and concessions:)

(Warning for'd best settle up on your past due accounts with me or I'll send Miss Topsey and Miss Turvey after you...they are loan shark heavies that specialize in kidney removal...just sayin'...)

Hope you're Monday is more than practically perfect!



Kristina P. said…
I always used to think my mom had a Mary Poppins bag. That bag was huge!!
Robyn Jones said…
You would have loved my wedding then...I wore a hat that made me feel like I looked like Mary Poppins...LOL! Haven't seen the Nanny movie yet...
Magdalena said…
Oh Dawn there is no one in bloggie land that can make me laugh out loud like you can!! I always wanted that carpet bag too. I just uploaded the Nanny Mcphee audio book for Oliver and a fun app. I can't wait to see the movie!
Keep on making us laugh, it sure does brighten up my day
I LOOOOVED Mary Poppins as a child, such a fun movie. :) I dunno, I think that bag could be paired quite nicely with the right outfit... ;-)
Liz Mays said…
I didn't know they had a follow-up. I saw the first one and loved that. I have it on DVD!'ve convinced me to take time to see this movie!
Kristen Andrews said…
I loved Mary Poppins too! Will wants to see Nanny Mcphee so I have the tivo set.
I need to watch Mary Poppins again...and soon. (Being surrounded by my nieces over the next few weeks this seems like a fun thing to do.)

Do you need to have seen the first Nanny Mcphee to see the second?
Beth Dunn said…
A good nanny is a life saver!
Randi Troxell said…
i have not for some reason watched either.. but i will so be getting on that!
Unknown said…
love the mary poppins bag-it is so magical....i cant wait to see nanny mcfee II
Cora said…
Ohhhhhhh, I loved (LOVED) Mary Poppins and sooooooo badly wished I had a magical bag too when I was a kid.

Funny - I grew up to be a nanny with a mammoth purse full of Pokemon cards and M&M's.... which I suppose was kind of magical to the kids I used to take care of, in its own little way. ;-)
Eve said…
There's a second Nanny McPhee? I'm going to have to go out and find it! :)

I liked her bag, but it was Mary Poppin's umbrella that I was always after!
Jenners said…
Wouldn't it be awesome to have a magic nanny in your life ... with or without a carpet bag? And we could get them to keep our husbands in line too!
Queenie Jeannie said…
Love it!! Thank you for the giggles this morning!!
Mother Mayhem said…
I think I may prefer Nanny McPhee's stick... Hehehe...
Unknown said…
I loved Mary Poppins and her magic! I am sure my measure would sy Grumpy and frumpy too....Havent seen Nanny McPhee yet, maybe my girl and I will have to check that new one out!
aurora said…
What a fun post! Thanks for the twinkle and giggle. Loved, loved Mary Poppins, and I am a big Nanny McPhee fan. Glad to know the 2nd is as good as the 1st!
Lesley said…
Yeah...this was the perfect post for me today.....and when you are done with both Mary and McPhee...could you send them my way?...thx
Amy Sullivan said…
Mary Poppins! I haven't thought of her in awhile...I wasn't so attached to her bag, but I always used to draw on the sidewalk with chalk and then try to jump in.
Dapoppins said…
Since I am practically related to Mary, being a Poppins myself I am already Practcally Perfect.

except for my speling.
Annie said…
I cannot wait to see this movie!! Thanks for the report :)

Oh, and I think I measure somewhere between, sarcastic, a bit overly emotional, and far to fond of chocolate.
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Hehe your so freaking funny!!!!

I so loved Mary too, and that bag!

I can't wait to see the new movie!

LadyStyx said…
Haven't seen either of the Nanny movies yet. Considered getting the first one but hubby suspects that once the second one comes out that they may package them together so we'll just wait and get it then. Love Emma and Miss Maggie in almost everything each does.