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Morning Has Broken...(aka TGFG..Thank Goodness for Google)

As I've moved along in my life growing spiritually, emotionally, and blah~blah~blah...I've created a routine that helps me set the tone for my day.  Immediately upon waking up from my deep golden slumbers, I catch the first conscious thought of the day.  I sit with it for a while...meditate on it...and see where it will take me as my day begins....

Normally, I will have thoughts like this...

or this.......

and sometimes this....(ok...a lot of times this...)

You can imagine my shock and surprise over my first thought of today...

Here it is in all of it's bubblegum glory...

I kid you not...and then I couldn't remember the name of this show!!!  It drove me bonkers for a solid hour!  I remembered Freddie the Frog, Charlie the Owl and Henrietta Hippo...I even remembered Doug and Emmy Jo!  After making myself nuts for way too long, I finally Googled and found THE NEW ZOO REVUE!!!  (thank you, Google for stopping me from going into complete hysteria...)

Then the theme song came streaming into my brain!  

"It's the New Zoo Revue...Coming Right at You!"  

I loved this show when I was a kid!  I thought Emmy Jo was so cool.  I loved how she could rock a pair of go-go boots and a headband.  


And check out her preppy style!  Emmy Jo had a huge influence on my fashion choices over the years.  

One of my favorite toys back then was this little bundle of fun...

When I got this set of reels for my birthday.....

I was in kiddie heaven!

Here's Doug....he and Emmy Jo were married in "real life" and still are to this day!

Now for some New Zoo Revue trivia...Do you know who played Mr. Dingle, the postman???

Everybody knows this guy....even you young whippersnappers who have no idea what the New Zoo Revue is!

It's this guy!!!

Yep! Chuck Woolery was Mr. Dingle!!!  You can watch him in action on NZR with this linky...(and you can see Emmy Jo and her fab-oo seventies fashion!)

(youtube won't let you embed this one...sorry!  It's fun to go watch though!)

And because I love you all so much, I have given you yet another linky so you can listen to the theme song!  I know you will be humming it all day long!  You are welcome!  (and yes...that is pure sarcasm...I realize it's totally annoying to hum those kiddie songs all day long...I went through it for years when my kids watched Barney....but here's the linky anyway!!! mwahahahahaha.....)

Have a happy Thursday, ya'll!

xoxo can now get the New Zoo Revue on DVD!!!  

pss...sorry for the poor image's quite a challenge finding images of this show!


What did we ever do before the internet? Seriously.

I like your idea of sitting with your first thought for the day. I might just have to try that. I often times jump out of bed so hastily, I can't help but wonder what I'm missing.....
Kristina P. said…
I do NOT remember that show, and I'm glad!
triles said…
I'm cracking up! Never heard of this show, but I love that it randomly popped into your head. And that you wrote about it.
Alyssa said…
OMG the View Master! I was obsessed with that thing when I was little and the little film disks with the latest Disney movie pictures were my parent's ultimate bribe.
Polka Dot Moon said…
OH MY GOODNESS! That was one of my FAVORITE SHOWS!!!

Thanks for the flash back! Now I have to show my kiddos what I used to watch before there was iCarly & Yo Gabba Gabba!!! :)
Mike said…
When I was a kid the big thing was H.R. Puff n stuff! How is that for a little drug reference? lol
Annie said…
I haven't thought about this show in years! Ha ha ha! Time warp!
Anonymous said…
Hi There!
I would love for you to visit my blog, Mom State of Mind, and enter my giveaways!! Take Care
Jenners said…
Oh My GOSh ... I LOVED THIS SHOW! It was one of the few I was able to watch before our TV blew up and my parents didn't replace it and developed huge gaps in my pop culture knowledge. But the New Zoo Revue -- THAT I KNOW!
Kristen Andrews said…
I have never seen that show
Unknown said…
Thanks so much for the walk back! I totally remember that show and had completely forgotten it. But now I am going to sing New Zoo review all morning in my head!
I don't remember that show. Off to go check it out.

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