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Did You Know Tuesday...Enter at Your Own Risk Edition...

Back in the old days last year, I made up a bloggy thing called "Did You Know? Tuesday"...It was my very lame and lazy attempt to write a bunch of stuff and pass it off as a post...oops...did I type that out loud???  I meant to say that it was my brilliant way to creatively write snippets of thoughts into one tidy post.  So dear readers, today I bestow upon you the return of "Did You Know? Tuesday" in all it's golden witty splendor....that's right...prepared to be (bored silly and yawning in about 30 seconds...) DaZzLeD!....Ready...set...Go!  

that my 7 year old daughter received a job promotion today?  That's right!  She was promoted from "Pack Mule" to "Roadie" for doing such a bang up job carrying her brother's guitar gear to his lesson.  Bravo, Teen Caveboy for offering up such a worthy promotion! (and for promoting child labor...good on you!  High fives all around! That's my boy!)

Did You Know...
that my home is about to become (hell on earth) a wee bit tense due to the appearance of this (starts with a "B" and ends with "itch")  lovely creature...(I've seen her here before)....All I can say is "Run for your lives, people of Tucson...Run as fast as you can!" (I'll understand if you're too afraid to read further....)
Attn: Chilly (the hubs)...if you even try to talk to me this morning, I promise this is what you're gonna get...

Just back quietly out of the kitchen and run as fast as those swollen feet will let ya....The kids have already made their way into the fallout shelter...

Did You Know...
that I was terrified of Witch Hazel when I was a wee girl?

I also had nightmares about Bugs in this costume...I'm not kidding! Completely freaked me out! 

Did You Know...
that I'm absolutely crazy about hat boxes...especially vintage ones?

Did You Know...
that we have a Kissing Bug epidemic in Arizona? I know...sounds so cute, huh?  These evil creatures can bite you and then infect you with a disease that won't show up until 10-20 years later!  A very bad "I can kill you" kind of disease! WHAT???  What the heck?  Aren't rattlesnakes and scorpions enough torture for us in AZ?????  Welcome to our nightmare...

Did You Know...
that something amazing happened to me?  Well, smack my bottom and color me surprised!  I won a giveaway!!!  That's right! I am the proud new owner of an $80 CSN gift certificate thanks to Mr. Fabulous himself...Otin...or more properly known as Wizard of Otin.  Not only is Otin a spinner of tales, he also has a very generous and kind heart.  Thank you, kind sir, for the winnings! Now get on over there and grace him with your presence!

Did You Know...
that I'm thrilled to be back to blogging and connecting with you all again!!???
Wishing you all a lovely day!



Anonymous said…
Your post just made me realize how much I miss cartoons...
Annie said…
Kissing bug? Seriously? I'll have to google it. Ewwww!
Oh, that bug sounds horrible. I would be freaking out if I lived in AZ. Great to have you back, Dawn:)
Tracy said…
Congrats to Irish Dancer and Teen Caveboy... for the promotion and promition of child labor.

Kissing bugs = yuck.

Hat boxes are SO wonderful! I love those and vintage suitcases. There's a little flea market/antique show the 3rd sunday of every month at the local city college... LOVE going there!

Annnnnd so glad you're back!

Oh! I recognize that duck! *backing away slowly*

P.S. We are GLAD you are back! You bring comic relief and a ray of sunshine! It's true!
Randi Troxell said…
i'm glad your back too!!!
and remind me to NOT come to arizonia... kissing bugs.. YIKES!!
not cool!!!!!
LadyStyx said…
I hate bugs. Well... except butterflies. Them I can deal with. And ladybugs, I can tolerate those as well..
Jenners said…
Canceling trip to Arizona now...
I'm definitely not down with the kissing bugs - they sound terrible! Very cute post, I liked all the little side stories. :) Thanks for entering the giveaway on my blog!
I have a feeling a lot of people ate the BOWL OF STUPID.
Kristina P. said…
Did you know I missed all your rubber duckies?
Tonjia said…
that bug is creepy!! I do love your did you know tuesday!! ok witch hazel is kind of creepy too, she really hung around that caldron a lot.
Did you know...that I really enjoyed this post?
kingstongirl said…
I love your post! I really love the idea of did you know Tuesday! I love the idea. I might just steal it cause temp my tummy Tuesday is kinda starting to be a little lame.
Show Me Mama said…
I am your new follower. Cool blog you have here. You can visit me at
Meathead said…
I've never heard of that bug. That's just crazy!
Glad you're back!
Magdalena said…
'Do you know' how much I adore you and your brilliantly hysterically well written blog!! You are beyond funny, truly the best of the best my dear Dawn.
I love those hat boxes you pictured!! would do just about anything to own them....
The Blonde Duck said…
I'm so glad you're back!
Donnetta said…
A roadie?! Now THAT is a promotion! ;)
Maude Lynn said…
That is my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoon!
Did you know?...
I am loving this post.

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