Welcome to another fine edition of Dear So and So...Spill your guts to the interwebs...Join the fun brought to you by the most amazing Kat at 3 Bedroom Bungalow!
I'm so sad that you are moving. How will I ever learn the diabolical secrets of torturing loved ones? Clearly, you are the master...I bow to you as I weep over your departure....Your achievements are worthy of an entire blogpost...some day, my sweet friend...some day...
Crying a River of Tears...
Crying a River of Tears...

ps...you totally remind me of Cousin Serena in that picture....you are so ornery...
Dear Yesterday...
Thank you for being so cloudy and rainy...It forced me to be completely useless and lazy. I forgot how much fun just laying around doing nothing can be! Let's do it again soon...how about....today?
I love doing nothing...

ps...Chilly, don't freak out...my nothing to do list includes washing your big boy panties and shirts...but you are on your own for dinner....mwahahahaha.....
Dear Ridiculously Cute Owlets...
I want you...I need you...I must have you perched around my house...Fly on over here...NOW....
Hoping to see you soon...

Dear Secret Menu at In and Out Burger....
Why do you have to be a secret? My wee girl could've been chowing down at I/O Burger for months if you weren't hiding out in plain sight on www.in-n-out.com/. Come on, just hang yourself up in the restaurant and make it easy for us old moms with picky eaters.
Glad I Discovered the Secret...(ok...busted...Thank you, Shelly for telling me the secret...),

Dear Blogger Post Writer Box...
Why must you be so freakin' difficult lately? Can't you just post my junk as it appears when I write it in the box? Why do you have to add all of this weird spacing and make it look all jacked up? Why are you making my letters XL when I'm not telling you to do so!? I do know how to write a bit of code and you are still messing with me! You are ruining my day...grrrr.....
Understanding Why People Are Jumping Ship to Wordpress...

Have a fabulous weekend!!!
and uh yea! blogger has been way weird lately!
have a lovely wkend!!!!!!!!!
2. Thank you for bringing up the Blogger glitch. I thought I was the only one. I've had to post a couple things with really weird spacing, because I'm not a flipping code expert.
Yep, hate the Blogger glitch.
If yours is doing the same bad evil things mine is, you can control that by hitting the shift key when you hit the enter key to start a new line. (It's like we're working in Dreamweaver or Wordpress for pete's sake!)
have a great weekend yourself!
I love yoru note about the lazy day.
Mich x
My sister would LOVE those owls too!