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Dear So and So...Alphabet Soup

Dear So and So...
   Dear So and So is brought to the blogosphere by the very sweet 
Kat over at 3 Bedroom Bungalow!  

Dear Alphabet and Numbers,

I adore you.  In fact, Alphabet, I use your lovely letters all over my this...

I delight in hanging words all over my walls or just a single letter here and there!  No worries, Numbers!  I love you just as much!  I get so excited when I find treasures with you so smartly adorning them.

But...I simply swoon when I find you all mixed up with each other...the way you are with the shower curtain in the kids bathroom! heart goes pitter patter....
Who cares if Teen Caveboy thinks it looks like someone threw up alphabet soup all over his bathroom?  I love you and you are staying!

Your adoring fan...

Dear Adorable Princesses...

You rocked the castle yesterday with your fancy ball gowns and giggle fits. The fairies were so happy that you enjoyed their Tiny Treasures Scavenger Hunt that they've decided to have a Black Cat Scavenger Hunt for you on Halloween! 

Thank you for gracing us with your witty charm, my fair ladies!


Your Royal Subject, 

Dear Monster High Dolls...

First of all, I can't believe your parents let you go to school dressed this way.  Also, you may want to fill in your creator (aka Mattel) that some of you require limb salvage immediately upon coming to stay at your new homes.  There's nothing like the screech of a 7 year old girl who's doll has lost her hand...or entire arm. (and you don't want to be within a 50 mile radius if a shoe turns up's like the sound of a nuclear blast...)  I realize that you are Monsters, but I can't imagine that you really want to terrorize the youngsters who lovingly play with you, right?  I appreciate that my darling daughter has played for hours on end with you and sings your annoying cute little ditty she heard on your website all day long.  How about working at keeping yourselves together (literally) so that my hearing won't be further damaged by the banshee~like screaming of my daughter.  Sound good?  

Willing to let you live here if you stop losing limbs....

Dear Pillsbury Sweet Moments Brownies...

All I can say is YUM...15 seconds in the microwave and my mouth is in brownie heaven...You are a PMS sufferer's dream come true...

With all my love,

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!



Randi Troxell said…
really am lovin' that shower curtain too..
very chic and modern!!!

have a wonderful wkend!!!
Kristina P. said…
I saw those brownie bits at Target the other day. I guess they are still calling my name.
Liz Mays said…
I tried those brownie bites the other day and as if chocolate insides aren't enough...they have the decadent coating on the outside too! Man, they're good!

I love that shower curtain and I would buy it!

The glamour girls are soooo cute!
Kelly said…
Thanks for the gentle reminder to never buy Monster dolls for my daughter.

I love your alphabet obsession!
Michelle-y said…
You are truly a girl after my own heart. I ADORE numbers and letters. My son's new "big-boy" room (he's two) has a lovely vinette on the wall of just this! And go fig, I have the EXACT same shower curtain (only in gray) for his bathroom. I heart you.

Have a great weekend!!!
It's dolls like that, that make me breath a sigh of relief that I don't have girls.

I hope you have a great weekend!
Tracie Nall said…
I love that shower cute!! We can all use a little alphabet soup decorating from time to time.

The princesses are super cute! I want to hear more about this fairy scavenger hunt...sounds like something my daughter would absolutely LOVE!!

Those brownies.....YUM!!
Jenners said…
I am just going to have to pretend that I never ever saw the thing about the brownies. That just looks way too dangerous.
Eve said…
Oooh - I love the new blog design! :)
Those brownies would be awesome.

Hope you are having a great weekend.
Sweet Moments.... I need some of those! Fun post!
Kim said…
That princess pic is so stinkin' cute!!
Debbie said…
I love that shower curtain! That is irresistible.
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Ohhh I love the letters on the wall :)

Love the princess!
LadyStyx said…
Cute shower curtain!

Those brownies keep calling my name, too. However, I've had to turn a deaf ear towards them as I've been having trouble keeping my weight off. In fact, 20 pounds have crept back on thanks to the strike my knees have gone on.
Amy said…
WHERE did you get that shower curtain? I realize this is a couple years old, but that fabric is perfect for a non-bathroom related project I'm working on, and I would love to know where you found it! Thanks!

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