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Revenge of the Anti-Twi~Hard (aka Teen Caveboy's Evil Plan)

All right...I'll admit it...I'm still a wee bit of a Twi-hard....I haven't seen Eclipse just yet, but I'm hoping to do that soon.  I've heard that it's the best one yet.  I certainly hope so because after watching Twilight, I wanted to grab this out of my son's closet.....

Yes, Teen Caveboy really does have this t-shirt.  He loves to wear it out and about to annoy all the Twi-hards.  He gets tons of comments on that shirt!  Shhh...don't tell, but it's actually been a bit of a chick magnet for him too!  He constantly gets stopped and asked about this shirt...even by the die hard Twilighter girls (and their moms!)  I mean would think he's some kind of celebrity with the attention he gets while wearing this shirt!  I can't get any shopping done when he's with me wearing this thing because we are dealing with his "fans."  (This is his way of getting even with me for swooning over Edward Cullen and anything Twilight related for the last couple of years.)

Of course, he had to rent the original campy movie version of Buffy to see what the fuss was all about.  Now we are full into the series dvds.  We are currently watching season 2...I know how the rest of my summer is going to be spent...there are six or seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

Sigh....the things we do because we love our children....

I will admit, I forgot how much I loved this guy...Yep...that would be Spike...the bad boy vampire with a British accent...oh yeah, baby....

So, what do you think?  Think Buffy could take on the Cullens?  That would be the icing on the cake of Teen Caveboy's summer.  He would pay big bucks to go see that!  

Happy Tuesday!



Liz Mays said…
I wish I had read those Twilight books. I feel like such a loser for being out of the loop!
Randi Troxell said…
you know.. buffy will always and forever hold a great place in my heart...
LadyStyx said…
Love the t-shirt. I just don't get the attraction of it all to be honest. Haven't read 'em and ain't watched them. All I know is all the obsession just drives me insane. Then again, I didn't get all the hype on the HP series either. I still don't although I've decided that I adore reading the books.

Spike... WOOF! *inserts eyebrow wiggles* That man's accent ~still~ does it for me.

Bought hubby a shirt as a joke a couple years back. To my chagrin, he wears it constantly. More so when we're out together than at work (he works in a clean-room so it doesn't matter how he dresses). It gets alot of attention, especially from the ladies. It says "I'm a keeper". ^_~
Kristina P. said…
SPike is HOT. I was just going to say something that was a major spoiler!

I LOVED Buffy. Now that was a good quality vampire show.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Love the shirt!

There are worse ways to spend a summer than staring at Willow...

Tracy said…
He's not a tween caveboy anymore?! *sigh* They grow up so fast! :-P

So glad you're back!!!
~j said…
Buffy rocks! and she could absolutely take any of the current trendy vampires.
Will I be staked, if I admit I never watched the Buffy series? If so, I won't admit it. Not here...
Jingle said…
Buffy ROCKS! And Spike is the hottest vampire of all time. As far as those other shiny freaks? Not interested. LOL! The Hubbums and I are both Buffy fans!
I love the shirt!! I also LOVED Buffy. I did not read any of the twilight books, but I have seen the 2 other movies and wanted that shirt after seeing them. I really need to read the books.
Eve said…
That shirt is hilarious!

I'm feeling a bit mean towards Twighlight right now. I LOVED the books, but so far, I've thought the movies were a waste of time. Unfortunately, I hold out hope that they will improve (plus I've started them, so I feel like I can't stop), so I continue to see them as they come out... and I'm always disappointed. Sigh.
Jenners said…
Spike was my favorite guy from Buffy too ... though I wasn't a die-hard fan.

And I love that the shirt has been a bit of chick magnet for him!

Treat yourself to Eclipse ... I heard it is pretty good. I have yet to see it myself though.
Mike said…
Anything that could get rid of this vampire craze would be okay by me!! LOL
SHELLY said…
That's hilarious. I'm not a Twi-Hard, I'd be more apt to wear your son's shirt
aurora said…
I love that shirt! I really think that it says it all. I remember Buffy!
I liked Twilight--a lot. The 2nd depressed me like crazy. And I haven't been able to get into the 3rd one.
I really liked the Twilight movie in all its cheesiness.
So what does that make me? A reader who is intrigued by the stories, and that's about it.
I am the MOM of a reader who LOVED the books, liked Twighlight, was iffy on New Moon, and loved Eclipse (movies). She likes book Edward and movie Jacob. ;-)

and i know i just rambled!
Linda :) said…
I love the t-shirt! I did read the Twilight books and buy the movies as they come on DVD... but I have all the seasons of Buffy and Spike is my favorite vampire.... :)
Michelle said…
It's funny... I LOVED the movie (and Luke Perry was hilarious, unintentionally), but I never got into the tv series.

And I saw Eclipse, which was my first movie after reading all the books. And ummmmm, I had to say it, but I so don't get the Cullens. They creep me out. The eyebrows! And the hair!
Alexis AKA MOM said…
hehe this was on the Netflix and oh yes it's on the list to watch again. Man I loved that show.

I'm loving his shirt :)

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