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Friday Fragments: I've Got Nothin' for a Title (but Stuff to Say!)

Mommy's Idea

I'm hanging with the fabulous Mrs. 4444 today and joining the Friday Fragments Fun!
Don't be shy!  Clickety on over and join the party!

As you may have gathered from my lame title, my brain's on fog alert this morning...hopefully you won't think I'm completely mental by the end of this post! 

Fragment 1   Comment Confusion....

As you may know, I've been out of the blogosphere for a bit takin' care of the hubster (aka Meat Sack, Chilly, Dude Who'd Better Bring Home Take-Out Tonight, etc...)

I've discovered a lot of weird stuff going on in the blog world upon my return.  For instance, what is up with the massive amounts of comment spam?  Holy word verification, Blog Man! And why are they all connected to penis enhancing products?  (note to penis here...I can see how you might think there would be with all of the pink, roses and girlish~ness over here...move along please, you freaks...)  
I've seen lots of blogs with the new CommentLuv thing going on...If you have it, do you like it?  Does it help with the spam?  I've also noticed lots of bloggers have turned their word verifications back ON.  Is this helping too?  What are your thoughts about the new comment plug-ins that are out there?

Fragment 2:  Where Did Everyone Go???

Over this past week, I've tried to visit every blog I follow.  More than half of them are gone! POOF! Just like that!  Here no more!  I tracked some of them down on Wordpress, but others have made like Elvis and apparently left the building!  Has blogging become...dare I say it...a bit of old news?  What do you think is happening in the blogging world??

Fragment 3:  CSN Store Reviews...

Ok...they found me...CSN cornered me last week and wants me to do a giveaway/ review...Is it worth it?  Have you done one?  Have you shopped at  Feedback is much appreciated on this!

Fragment 4:  Cupcake Overload

Ok..I'm just gonna come right out and say it...I bake a mean cupcake. I'm a cupcake baker extraordinaire!  I can't boil water or make toast, but dagnabit, I can bake fabulous cupcakes.  This is my daughter's new favorite thing...

We are going to rock the ginormous cupcake action this weekend while we catch up on DC Cupcake and Cupcake Wars.  We are totally hooked on these shows....and Man Vs Food...and anything with Paula Deen and Sandra Lee...I gotta stop tummy is growling...

Fragment 5:  Secret Language of the Smith Family

We have confused many a guest at our home with our secret language.  Heck, we even confuse our kids, cashiers, bank tellers, Chilly's doctors....just about everybody.  Chilly and I have developed our own language...It happens in marriage...Our language just happens to be in movie quote speak. We've actually offended people who don't "get" what we're saying!  

Right now we are over-using "it's the @$%#-ing Catalina Wine Mixer, Dude!"  (please note that I insert the actual word "bleeping" in front of Catalina Wine Mixer...unlike my nerdanderthal husband...)  We also say 'Effin' A- Cotton...Effin' A...." ALOT...But the one I use waaaay too much is "That's gold, Jerry...Gold!"....that drives my entire family insane!  

Do you have a secret family language or code???  Wanna share?

(anyone guess where those quotes up there come from???)

Fragment 6:  TTFN

Well, it's TTFN!  (also another quote from a very loved cartoon character...any guesses?)  Gotta' split! ( I just typed 8x while trying to type that!)  We've completed all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which was fabulous, btw...I love me some Spike...oh yes, I do....) and are off to find a new series to finish off our summer vac-ay...any suggestions???

Have a wonderful weekend!


Yeah we have a "family phrase". We say "Murp". Sometimes in a quiet moment one of us will belt out "MUUUUUURRRRRP!!!!!!". Or one of us will just quietly keep repeating "Murp" over and over until someone else responds with their own "Murp".

Don't ask. I have no clue how it started. Or why for that matter, but I guess it's just our "thing".

Anonymous said…
The CSNStores people are out to get us all - LOL! I've done 1 giveaway and 1 review with them. I got a few new followers with the giveaway and I actually liked my product that I reviewed.

I'm currently in the mix of doing another giveaway - I just didn't feel like reviewing a product right now. So, if you're up for it, do it. :)
Unknown said…
I think most blogs last about a year, and then people get busy or stop having that urge to blog. I go in spurts. There are always new blogs popping up though!
Kristina P. said…
Weirdly, I received my first spam comment in over a year, last week. So, I'm not sure what the situation is. And I have no idea what that Comment Luv thing is.

And who doesn't love a good cupcake?
Kitten said…
I've become obsessed with cupcakes this year. For our annual church meeting this year I baked over six dozen cupcakes--red velvet ones, yellow ones, chocolate ones, and three different types of frosting. Now that I've perfected the cakes and frosting, I'm going to work on fillings next...
Liz Mays said…
You are right that TONS of our old friends stopped blogging. It's almost an entirely new crowd that I visit now.

Do the CSN review. They have everything!
Kim said…
I agree with Janna: most blogs seem to last about a year, and then they burn out. So I like to think that makes us old-timers special somehow. Or just stubborn ; )

I tried taking word verification off my comments, and the spam started showing up immediately so I put it back on. I've read in various posts elsewhere how people hate captchas and refuse to comment on blogs that require them, but I HATE SPAM MORE. So word verification stays.
Dapoppins said…
noscript keeps eating my comments.
beckylbranch said…
Your writing always cracks me up! Blogging is not OLD news! Atleast I don't think so....thanks for the compliment on Connor's hat. I got it at Crazy8 and I love that store! It was $4! Is plaid coming back in again??? I love cupcake wars too...and DC cupcakes. I LOVE THEM! Hope you have a fab weekend friend!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you.

I've noticed a lot of missing in action bloggers too. Hopefully it's just for the summer??

I'm hosting a CSN giveaway and it's fun for my readers. I've done 3 of them and have met some nice new bloggers (like you). It's pretty simple to work with them too.

Hope you have a great weekend, jj

PS Stop by and enter again now thru Aug 4th
Kelly said…
I turned off my word verification for a few days and got two spam messages. One for penis enhancement. What is the dealio?

My husband and I have a secret language too but it's too complicated and silly to put into words.

Nice to have you back Dawn!
Lesley said…
oh lots of good topics covered in such a short amount of time...okay blog comments?...I haven't gotten a penis one...but I do get a lot of chinese comments...which I finally used an online translator...and it read like a fortune cookie....and as for CSN...they have so many amazing products....I think you should...they are great to work with!
Michelle said…
I love CSN. I did a review for them and adore their variety of products. There are quite a few things I have my eye on :)

But spam comments? Maybe I'm too careful in what I write, but I haven't gotten any. Or maybe just people don't like me so my traffic isn't high enough ;)
debi9kids said…
Ok, lets see if I can remember your questions:
1. Word verification... I hate it. Spammers. Hate them more but I refuse to make my readers do WV, so i just delete, delete, delete... when i get the spam (and boy do I)
2. Blogging... yes, it seems like it's being replaced by Twitter & Forums like Blog frog & Facebook. It stinks. Lots of my favorites have disappearded as well and sometimes blog but Tweet all the time.
I tweet, but love writing, not just spitting out a snippet.
3.CSN... never used it and I rarely do reviews because I either don't get approached by anything I would actually use or I don't have the time.
4. Cupcakes... YUM! LOVE Food Network as well :)
5. Secret Language. Actually, my family does the movie quotes as well (although i don't recognize yours). big quotes in our family: "Shitters Full", "Fixed the knool (sp?) post honey.", " I want my $2", " He doesn't even have a license Lisa"... oh geez, I could go on and on :)
Unknown said…
I love all your ramblings here!!
Even I get a few spams a week, and no I don't get what penis enhancement has to do with my post on holiday jello salad they always put it on LOL! I think CommentLuv is kind of fun, but isn't it only for Wordpress blogs?
I have noticed people disappear on a regular basis, but sometimes if your patient they come back. Usually makes we worry about them though!
Do the CSN review/I will come enter your giveaway if you have one!
We Love Man Vs Food!! And Food Network in general, and my daughter is dying for one of those giant cupcake things too!
We don't have a secret language here, but Hubby and I finish each others sentences. I guess that is what being together for 21 years does to you.
Have a great weekend my friend!!
Blogging is here to stay...just some people are more serious than others.

i had a blog years ago that I gave up on- I had no followers....

Now I know how to get followers and even help others out with their blogs.

Check it out:

My new mom blog:
Cora said…
Ha ha ha! Yeah, my daughter and I have a secret family code too based on TV and movie quotes (we've used "That's Gold, Jerry! Gold!" too, but our most used Seinfeld Quotes, oddly, are "Newman!" and "No pick") and based on silly things my six year old nephew has said, like whenever anyone is eating chocolate we can't stop ourselves from saying, "you smell like brown stuff," which must sound INSANE to everyone else.


As for the long lost bloggers, I know what you mean, there's a big ol' void now. I don't know what happened, but one by one they just fell off the face of Blogaritaville. I'm blaming Facebook.

Glad to see you back!!!! :-)
Katie Gates said…
Hi Dawn, Glad you stopped by my blog so I could discover yours. What fun energy you have! Happy weekend (with cupcakes).
Nancy Face said…
Wow, I guess I've been comment spam!

From what I hear, some blogs are losing out to facebook. As for me, I won't be joining THAT party!

Cupcakes are bomb...cute AND scrumptious! :)

TTFN...I love Tigger! :)
I love CSN. I've worked with them a few times and won a giveaway recently from another blog. I'm about to run a giveaway for them next week. I say do it. They truly carry just about everything. The giveaways are fun to win because you get a gift certificate and can pick out whatever you want.

I'm glad you are back on a more regular basis lately.
I'm still here-- but I'm trying to combine my mom blog and the garden blog into one blog-- LOL I was too spread out!

I see a lot of bloggers doing stuff with CNN- they must really being doing a ton of promo. I haven't heard much about them though. I know they've been around a long time though.
Cheeseboy said…
Have you seen Chuck? I love it.

I have comments with word verification off and I have never received a bit of spam. I count myself as a lucky one.
Mike said…
I sent you an email which you probably saw, but congrats on winning my giveaway!
koralee said…
I so agree with you on the cupcakes..I really can never have too many of so cute..they can make a show out of anything!

Thanks for visiting me the other day. xoxox
Nic's Notebook said…
I have no idea how I came across your blog but I'm glad I did. I can tell it's going to be a fun read everytime you post! Look forward to getting to know you! Luv Nic xx
Kristen Andrews said…
a lot of bloggers are gone, poof just stopped you will find some other things too but I will let you discover those things :)
Debbie said…
Love the new look around here!
I haven't had WF on my blog in the two years I've done it and I have gotten maybe 4 spam comments. Maybe I'm just lucky but I sure do hate doing WF so I'm glad to not have it on there.
As for CSN, I've loved what I've gotten from there. I've now won/bought several things and love them. Plus, they have great customer service.
Randi Troxell said…
yep.. i was one of those. that was getting a TON of stupid spam... i say.. isn't email enough?

looooove me some cupcakes.. they are my favorite!!
Robyn Jones said…
Hey! Your back! I missed your charming wit... ;) I have been getting huge amounts of spam also.... in fact 18 under one post... so for the first time ever, I turned on word verification...

I don't think blogging is getting old...I know several old timers ... like me.. who have been around for years...I think my blog is going on four years? I do think a lot of people have turned on to facebook though...

Thanks for dropping by.. I've missed you!
kel said…
I've been out of the bloggy world for six months and its like the whole thing has changed! I am totally lost now!!!
Jenners said…
I want the Big Top Cupcake thing now!!!

Spam is getting to be a problem. I hate word verification so I'm going with moderating comments over 7 days old. That is where most of my spam comes in.

I would love to do that Comment Luv thing but have never gotten around to it.

I think CSN gets to everyone some day. I've never done one but I've seen a ton of them around.

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