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Dear So and So...Love Songs and Criminal Minds.....

Dear So and So...

Dear Michael Buble,

I love you...really, really love you.  Please feel free to come and sing for me any time you are in Arizona.  I was feelin' sad this morning about Chilly and then I saw you singing this song....

I started tapping my toes, then I started be-bopping my head and shoulders, then I got up and danced around the family room.  At first, my kids looked at me like I was a complete nutcase, but then Cat joined me in my happy dance. Thanks for making us smile...

You are the best!


ps...You were hilarious on Saturday Night Live....LoVed your Hamm and Buble skit!  


Dear C. Thomas Howell... 

You were BRILLIANT as The Reaper on Criminal Minds (the best show on tv).  ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!  I was completely riveted during the 100th episode.  I went through a rollercoaster of emotions watching that episode.  It was the best acting I've seen in years.  You terrified me!  I actually had nightmares about that episode!  Hope to see more of your fine talent in the future!

You rock!


Dear Lady Who Threw Up All Over the Drive Thru Screen in Front of Me at McDonalds This Morning...

Thanks for ruining my coffee stop.  You suck.  I get that you were drunk off your "a-word" feeling ill...but seriously....projectile puking all over the drive thru screen is really not cool.  Maybe next time, try opening your door and pointing your sick face to the ground.  I wasn't "lovin' it" at McD's this morning all because of you.

Really Mad At You...'re lucky Michael Buble turned my frown upside down....
Dear White Christmas/Birthday/Valentine's Day Tree..

I realize you are probably feeling a bit out of your comfort zone.  Let's just throw caution to the wind and see what fun we can have with you for a while!  Maybe we can do something fun for Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day and more!  I promise I won't cover you in footballs for Superbowl Sunday. I may dress you like a pirate for National Talk Like a Pirate Day though....just sayin'...

Thanks for understanding...


Have a fabulous weekend, ya'll!


~j said…
ewwww on the breakfast incident.

looking forward to pics of your tree throughout the year....the pirate ones should be fantastic!
YUCk about the drive thru. Thank heavens for Michael Buble. =D
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Well, Jill stole my words...

I mean, really! I've been known to, um, feel ill... a time or two myself. But not in a car, in the morning, and spewing all over the ubiquituous clown...

Nice to see you, LAdy Dawn!!!
Jules AF said…
Tracy said…
2 posts in 2 days!!!


Mike said…
It is a special thing when someone can make you feel good enough to dance after feeling down. That is quite a powerful thing.

If I went to your MacDonalds, I would have not been able to eat all day.

I see I missed someone's Birthday. Happy Birthday!!
Unknown said…
Oh how I've missed Dear so and so...

Glad to have you back.
Genavee said…
Please make a pirate day tree - I think that is exactly what the world needs.
Unknown said…
I think I would've skipped the drive thru, how absolutely nasty.

I love Criminal Minds also and I have been a fan of C. Thomas Howell since the 80"s lol.
Jenners said…
This is every trees dream ... to be a star all year round so I'm sure it is fine with the extra attention.

And the lady puking on the McD screen ... totally gross!!!! EWWWWW! Just imagine the employee who had to clean that up.
Unknown said…
Loving the valentine tree decorations!
I can't even begin on the McDonalds story, just ewwwwww........
LadyStyx said…
ew. Ok...that was good for my diet. Im no longer the least bit hungry...
The Mrs. said…
That is the cutest!!
Mammatalk said…
Michael can sing to me any day of the week. His voice is like velvet...
Fragrant Liar said…
I just threw up a little myself. The drive-through will never be the same.

But that Buble stuff makes me very happy. Love that boy!

Wish I'd seen Mr. Howell as the Reaper. But not before bed. Sounds creepy.
Vickie said…
Yuck! I hope the crew went out and cleaned up the bio-hazard mess:p

I have a hard time watching "Criminal Minds" Some of the episodes are a little upsetting. I pretty much stopped watching it.
Randi Troxell said…
fo' real!!!!

she really threw up on the screen.. i am just soooo disgusted right now.. and i would have been sooo pissed!!
The Blonde Duck said…
You have a V-day tree! How precious!
Mrs4444 said…
OMG-That's hilarious. Not lovin' it, huh? LOL
Sam_I_am said…
hmmm. i thought McDonald's being open 24 hours cut down on the morning drunken incidents...

and there is just something about Michael Buble isn't there :-)
kado! said…
EEwweee! That would have grossed me out too! glad Buble turned that all around for ya! =)
Magdalena said…
Dawn, I'm glad to see you are back and your computer has been cured of its awful std!!
I adore Michael, what a great voice and he seems to be such a gentleman!
sorry about the nasty drive through experience GROSS
Donnetta said…
Holy freaking COW!! Vomit on the drive thru screen?!?!? WTF?!
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
omg! puke on the drive thru screen? again, you are brave! i would have gotten out and puked on her windshield, lol!!!

love that valentine/bday tree; that is really darn cute:)

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