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Wicked Winds Are Blowin'...

Wowza! We had some jacked up weather here in Arizona last night!  I thought for sure we were going to end up in Oz or maybe New Mexico!  We actually had a tornado watch!  We had 75 mile an hour wind gusts, and did I mention...A TORNADO January!  

I realize you might be laughing at me...maybe thinking I'm a big scaredy cat~sissy girl...(you're right)....but we do not have things like tornado watches in  southern AZ....hence the reason I love living here....NO TORNADOS...I grew up in the midwest and I've had my fill of those nasty things.  Today it's raining (LOVE the's a rare event here)....but tomorrow we are supposed to get 1-2" of SNOW!  HELLO, Mother Nature! What the french toast is going on!?! I don't own a winter coat, Mother Nature...come on!

Update on my Precious (laptop) and her STD's....

It's Precious should wear better condoms because apparently she gets around.  She has multiple STD's and lots of wrinkles (meaning: tons of viruses and her video card is dying causing lots of red and blue lines across my monitor.)  Her fans are going out causing her to over~heat (probably computer menopause)..She is five years old...(that's like 150 in human years.)  I am only able to use her for very short periods of time (like 5 minutes once a day..ugh) before she finally bites the dust.   I am hoping to have a new computer by the end of next week.  I would love to have a new one right now, but Chilly requires medications...I know, it's really tempting to just slide on those meds for the hubster...heck, what's one more heart attack?  (Just kiddin', Chilly....smoochies for you....)  Wish me luck that I will be back and be a fully functioning blogger once again by month's end!

Congratulations to Irish Dancer Girl who won 4 medals at her latest feis! (pronounced "fesh"'s an Irish Dance competiton)  This wee 6 year old kicked Irish boot-ay!  You rock my ghillies off, Cat!  Mommy LoVeS you!!!!

As ALWAYS, thanks for hanging with me through all of my drama lately!  I really miss the blogging world, but hope to return by week's end.  We've also been trucking Chilly to and from multiple doc appts, etc.  He seems to have stabilized for a bit.  Let's hope it stays that way for a while!



Kristina P. said…
You definitely need to take care of Chilly before a newe computer. Hang in there!
Randi Troxell said…
so glad chilly seems to be doing so well, i know that means a lot..

... hope you get a computer again soom, i can only imagine the nakedness you must feel, lol!

have a lovely wkend!!
Vickie said…
Snow in Arizona!! My Mom is going to be disappointed when I tell her. Her dream is Arizona!

Oh man! Too bad about the computer but good news that Chilly has stabilized.
Liz Mays said…
Chilly comes first! Congratulations to your daughter on those medals. Wonderful!
Anonymous said…
150???? ha ha ha...cute.

Patiently awaiting your return!!
Good days....bad computer. I look forward to reading more sooooon!
Brian Miller said…
ick to computer viruses...not fun at all.

weather scares me at times unpredictable.
Jenners said…
Hang in there ... and as much as I love blogging, meds for Chilly is much more important!!
Unknown said…
Good to hear from you. Congrats to Cat and good news about Chilly. And glad to know you weren't blown away!
Tracy said…
We've had totally weird weather here too! We had an actual tornado (or like 3) touch down! WTH!?!?!!

So glad Chillie is stable. Lots of prayers he stays that way!!

Miss you to pieces!

Mike said…
I was just thinking about you today. I was actually going to send you an email and never got to it tonight. I am glad to see you post!
Trina Y. said…
seriously.... get a MAC! they are amazing and I looooove mine!

Im in Scottsdale and I think we did blow away last night! I was a little nervous and paced a little with my boots and coat on! It was wild!

Have a great night!
kado! said…
Crazy weather!!! ...and how funny that it is sunny and warm here in NYC (well warm for our normal temps!...gonna be colder by next week!)

totally sucks about your computer...but yes...meds should get priority! ;)

enjoy your weekend my friend!
LadyStyx said…
*ugh* on the computer problems...that sux.

Congrats to lil bit on kicking bootay.

*HUGZ* re: Chilly.
Mrs4444 said…
Snow in Arizona? Yikes! Sorry about that.

I'm glad for the update, and damn, I wish I could give you a new computer...
Unknown said…
Congratulations to Irish Dancer Girl! What an accomplishment!
Hope you find a laptop soon! I got mine from eBay a few months ago, yea it's 4 years old, but does the trick.
Miss ya!
Magdalena said…
Oh my goodness Dawn I am so happy you are safe and not spinning around and around inside of some nasty tornado funnel!! I don't think you need that kind of drama in your life!! I hope you get a new computer asap but mainly for my own selfish reasons... I love your blog and want you to post as much as possible :)

Good luck with everything
So happy to hear hubby is doing okay!
Eve said…
I remember a few tornado warnings while we lived in AZ, but nothing ever came of them. We get those same warnings occasionally in Eastern Washington. I was living here as a teenager one summer and watched three funnel clouds in the sky at once, but they never touched the ground. I was actually in a tornado area in '97 - the sky was turquoise and cars were sliding off the road sideways, but we just kept on driving - figured it was better to try to leave the area than to just sit there waiting. ;)

Congratulations to your little dancer!!

Good luck getting a new computer very soon!
Kelly said…
I just got around to reading this (so late) and when you said "what the french toast is going on" I almost peed my pants laughing! You are so dang funny Dawn!

Hope your computer woes are over soon.

Cygnus MacLlyr said…
First off, a hearty congrats to Irish Dancer Girl!

Don't blame ya on the 'escape from Kansas' wont... ha!

SNOW?!? SNOW, in ARIZONA??!!??

So much for the global warming farce.. ha!

Salinte, Ladt Dawn! Sorry for my prolonged absence. Really-- my loss...

See ya soon!

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