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What's New, Pussycat? Tainted Love All Around....

I'll tell ya' what's new....there's tainted love at my house....

My Precious (nickname for my laptop) has contracted an STD...(Stupid Technical Disease.)

Some Jerkity McJerk Jerk infected my laptop with a virus.  I am not a happy bee...This virus actually reconfigured my anti-virus software to pretend like it was still working...ugh...It also possibly infected my flash drives too....fabulous (insert sarcasm).....

I will be taking Miss Precious and her flash drives to the Computer Guru tomorrow...these guys know their STD's....I hope there is a cure!

I do realize the holidays are over and I really need to change out my header!  I haven't completely lost my mind...yet.....I will be sporting a new look as soon as my computer disease is healed:)

Oh, and here's the icing on the cupcake of my day....a huge mountain lion decided to come hang out in my yard this evening!  Yep, it completely freaked me out!  I haven't seen it in the last half hour so hopefully it has moved on!  Good times at the Smith house!

(This isn't my house, but it was taken in Tucson! This looks exactly like the one in my yard!)

Bee Back Soon!

ps...if you have been receiving Anonymous comments with lots of weird symbols or strange fonts, do NOT publish them...they may contain virus codes....especially if they keep hitting an old post repeatedly....


Kristina P. said…
Yikes! Scary! On both accounts.
Jules AF said…
I would pee my pants if I saw a mountain lion in my yard. OH MY GOSH.
Rebecka said…
You have my sympathy. My laptop is on its last legs, so we've been babying it along.
I guess the desktop saw that we were looking the other way so it died. OMG! Two geeks circling one lone computer... move your feet lose your seat. It's very sad (and fairly comical)

Hope it's better soon and that you and yours are doing well.
Mike said…
I see that cat in my back yard and I am going to a realtor! That would scare the shit out of me!
Liz Mays said…
A mountain lion would be scary!!! I'm sorry about your virus. I was in that same situation last week and it was HORRIBLE! I feel your pain!
Kelly said…
Hope things work out for the best soon. Perhaps you should consider a Mac? I can't believe the mountain lion thing. That would really freak me out.
Sorry about the computer probs.

Yikes on that mountain lion!!
Anonymous said…
I think my husband has STD...LOL...

I hope Precious will be ok...can't wait to get you back full swing.
Anonymous said…
holy geeze, those mtn lions scare me! Glad it's moved on! Hope the STD goes away! LOL
aurora said…
STDs! You crack me up. ;-)
Tracy said…
Tell Precious to get well soon!!!
Randi Troxell said…
oh i do so hope your precious gets to feeling better... STDS ALWAYS make me sooo mad.. do ppl really have NOTHING better to do...

mountain lion.. that really scary, i would TOTALLY be freaking!
Debbie said…
Oh my gosh! I can't believe that mountain lion was in your yard. I love wildlife but that is one thing I don't need to see in person.
Sorry about the computer. Hope it is better soon and doesn't cost you a fortune.
Brian Miller said…
wow thats a big cat...

hope the computer issues go away soon...they suck!
kado! said…
ha! I laughed out loud over STD! ha!ha!

...that sucks though..hope those computer guru's can fix it up all nice like! and quick!!!
Dapoppins said…
STD...I love that!

Huge kitty outside? I am not sure, the notion is so fantastic I might find it a tad cool. However, all the doors would be locked and all the kiddies would be located and handcuffed so as not to escape to pet the huge kitty...
Dapoppins said…
Are you the blogger who told about javalina's in her yard...we just read the book the three little javalina's (spelled right?) and thought of how you said they were not very cute. Maybe the Big Kitty was looking for some left over little piggies?
LadyStyx said…
Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to go double check my settings because I think I have it so they autopost.
Robyn Jones said…
HA! You said STD....
(I know....real mature...:)
i guess that's why you need protection...ok, you know i needed to say that. booo though.
Jenners said…
Part of me thinks "Cool.. mountain lion." The other part of me thinks "Yikes, mountain lion."

I turned off anon comments because of way too many spam comments. Good luck getting fixed up.
Unknown said…
So sorry to hear about your laptop, hope you are up and running soon! Scary about the Mountain Lion, we don't usually have those wandering into town thank goodness!
Maude Lynn said…
I hope that they can heal your computer. And, thanks for the comment tip!
So how are you going to get out of your house with My Precious while that WILD animal is lurking?

Guess the Geek Squad would not do a housecall...because they're Geeks not Hugh Jackman's.
Annie said…
Crap! Aren't you having a week!
Magdalena said…
I feel your my computer was ill with an STD for weeks!! a real pain! that mountain lion is wild..I would have fainted.
good luck Dawn
The Mrs. said…
Oh man I had the same disease on my computer and thank god it's in remission. So damn annoying. Cannot believe thT MTN LION!
Eve said…
Whoa, a mountain lion in your backyard?! Kinda freaky... but kinda exciting too! ;)

So sorry to hear about your poor Miss Precious - hope she feels better very soon!
Sorry About the viral STD.. :( no fun. And so scary about that kitty!

oh MAN I am so sorry i have been off the blog lately! Travis and I have moved into the boat finally (since August) and we finally got the internet! I will be back! love you tons pretty lady!
Sorry About the viral STD.. :( no fun. And so scary about that kitty!

oh MAN I am so sorry i have been off the blog lately! Travis and I have moved into the boat finally (since August) and we finally got the internet! I will be back! love you tons pretty lady!
I've been having issues too! I opened a "fake" email from DHL NOT and it took over my computer and made my anti-virus software stop working. I think I fixed it, but I'm terrified it's still lurking in the background. Why do people go out of their way to screw other people?
Don't you just hate STD's....hee hee.

"Holy Cat"...I mean holy poooo, I can not believe that cat was in your back yard!
A Mountain Lion???? OH MY WORD!!! How scary!
Mrs4444 said…
Holy crap! A mountain lion?! I guess it's a good thing that it's normally too hot for your kids to play outside?! Wow.

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