Wowza! We had some jacked up weather here in Arizona last night! I thought for sure we were going to end up in Oz or maybe New Mexico! We actually had a tornado watch! We had 75 mile an hour wind gusts, and did I mention...A TORNADO January! I realize you might be laughing at me...maybe thinking I'm a big scaredy cat~sissy girl...(you're right)....but we do not have things like tornado watches in southern AZ....hence the reason I love living here....NO TORNADOS...I grew up in the midwest and I've had my fill of those nasty things. Today it's raining (LOVE the's a rare event here)....but tomorrow we are supposed to get 1-2" of SNOW! HELLO, Mother Nature! What the french toast is going on!?! I don't own a winter coat, Mother Nature...come on! Update on my Precious (laptop) and her STD's.... It's Precious should wear better condoms because apparently she gets around. She has multiple STD'...