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Dear So and So...It's a Marshmallow World

Dear So and So...

Oh, Dear So and So...I have missed you! I realize I'm getting this in late, but we've been busy around these parts today! "Dear So and So..." is presented by the fabulous Kat, over at "3 Bedroom Bungalow!" Here we go....

Dear Toasted (aka Burnt) Marshmallows,

Your crispy, burnt exterior and warm, gooey goodness kept calling to me in the
night. I desired you so much last night that in my sheer desperation for you, I slapped a Jet Puff marshmallow on a fork and lit it up with my long handled candle lighter while hiding out in the kitchen. What are you doing to me, marshmallow???? I craved marshmallow cream and toasted marshmallow jelly bellys all day long! Alas, you are bad for me, my fluffy I must say good~bye for now...

I will miss you,

Dear Target,

Apparently, your hand sanitizer smells like cheap hooker perfume. Normally, I'm not a fan of the hand sanitizer, but with the multiple visits to the hospital with Chilly, I've decided to break my hand sanitizing ban to protect us against more flu. The minute I slathered it on, a lovely gentleman in the waiting room piped up, "who smells like the
French w***e (rhymes with door) in here?" Niiiice..... The first time I used it, I actually thought my husband had visited a brothel...I kept grabbing his shirt and smelling him (and my sanitized scented hand) and was wondering what Chilly was really up to when I wasn't around! Poor Chilly! Fragrance free would save a lot of marriages, Target!

Just sayin,

p.s. What did you decide about the a$$ gaskets? I mean, are one of the largest retailers in the world and you can't provide your customers with a$$ gaskets in the restrooms??? Whaddya' say?

Dear Sexiest Male Accent in the World,

When I heard that you won this contest, I was giddy with excitement! I knew you would win! There's no accent better than you!
I swoon every time I hear you float out of some hottie Irishman's mouth! (Don't worry Chilly...I ordered some Instant Irish Accent Mouth Spray for you....I nice of me!)


Dear Irish Dancer Girl,

Wishing you lots of luck with your Irish dance performance at the Celtic Festival on Saturday! You are a "reel" princess, my darling girl!

With Love,

Have a wonderful weekend, fellow Blog~Land~ians!



Mike said…
Looks like they are going to do that river dance!

I love toasted marshmallows!
That is EXACTLY how I like my marshmallows..Black on the outside, gooey on the inside! YUMMY! Oh how that makes me long for summer!

As for the hand sanitizer...YUCK! I buy the pretty smelling ones at Bath and Body works and keep those in my purse!! Try it! :)

Good Luck to your little Dancer!
Beth said…
Oh, how I love toasted marshmallows. They are good in real life and in a pinch, the Jelly Bellys make an awesome toasted marshmallow bean.
kado! said…
Ha! loved the letter to Target! I think i might need to send you some Bath & Body Works hand sanitizer! Every thing in that store smells good!
Queenie Jeannie said…
Love it all! Great post!
Ter said…
I used to do the marshmallow on the fork thing too! Haven't done that in years!
Kelly said…
I have issues with sanitizer too. As you know I guess. Good luck to your cute Irish dancer! Glad to see you are blogging again Dawn.
Good luck irish girl!

LMAO about Target...that is hilarious!
Tim Atkinson said…
My goodness, I must get that Irish accent mouthspray! Does it work?
Liz Mays said…
I can picture you sneaking and roasting a marshmallow! hehehehe
LadyStyx said…
Yeah...the better smelling sanitizers are at Bath and Body Works. Stock up when they put their stock on sale ;)
Tracy said…
I must have a marshmallow now! ha!!

I have a big thing of Target handsanitizer for after I change the baby's diaper... it's unscented so that it doesn't bother his wittle nose. I'm now curious what the scented ones smell like!!!
Jenners said…
Oh I just love Irish Dancer girl's dress!! She is so adorable!

And that marshmellow idea is the bomb ... but I like mine golden and lightly toasted.

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