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Creature Feature...Habits and Hit Squads

Life is slowly returning to "normal" (a new normal) around the Bee and Rose....

I've come to realize during this ordeal with Chilly that I am definitely a Creature of Habit. I found that even during my trips to the hospital over the last month, I created a routine. I always stopped at the small cafe in the hospital lobby for coffee before heading up to Chilly's room. After arriving in Chilly's room, I would fluff the pillows and blankets for him, clean up his tray table, then freshen his water. I would then make all of the family phone calls to update everyone on his condition. I did this every single day in the same order. Shortly after arriving home with Chilly, I realized I was continuing the same routine at home, but now had added dispensing medications, checking blood sugar and blood pressure, and occupational therapy to the daily rounds. I think routine is like a huge security blanket for me. Do you have any routines that are your "security blankets?"

Speaking of creatures, Chilly is convinced that there is a CREATURE HIT SQUAD out to get him. In the last two weeks, we've had 3...count 'em...3....rattlesnakes in our yard!!! BIG 4-5 feet long! I cannot begin to tell you how completely freaked out I've been over this! I HATE snakes! Blech! I actually yelled out the window at the last one that "I did not have time for this crap!" LOL! I have totally lost my mind, people! Don't these dumb snakes realize I have a stroke/heart attack patient to care for right now?? I don't have time to deal with deadly creatures! Fortunately, the fire department took pity on me. They came and removed them. Normally they wouldn't do that since we live on four acres. However, there seems to be an explosion of snakes around here lately so they skee-daddled on over ASAP. I love my firemen! Creature Hit Squad foiled!

But then...this morning....we had another horrid creature in our home...a brown recluse spider...very poisonous....maybe Chilly is on to something.....(It's the second one this year...crikey!) Creature Hit Squad...we will just keep takin' you down, so you best just give it up!

Not a fan of the desert creatures....this is why I want to move to Ireland!

I am officially back in the land of Blog to stalk you, awesome bloggers! I think we have finally found our new groove here at home. Again, your amazing support, comments, emails, and love have really sustained my family. Chilly is improving slowly each day. Each day brings new challenges, but we seem to be managing them. We've discovered that we are a pretty resourceful bunch when it comes right down to it!




Kristina P. said…
I am so glad that things are settling down. I have been thinking of your family.
Magdalena said…
You are AMAZING my dear, absolutely an amazing woman!!! You are going through unbelievably challenging times and you manage to do it all and keep a sense of humor. Now for those snakes, I think I would have to move , I'm that terrified of them. I scream and run like crazy anytime I see one..I look like a lunatic :) but I hate them.
Hang in there
There is nothing wrong with some healthy habits to keep things normal. I am so glad to hear that Chilly is home! I hope all is well! You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
Damn snakes!

I'm glad Chilly is home and that there is improvement everyday.
Ter said…
I am a routine kind of gal too. But I suck at MAKING routines, which is why I'm in such a rut right now. (help!) but I had some routines too, when I went to the hospital to visit B. I don't know if mine were quite as set as yours, though. But I did the same things every time I was there, though alot of it depended how he felt and due to the fact he was paralyzed most of the time he was in the hospital, we didn't really do much. He did not want to leave the floor we were on (though he was allowed to) so we never even left the floor together. In fact the first several times in his chair, he wouldn't even let me go from the floor to the carpeted area near the elevator because he was terrified that the chair would get tipped over and he wouldn't be able to get up. Oh gosh, I never seen my husband so scared in my life! (except, perhaps when our daughter died and he worried about me but even then I don't think he was as scared because he could take care of me, he could help me, but I couldn't help him in alot of ways, like I could never lift him up on my own.) Anyhoo, sorry I don't mean to ramble. I think you kind of understand what I went through. Thanks for listening.

I hope things continue to improve and that he can be home soon where he belongs. I understand the feeling of "creature hit mob" I often feel the same way (though, thankfully, no snakes!)

Keep taking care of yourself and your family. ((hug))
~j said…
glad things are falling into place.

my life is one big routine--i have certain days for cleaning, bill paying, invoicing, yard work, play, etc... it makes life manageable. =D
Alyssa said…
this snake and spider talk is making me quit my complaining about New England for the time being!

I'm glad Chilly is home!
Annie said…
You know, there is something to be said for living in a cool, green place like Oregon. You "sound" more like your old self. I'm sure it's good to have Chilly home. Please take care of yourself too! Eat well, exercise (ha!), sleep. All those good things.
Tom said…
I'm glad to hear things have settled down, but I hate snakes and am disturbed by your comments. I would rather let spiders crawl on me than even be near a snake. Stay away from the Rattlers!
Polka Dot Moon said…
SNAKES!!!! Oh dear! Recluse Spiders!!!! Scorpions are bad enough............I'm ready to join you in Ireland!

Glad Chilly is home and you are finding your groove :)
I am totally a creature of habit and get VERY nervous when my routine is disturbed.
Tim Atkinson said…
Mind you, they've got some pretty fierce creatures in the Emerald Isle too, you know - they're called leprechauns...
Kelly said…
Glad to hear things are getting better for you Dawn. And I hope the creatures leave you alone. I am so freaked out by spiders.

Blogged with you in mind the other day btw...
thais said…
really happy to read that life is getting back to normal :) I love visiting your blog.... and hate snakes as well. may all the bugs and nasty creatures leave your family alone :)))
Unknown said…
Glad to hear you are finding your new "normal", and that you found time to update us! We have been thinking and praying for you and Chilly and your family!
Yuck about the snakes!! That would have me running for the hills too (but there are probably snakes there too)! Spiders...can you grab a spider spray at Home Depot or something to keep them out of the house? I hate spiders just about more than anything, and poisonous ones...scary!
Thanks for the update and hang in there girl!
Unknown said…
I am so glad that Chilly is back at home with you, i am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers...I wish we lived near each other i would be there in a ♥beat to help you
Anonymous said…
When we lived in No. CA there were people battling rattle snakes if they lived near a hill. They would always have chalk rope up. Apparently the snakes wouldn't cross them. Might want to try that. Of course, if it were me, I'd move.

Glad to hear that things are settling down for you.
Randi Troxell said…
so glad you guys are home and are settling back down... and yep! routine is MAJOR important to me too... and that whole creature thing... yea thats really weird and kinda scary too!
The Blonde Duck said…
I'm glad things are ok. I am not only a creature of routine, I am routine.
Liz Mays said…
I'm just so glad that life is settling back down and that Chilly is improving daily.

It's not the same life but it is life and that is a blessing.
Unknown said…
Thinking of you, glad to know things are settling into a routine, and Chilly is doing better.

As far as routines, I wake up, grab my Ipod, Check email, facebook and twitter. I can't miss a minute, LOL!
WOW, you have had to deal with some scary creatures!
Mammatalk said…
Glad to hear things are getting a little better for you.

And, I am a routine freak!
OMG--3 rattlesnakes? I thought they were solitary creatures--must have all been one happy family living out in your yard!
Ireland looks wonderful.

I am so glad Chilly is home and things are okay. Always thinking about you!
LadyStyx said…
So glad he's home. Big *HUGZ* for the both of you.
Anonymous said…
Oh my Dawn, I don't know if I could do with those crazy creatures! So glad you all are home. Chilly is one lucky man to have you to take care of him. Ooo, and if you move to Ireland, would you consider taking me pu-lease?

Jamie :)
kado! said…
snakes AND spiders!!!

I just watched the movie Arachnophobia with my boys this weekend...and now I remember why that movie used to freak the living day lights out of me...I kept feeling like things were on me the rest of the day...
Jenners said…
I would stay in the house if I were you ... or move to Ireland post haste.

I'm glad you guys are finding a "new" normal. I'm sure it is hard ... that is why routines are so comforting.
I'm off to catch up on your posts. I've been away from Blogger Land too, but the kids are in school so I think I'll be back now.

I'm so sorry about Chilly, and the creatures. Man, you are a braver woman that I am. If it's poisonous I'm a wimp. Scares the crap out of me! I'm cheering for your firemen. What good dudes for helping you out.

Ireland--wouldn't that be spiffy?
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Love ya girlie :) You take care, I'm thinking of you.

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