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Cloudy with a Chance of Chilly

Hello...?...? (peeks head in..)...Is anyone here??....

I've missed you all so much! I've been busy dragging Chilly to physical therapy
multiple times per week (trying to get him up walking again) as well as going to lots of follow-up doctor appointments trying to keep him among the living. His doctors are 45 minutes away. As a matter of fact, my day usually begins with Willie Nelson whispering "On the Road Again" in my ear... it's kind of like that movie "Groundhog Day" where Bill Murray wakes up every day to "I've Got You, Babe". Thanks, Chilly...the good times just keep coming with you!

So, Chilly and I took Catherine out to see "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs." It was a FABULOUS day! First of all, there was no pink bucket tagging along.......What? What does a pink bucket have to do with taking your wee girl to a movie? Pink Bucket hasn't left Chilly's side since he was in the hospital. I'm sure you can use your imagination to figure out what might end up in the pink bucket...let's just say it starts with "v and ends with "t" all thanks to the swelling in Chilly's cerebellum..niiiice..We haven't been able to take Chilly anywhere because, let's face it, no one wants to hang out with a guy who's tossing up his cookies every five minutes. (no, that is not a gross exaggeration...well, it's gross, but not an exaggeration...) Plus, for some bizarre reason, Chilly gives it everything he's he's trying out for some disgusting world record on who can do this the loudest. Gackety gack and more gack...Anyhoo....

I decided to treat Irish Dancer Girl to a movie (after I confirmed the sale of my kidney to pay for the tickets) to bring a smile to her face. Chilly wanted to go along....uh~oh...Irish Dancer Girl was pretty clear that Pink Bucket would not be welcome. In her words, "Dad, the movie isn't called Cloudy With a Chance of
V..."(well, you get the idea...) So, Chilly ventured out without PB. Thank Goodness! It was a successful trip...hallelujah!

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was FANTASTIC! We loved it! Definitely worth the kidney sacrifice! I highly recommend it! We will be purchasing the DVD when it comes out. It was absolutely delightful!

It was the first time that Chilly has ever been able (due to his many health complications) to go to a movie with Irish Dancer Girl at a movie theater. It was a very special day. Chilly was pretty overwhelmed with the reality that we may not have many of these special outings ahead of us and that we really need to soak it all in while we do. It was a day filled with many emotions, but much joy. (Looking forward to more outings without the pink bucket!)


Haunt Your Home!

I found a few goodies to help you celebrate Halloween! You can get these from! Lots of fun stuff over there (including the Broomba!)

Spooky Wall Mount Hands!

Monster Wanted Posters!

Happy Haunting!



Unknown said…
if you want to watch some thing unique, some thing hilarious and some thing adventures. so Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs will best suit for you. if you still waiting to watch pls, do it quickly.guys, it was an implausible one.

Anonymous said…
Poor Chilly. :(
Alyssa said…
Glad you all got to enjoy it!

My father and my DH both get sick way more audibly than it has to be. Men...drama queens! haha
Anonymous said…
I've heard that was a good movie - from a 4 year olds mouth! :) Hope Chilly gets to feeling better! I know it will be a long road to recovery, but atleast he's got his family by his side!
Anonymous said…
BTW, check out my giveaway today!
Oh Dawn, that is fantastic, that you were able to get Chilly out and to a movie! I have been thinking about you! {Hugs}
Bobby G said…
YAY!!!! Missed you BEE!!!!! Good to hear Chilly is gettin better!
So glad you all had a fun time together- sans PB! What a special day.:) Lori
Annie said…
What a great afternoon for you, Chilly, and your girl. I hope you do have more of just makes me all teary!
Ter said…
Glad you guys were able to enjoy an outing together and create some happy memories. I hope Chilly is feeling better too.
Randi Troxell said…
so glad you guys had such as awesome day.. and hoping and praying for may more!
Kristina P. said…
That movies sounds delightful! Love the Wanted posters.
I have wondered whether to take the kids to see that. Thanks for the recommendation!

Have a wonderful day!

kado! said…
glad to hear you loved the movie...I'm hoping to take the boys this weekend!!!!
Caitlin said…
I've been wondering about you lately sweets! So glad you had some nice family time. Make the most of every second! Lots of love your way!
Liz Mays said…
I'm so glad you guys all got out and I'm glad pink bucket did not.

You and Chilly sure are busy and I'm glad you're enjoying the moments. :)
Kathy B! said…
Glad you all had a successful outing!

And I'm going to have to chek out the website! I love those witch hands...
Polka Dot Moon said…
I KNOW exactly what the pink bucket is for!! I carried one around for months while I was working in a Pediatric Office and preggo.......not fun driving on the freeway with that thing held up to your mouth. I got some interesting reactions!!

I heard that this movies was fabulous! I loved the book :)
Maybe I too should take out a small loan and take the wee ones to the movies ;)

Hang in there my friend!! You're amazing :)
That is so cool that you were able to do that! Puking is no fun-- I hope Chilly has passed that stage and not just for that one day. Men seem to have a really bad time of it. Like they sneeze really loud--you know what I mean?

I'm so glad you guys had fun!
Anonymous said…
Oh Dawn, I can't imagine how emotional you all must be. So glad Chilly got to go to the movie too though, yay for that! Love the Halloween treats too.

Jamie :)
~j said…
after hubby's accident, my kids learned the difference between moments and events. it's a beautiful lesson that helps them appreciate life. glad you're able to get out and make memories as a family. praying for you all.
Devri said…
OH Girl! Sorry I have been MIA.. And oh crap! I didn't even know about what happened to Chilly, I have been a bad blogger, but slowly coming back.

my heart is torn, I shed a tear or more, girl, if you ever need anything, let me know.

hugs and prayers for you.
The Blonde Duck said…
How wonderful! I think I've only been to two movies with my father! Was the movie really cute? Would I like it?
LadyStyx said…
So awesome he got out and about without the yucky bucket!
Dapoppins said…
yippy for no pink bucket and enjoying the family moments. Keep living for today!

and I like those wanted posters!
i also had a fondness for the pink bucket at one time...but so glad he made it out without it! also glad to hear it was a great and hubs will have to get b and jk out to see it!
Tracy said…
I've missed you momma bee!!!
BIGBIGBIG hugs to you, irish dancing girl, and tween caveboy!!! Lots of prayers for Chilly and your family!

The Mrs. said…
We have said pink bucket from our 52 day stay at the hospital when Landon was born. Now I use it for Coco's hand washing, and Lilly P dresses! Way to turn it into a positive right? I hope yours can turn into a planter, and Chilly feels no more pukies. How wonderful that he got to go to the movies. Made me tear up! YOUR MY HERO. REMEMBER THAT. xo
aurora said…
Sounds like a perfect family outing! Especially since the pink bucket wasn't invited along. :D
Love you! Hang in there. xo
Glad you got some quality time together. I miss you too, and I am praying for your sweet family every day.

I hope that pink bucket kicks the bucket and yo never have to use it again.
Jenners said…
I'm so glad the movie outing worked out good and you guys got to have this special memory. I'm sure it is totally overwhelming to have these first and possibly lasts. I'm praying for you guys.
Vickie said…
I have heard good things about that movie. Totally gonna watch it when it is available OnDemand.

Maybe the pink bucket can retire:) Hoping you have a lot more family moments.
Eve said…
Oh dear... I'm a sympathy "V"-er. If I hear it, smell it or see it, I'll lose mine too! The strange part is that I almost never throw up when I'm actually sick.

I'm so glad to hear about the fantastic day! Everyone needs a movie day now and then and it sounds like you all were long overdue for an outing like that! :)
Unknown said…
Wonderful blog!! I so enjoyed reading through it :) I am following you!!!
Debbie said…
I'm so glad you guys got to have a great outing like that. And sorry about the kidney. It would be funny but it's too close to the truth:)
Missed you! Glad you guys were able to get out and have some quality time together. I am glad the movie was great. I want to take my kids to go see it.

hugs, melanie
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Hey sweets, glad to hear you had sometime to get out. That movie looks so fun, I can't wait to rent it ... LOL I know but no movie outting with these boys!

Yeah no PB, you go chilly! I'm so glad he had a chance to go, that is a very special time!

Much love my dear!
Hubby wants to see that I glad to hear it was good!! :)
Jess said…
the hands...they creep me out. *shudder*

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