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We're Off to See the Wizard....

(Join the weekend Wordle fun over at Last Shreds of Sanity!)

Vogue Photo Shoot of Keira Knightley as Dorothy Gale

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Great and Powerful Oz

Flying Monkeys

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead


Do you think this vision of OZ is cool or creepy?

Have a great weekend!



blognut said…
Oh, I'd say it is a little creepy. Kinda cool, but definitely a little creepy!
My sentiments exactly, blognut!
Mammatalk said…
I would have said cool, but now that I think about it...Flying monkeys? Creepy!
Mrs4444 said…
I'd say both, for sure. Very cool and very creepy. The flying monkey one disappointed me; everyone has memories of that part-that guy is too big~
Unknown said…
it is both creepy and cool!
amazing pics really...
Beth said…
The pictures are a mix of creepy and cool. Just for the fun of it, I think I'm going to stand in some of those poses.
Kristina P. said…
I think they are awesome! And I don't love Kiera.
Kim said…
There's a bit of eroticism to them that makes me feel uncomfortable—these images seem based more from the book Wicked than from the original story. I like my Wizard of Oz to remain an innocent children's story.

The dark colors of these photographs give them a sinister feel, rather than the happy associations we have from the brilliant Technicolor of the movie.

That said, they are beautifully stylized and very interesting.
Polka Dot Moon said…
I like it but am a wee bit scared! And those flying monkeys; which I find really creepy; remind me of a "Gargoyle" movie I saw many, many, years ago!!
Ter said…
I musta seen the title for this blog post before I left the house to go to the farmer's market. I was on my way there and the song was stuck in my head and I couldn't figure out how it got there. lol. (and it's really, really, really annoying, so thank you very much! LOL )

Well, I find the whole OZ thing creepy, the movie creeped me out, I don't think I ever say the entire movie because it's too creepy.

and now they're doing a version with Keira Knightley? Why?!
Anonymous said…
I thought those were cool.

Have fun!

PS Thank you for leaving a very kind comment on my behalf over at La Dolce Vita!
LadyStyx said…
And yet another total miscasting of a very well known character. Won't even go into the fact that most of those shots don't even LOOK believable enough! That first picture looks like they're simply strolling to the storm cellar when they should be running in a panic. The only thing with a decent amount of movement in that pic (other than the hair and clothing) is the dog. Then there's the monkey one where there's NO movement of her skirt and minimal movement of her hair, yet she's being transported through the air...

And can someone PLEASE tell me why they had to pick someone so skeletal? She's supposed to be a girl from Kansas who lives on a farm.... get someone with a bit more meat on her bones!

*gets off soapbox and leaves, muttering, off to the next blog*
Liz Mays said…
It's creepy but I think that's probably the intent?
Cajoh said…
Well, that's Vogue for you… always wanting to look "artsy". I think Dorothy should not look that old (makes you wonder why she stayed at home in the first place).
I have a subscription to Vogue. I remember that layout. I like it, but I think OZ is inherently creepy.
Queenie Jeannie said…

Love your wordle though! Everyone has such cool ones every week!!! (except me!)
Anonymous said…
that's find it a bit creepy..but also a bit cool...
♥ Noelle ♥ said…
kinda creepy but i'd love to see it!!!
A bit less less creepy than the original, but still admittedly a little scary (flying monkeys are terrifying, no?), yet also very cool (and chic) at the same time!

Wishing you a beautiful Sunday, my dear!
♥ Jessica
Jan said…
I still like the original better. Except for the flying monkey's. Both are seriously creepy.
Dapoppins said…
I am going with creepy, and kiera looks like a statue most of the time.
kado! said…
OZ...has always creeped me out...I think it's because I'm totally scared of "little-people"

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