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Time Flies When You're (Not) Having Fun...Chilly Update #2

(from Young Frankenstein...a family favorite)

Just wanted to quickly update Chilly's condition....

He's still in the hospital. He's out of ICU and in a step down unit. We are now dealing with brain swelling that is causing him pretty severe nausea and vertigo. He is unable to keep food down with any success.

On the upside, his kidney function is much improved. His blood sugars seem to be in control. Those are steps in the right direction.

His heart function is still poor. The doctors are watching him very closely, but are unable to run tests because of the extreme nausea. Those will come later.

It's going to be a very long road to rehabilitation. Chilly's stroke was in the cerebellum so his motor skills on the left side were impacted. He's unable to walk right now. He has facial numbness on the left side. He suffers from some pretty severe tremors all along his left side. His left arm is a bit wonky. He is lucky in that he does not have any facial drift (drooping) and his speech is still good. His mental abilities are still ok as well. He does get a bit confused, but that's not unusual for this type of stroke. I still don't know when he will be able to come home.

I can barely breathe when I think about how this is making my wee ones feel. The nurses and doctors have been amazing in trying to keep their spirits up when they are allowed to come for short visits to see their dad. When Catherine walked in yesterday wearing a "My Dad is My Hero" shirt, there wasn't a dry eye in the hospital.

I cannot thank you enough for your continued prayers and kind words. When I check my email and read the comments and letters from everyone, it truly uplifts my soul. It gives me the energy to keep moving forward. It helps my children to know that so many people are praying for their dad. I'm holding on to my faith and know whatever the outcome, my family is very lucky to be surrounded with so much love and we will get through this.
Thank you for sharing your love with my family.

Will update again when I know more. I'm off to the hospital to see what excitement Chilly has in store for me today.

With Love,


Bobby G said…
Oh Bee, this is so awful...I cant express enough sympathy for you and you family in this time of need! Love you girl!!!!
Jules AF said…
Oh my goodness. I missed all of this. I am so sorry! But I'm so happy that his speech is okay! Ataxia wouldn't be fun to deal with on top of all this. I'll pray for you.
Cammie said…
still thinking about you!
Liz Mays said…
Make sure you're taking care of yourself as you're taking care of Chilly. Ok? I am continuing to pray every day and I think of your family all the time.

So much love and hugs from my place to yours.
Unknown said…
We will continue to keep you all in our prayers! I hope this week brings you some reduction in that swelling and some more improvements. Hang in there and give your kiddos a big hug from our family.
Alyssa said…
Sending you guys hundreds of hugs! Why does crap like this happen? It's just not fair.
Jillene said…
Oh Dawn!! I am so sorry that your family is going through this. You will all continue to be in my prayers!!
Randi Troxell said…
i'm so glad he's doing a bit better... chilly will stay in my prayers.. promise... so will you and your little ones for strength, courage, and comfort...
Tracy said…
lots and lots of love to you and your family!!!
baby bee
Kelly said…
I have had you on my mind so much. Keep on keeping on Dawn!
Caitlin said…
Thanks for the update, sweets. Still thinking about you & the family.
My heart is broken for your family, but I know you are strong.

I love you, Dawn.

always praying and thinking of you.

Kristina P. said…
Dawn, I have been praying for your family!
Heather said…
You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Polka Dot Moon said…
You are one strong Chica! Lots of prayers and good vibes I'm sending your way!!
Tim Atkinson said…
Here's hoping that the improvements keep happening. Thinking of you all...
aurora said…
Thank you for updating us on Chilly's condition.
I am so glad that his mental abilities and speech are good. That would add a whole other element of awful to his condition.
You are all in my prayers.
I think your kids should have a "my mom is my hero" shirt, too.
Kathy B! said…
I'm glad that he's got his speech so that you all can communicate somewhat normally. That has to help the kids at least a little.

Stay strong, Dawn. I'm amazed at the strength that shines through in your writing. I'm sure you're digging to the very core of your being to find it, but you are an inspiration.
LadyStyx said…
*HUGZ* Wish there was more I could say.
The Blonde Duck said…
I'm so sorry Dawn. I'm thinking about you.
Amy said…
As promised...keeping you and your family close in thought.
Mother Mayhem said…
Still praying! Still hugging too! :o)
stephilinn said…
Just wanted to say I love you!
Kristen Andrews said…
I am so sorry Dawn and think of you guys often, sending a big hug and a prayer!
LORI said…
Anonymous said…
Ya'll are in my prayers! *hugs*
Eve said…
Still praying... keep hanging in there!

I wish I could think of something better to say, but I'm sure that there are no words to make this hurt less. I know you all will get through it though and come out on the other end even stronger!
Trina Y. said…
keeping your family in my thoughts
Oh honey, hang in there!!! You are so fabulous!! You can do it!!
Hugs and prayers! I am sorry your family is going through this.
The Mrs. said…
Is there anything we can do for you? PLease tell us.
Anonymous said…
Oh Dawn...that made me tear up. Will continue our prayers for Chilly and Fam. Big hugs...

Jamie :)
The Motherboard said…
I've been thinking about you today, and I wanted you to know that, and also that I have been praying for you.

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