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Prayers Needed for Chilly

Hi Everyone...

Chilly is in the hospital this evening in Intensive Care. It appears that he has suffered another heart attack. They are still waiting for tests to come back. He is having some emergency procedures done first thing in the morning as his blood sugars were too high today to do them safely. His bypass grafts may be failing, and he is probably suffering from heart failure as a result. I won't have any clear answers until morning.

I would be most grateful for any prayers you could share with my family...especially for my children. Please excuse any typos or poor grammar as I have to type this with one hand because of the broken middle finger. Chilly was very amused that it's "that" finger, of course. He laughs every time he looks at it. At least it made him smile today...maybe that's why I broke it....for his amusement while in the hospital...anything for my sweet Chilly!

I will post again when I have more information. Thanks in advance for all of your very kind love and support.




Ashley said…
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family!
&&Your dear middle finger ;)
Oh Sweetie- I am saying prayers over here for your sweet Chilly! Please keep us posted... Lori
Kristina P. said…
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. Lots and lots of prayers coming your way.
Beth said…
I'm praying...

And I'll keep praying...
Anonymous said…
Oh no! I'm so sorry! ((((Hugs))))
Unknown said…
Oh honey, we will so be praying for Chilly and you and your family, today and every day. Hang in there tough lady!
Kelly said…
Oh Dawn! I will pray for you, Chilly and your children. Keep your chin up sweetie!
Anonymous said…
Definitely praying for you both!!!!
Sending lots of hugs and PRAYERS your way! Please..keep us posted, the best you can!
Mama Dawg said…
My thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your family today.
Polka Dot Moon said…
Prayers for Chilly, you and your kiddos.
Liz Mays said…
DAWN! NO! This is not what I wanted to hear! I will pray, pray, and pray some more.

Love you!
Jan said…
Sorry about this. Nothing is more worrisome than these situations. I hope a quick recovery for Chilly.
Caitlin said…
We're all pulling for Chilly. Lots of prayers are being sent your family's way. Love you lots!
Jess said…
Prayers are with you and Chilly!! Keeping fingers crossed too...and I did a little dance. Dancing helps.
Kat said…
Sending thoughts and prayers your way.
The Rambler said…
Will most definitely keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!!!

DiPaola Momma said…
No WAY! Oh sweetie things were going so good. I'll FOR SURE be praying like crazy for him, you and the kiddos. I've already contacted our church and asked for Chilly to be inclueded at the prayer mass this morning. HUGS and support!
Amy said…
I am so sorry! You are in my prayers!
Jillene said…
Oh Dawn!! I am SO sorry!! TONS and TONS of prayers coming your way!!
Randi Troxell said…
oh honey... you and your fabulous family will so be in my prayers and thoughts... stay strong dear...
Ter said…

I hope everything will be okay!! Go. Spend time with your guy. Don't worry about us here in bloggyville.

Don't forget to take care of yourself too.

Best wishes for recovery.
Alyssa said…
Oh no! I'm so sorry!
I'll definitely be praying for you 2 and the kiddos.
Badass Geek said…
I hope all is well. You'll be in my thoughts.
Deb said…
oh dawn... i am so sorry. i will pray for you and the kiddos. stay strong and keep us updated as you can.
Kim said…
I am so, so sorry to hear this and YES, I am putting you and your dear family on my prayer list right now. Hang in there, Dawn.
Dawn...I am so sorry!

Praying, and sending lots of hugs your way.

I love you and your family

Michele said…
You're in our thoughts and prayers!
Anonymous said…
Keeping you and your fam in our thoughts and payers Dawn...tell that Chilly to get better soon!! And that finger, haha...glad he has something to laugh at ;-)

Jamie :)
beckylbranch said…
Oh no! I will be praying for Chilly as well and the kids!!!
LadyStyx said…
Oh dear. *HUGZ* Praying he gets better soon!
Ally said…
I'm so sorry, Dawn. :-(

My thoughts and prayers and love are with you all.

Amy said…
Oh, My Dear. I am not a praying person, but I do promise you this: that I will keep you and your family close in thought and wish the very best wishes for you all.

My first wish for you is peace. There will be many others, I promise.
blognut said…
I'm so sorry - hang in there, my friend.

Tom said…
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he makes a quick recovery. I'll keep you all in my prayers.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
you guys are so in our prayers! and don't flip the poor man off...
LORI said…
Shannon said…
Definitely sending thoughts and prayers your way...

Get better soon, Chilly!
Debbie said…
I am certainly keeping your family in my prayers. Please keep us updated as you can.
Liz Mays said…
I've been praying and thinking and worrying and praying...I hope everything is ok over there, sweetie.
The Blonde Duck said…
I'm so sorry Dawn. I'll e-mail some stories to cheer Cat up.
Cygnus MacLlyr said…
Always, My Lady Dawn, woman...
The Motherboard said…
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! You are ALL in my prayers.
Just had to stop by and let you know that I am sending a lot of prayers your way!! :}

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