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Monday Musings....My Thirteenth Tale

Thirteen years ago today, I was awakened at 3:00 am by both of my grandmothers pestering me in a dream. They were insisting that I get out of bed and go straight to the ladies room…IMMEDIATELY…They kept telling me that my brand new mattress was about to be horribly ruined if I didn’t get up RIGHT NOW. Annoyed that my dream~visiting grandmothers wouldn’t leave me alone, I got up, went to the bathroom and my water broke...hand to God..true story...(Thanks for the heads up on the mattress, Grandmas!)
Fast forward twelve hours to 3:30 pm…I’m ready to have my baby and BAM! The power goes out in 10 states! No kidding! Uh, hello!? What happened to that nice epidural drip!? Ahhh, thank you, generator, for turning my epidural drip back on! Finally, straight up at 5:00 pm, my first child was born.
I'd like to thank the hospital for having a soda fountain right outside my room...this kept Chilly entertained all through my labor (as well as his thirst quenched.) There's nothing like the sound of someone filling up with ice and soda to make your labor go more smoothly...especially when you're at the point where you can't have any more liquids.
I'd also like to thank Chilly for ditching me the minute he saw the needle used for the epidural. Yep, he ran out of the room (probably to the soda fountain.) I can finally laugh about it, only took me thirteen years to see the humor.
Connor’s first few years were filled with many health challenges. Someday I’ll share that story. Today, however, is for celebrating because my son is now a teenager!
I am truly excited for him! (and a wee bit wistful too.) Connor is a kind, compassionate young man. He’s very smart and has a wicked sense of humor! He wants to pursue a career in medicine (specifically cardiology.) I have no doubt he will achieve that goal! He’s an old soul!
As I reflect on the past 13 years, I am filled with memories laced with Legos, Buzz Lightyear, Star Wars, video games, and a Monopoly obsession. He has developed great taste in music and can rock his guitar like a pro. He makes me laugh every day with his crazy sense of humor. He's also a top-notch zombie assassin. I love to annoy him with my "awesome" singing when we play Rock Band together.
Happy Birthday, awesome kid of mine! I’m so proud to be your mother. You are my greatest teacher, and I love you with my whole heart. Here’s wishing you a fantastic thirteenth year! You rock!

Happy Birthday, Teen Caveboy!


Kristina P. said…

Happy birthday to your boy!
Amy said…
Such a good post and what a proud momma!

Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Connor!

It's funny I wrote a post today about my grandmother coming to me in dreams.
Anonymous said…
Great labor story! And yay for pictures!!

Happy Birthday to your son!
Jillene said…
Love the pics!! Happy Birthday to your handsome son!!
Jan said…
So sweet. Happy Birthday to the new teen. Watch out Bee... No, he will be fine.
Crazee Juls said…
Aww! Happy Birthday Teen Caveboy. What a handsome guy he is. 13 is my lucky number :). My Maeci turns 13 in about a month... so surreal.
Kathy B! said…

And if the lights went out when I was in labor I would've convinced myself it was some sort of crazy harbinger of doom and totally freaked. Every time I went into labor I got really irrational...
Kathy B! said…
And of course...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful son!

May the teen years be smooth flowing and uneventful for you both ; )
The Blonde Duck said…
Happy birthday to your lovely son!
Trina Y. said…
What a great post! I can't believe how time flies!!!!!
So great you added all those photos! Thanks for sharing and

Caitlin said…
That's a great story! Happy birthday to your teen caveboy!
Jenners said…
Love love love the photos!!!

love that your grandmas helped keep your mattress clean! (They must have been really great housekeepers to band together and send you that dream!)

Fun post ... love seeing him "grow up."
Jenners said…
Love love love the photos!!!

love that your grandmas helped keep your mattress clean! (They must have been really great housekeepers to band together and send you that dream!)

Fun post ... love seeing him "grow up."
Jess said…
Awe! Happy happy birthday from the blog farty lady!!
stephilinn said…
Oh Cono! How you've grown into such a handsome young man! It brings tears to my eyes....NOT! Just kidding! Hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday and I so wish we could be there to celebrate you becoming a teen! Grow a mustache and freak your mom out! Love you kiddo! Aunt OOOOOOO!
Such a special story...thank you for sharing the moments of humour, joy, stress and anticipation that filled you on this day 13 years ago.

Tons of happy birthday wishes to your son, and just as many happy birth day blessings to you, too, sweetie!

Big hugs,
♥ Jessica
Tom said…
That's kind of frightening how kids can grow up so fast. I wish I could still keep growing like that each year instead of just getting older. Happy Birthday!
Kelly said…
I love the story about your mattress being saved.

So sad that kids have to grow up isn't it? Glad you have such a nice one though!

Anonymous said…
What a sweet post Dawn! Happy birthday to Teen Caveboy.

Jamie :)
Polka Dot Moon said…
LOVE the pictures!

Happy Birthday to Connor and you to mom! You give meaning to the word "birth"day ;)
YAY! Love the pictures! Happy Birthday Tween Caveboy!
The Mrs. said…
What a story! Came into the world with a bang!!!
kado! said…
What a fun all the pics!

Happy B-day!!!!
Randi Troxell said…
wonderful post and happy birthday conner!!!!!!
Liz Mays said…
Happy Birthday to your very handsome son!
LadyStyx said…
Happy Birthday. Ok, so I'm a day late...yesterday was my "Unplug the 'Net Day"...kinda like that power outage.
Alexis AKA MOM said…
Happy belated Teen Caveboy! I'm loving your mom's post to you!

Ok chilly really running out of the room and the fountain, that just is not cool dude ... LOL :)

Gorgeous family pictures my dear!
Happy Birthday Connor!

I know you are a great deserve a wonderful birth-day!

Sending best wishes from Ontario!!
Michelle said…
Aww, happy birthday to him! I can't imagine the power going out in the middle of labor, but ummm what an adrenaline rush waiting for the generator to kick in. Wheee! But wow, great Grandmas. They must have loved you a TON! Or been really clean people.
I'm a little late, but just wanted to wish a happy birthday! The Teen Years are officially here (although I think nowadays they seem to come earlier at like 7)
Mrs4444 said…
What a great looking kid. Happy Belated Birthday, CaveBoy!!
Mother Mayhem said…
Belated happy birthday wishes! :o)

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