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Did You Know Tuesday: Causes & Celebrations!

It's Tuesday! At the Bee and Rose that means it's time for "Did You Know?"...bits of this and that from my cluttered mind. (cluttered...not dirty...sorry, Chilly...)

And we're off...(it's short and sweet today!)

Did You Know...

that the ever fabulous DiPaola Momma over at Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom has the chance to get her lovely face on a box of Honeynut Cheerios?? Isn't that cool?! She has a fantastic opportunity to help fight hunger in our communities through an awesome campaign via ShopRite. ShopRite has created “Blog It Forward To Fight Hunger” to get people involved in the fight against hunger through blogging. All she needs is a bit of comment lovin'! How easy is that?! Go HERE for more exciting details!

Did You Know....that by visiting this awesome blogger...

you can help a family in need today? Just click on the picture and it will take you right over. I will be over there today bidding on items in a wonderful auction that Shannon has set up to help support the McCulley family. Shannon shares their story (very powerful and moving) over there as well. If you have a moment, I hope you can visit. I know what Kori McCulley is going through as our stories are very similar. Hope to see ya there!

Did you know....

that my little fairy has been dubbed "Fairy Princess of the Midsummer's Night Dream Ball"?! She was honored by Queen Bitty herself (and the darling Bear too!) to announce the Princesses of the ball and to share a special Fairy jig! We would be ever so delighted if you clicked on this magical portal to share in our special day over at A Duck In Her Pond!

(magic me!)

You will absolutely adore Duckie and her many tales of wonder! She is a spinner of tales and magical enchantments! (not to mention mouth~watering recipes!) Grab your fairy wands and wings and fly on over to the Ball!

Did You Know...

that Teen Caveboy was blown away by all the very kind birthday wishes? Did you know I was blown away that he removed his photo moratorium so I could actually post his photo on my blog? (Click here if you want to see the family photos with Teen Caveboy.) Did you also know that I can't believe I am now the mother of a TEENAGER!?

Did You Know...

Happy Tuesday to you!



Kristina P. said…
I love The Blonde Duck's blog! Happy Tuesday!
Deb said…
this is great! that auction for kori and her family is incredible. the blogging community is pretty amazing.

loved the photos of teen caveboy. he's adorable, but don't tell him i said that!!
The Rambler said…
Love Chicken Nuggest of Wisdom and left my comment. Duckie is also great so I'll go check out what's going on over there too.

Hauoli La Hanau to your teen caveboy!!
Anonymous said…
How fun is she was on the Honey Nut Cheerios box, tee hee! And how fun about your fairy princess ;-)

Jamie :)
The Blonde Duck said…
I'm so glad Cat had a good time at the blog and enjoyed her solo. :)
Jillene said…
I read the Blonde Duck's post today!! Yay for Cat!!
Liz Mays said…
I saw your little Princess over there and was tickled pink for her!
Grand Pooba said…
I didn't think anyone elses face was aloud on a box of honey nut cheerios other than the bee!

Congrats to your darling princess!
LadyStyx said…
What a handsome young man. Kudos for choosing an awesome career path.
Annie said…
I like your "Did you know" Tuesdays. Fun stuff.
Anonymous said…
Oh how cute! I love the Blonde Duck!

I want my face on a cereal box. How cool is that?
Kathy B! said…
I love that Teen Caveboy was so touched!! That's awesome. And makes him a pretty well adjusted young caveman, imho :)
Alexis AKA MOM said…
You crack me up my dear! I love the did you knows! I'm feeling up to date! Muah, miss ya too!
Eve said…
There is just so much great info included here, where oh where do I start?

Congratulations on your little fairy princess - I will definitely go check that out. And Happy Birthday to your son as well! I just took a spin through the family photos in the previous post and they are all so wonderful!
stephilinn said…
Oh Cat! You rocked it over at the duck pond! You were my favorite! What a great story! Love you so much! Aunt OOOOO
Did you know..that you crack me up! I always love reading your blog!

Happy Tuesday (on Wednesday...because I'm always late)
Queenie Jeannie said…
YOU are so adorable!! Love this!
I saw you were bidding over at the auction. I bid on way too many items. Good luck!
Jenni said…
I did NOT know!
Gotta go check out these blogs!
Amy said…
My Snotty would think that Caveboy is a "hotty." Let's keep them far apart, shall we?!
Magdalena said…
Wow, I am heading over to the auction to help a family in need..thanks so much for telling us such great did you knows!!
Did you know, I always greatly enjoy your did you know posts? :D It's true! :)

Wishing you a beautiful Wednesday!
♥ Jessica
Caitlin said…
Happy Tuesday! This didn't show up in my feed, dang it! So technically it is a happy Wednesday! :D
JennyMac said…
Now I know! I will check out the cereal box cool! And adorable pic of your little Fairy Princess.
nikkicrumpet said…
I didn't I'm glad you filled me in!
thais said…
wow, so many interesting things... thx :))
spacewhino said…
Talk about a fun-filled life! I looked at the pics of the midsummer night's ball, an dI have to say that there couldn't have been a better place to hold such a wondrous event. The place looked magical, like straight out of Shakespeare's imagination when he wrote it. And Duckie looked so irresistible and adorable with that tiny crown on her pretty little head!
LORI said…
The Blonde Duck said…
Is your mom in town? How fun!
i feel like you know do you know what i should cook for dinner?? please?
Kristen Andrews said…
your posts are always fun, did you see my necklace in the auction
Mammatalk said…
You've highlighted some great blogs here. Off to visit....

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